Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump

It’s up to the OP to get the thread going wh some opinion or analysis........

Its up to you to kiss my ass and fuck off. I don't need to explain myself you some sniveling punk ass faggot like you.

Sure thing Mr. Russian Bot. How many rubles do you get paid to spew trash?
The TRUTH of the OP is proven by the fact that not ONE Democrat here bothered to comment on the substance. They all fell into their usual propaganda bullshit which proved them to be liars as well

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Where do you want to start?

Laura Ingraham dissects Democrats' impeachment 'lies,' says Biden doesn't deserve 'free pass' from Ukraine scrutiny

"The host then outlined a number of lies she accused Democrats of pushing.

"'The facts are settled,' Ingraham said was the first lie, which she called 'ludicrous.'

"'This has been an open, above-board and totally fair process,' Ingraham said was another lie, disputing Democrats' claims that Republicans' concerns were given consideration during the hearings on Capitol Hill.

"She dismissed the claim that 'Trump used Ukrainian aid for political leverage,' calling it 'ridiculous.'

"The notion that 'Trump actively sought' election meddling was also without merit, she said."

No specific lies are divulged, only opinions from a partisan talking head on a cable news program, FOX.

No specific lies are divulged, only opinions from a partisan talking head on a cable news program, FOX.
It is hard to believe college educated conservatives are falling into lockstep behind a gold plated lifelong Democrat like Trump:

Donald Trump told the 'lie of the year' - CNNPolitics

"Remember that the heart of the whistleblower complaint was the July 25 call -- and a belief that Trump was using his powers as president to further his personal and political interests.

"Which, according to the transcript of the call the White House released in September, is what happened. To revisit:
1) Trump tells Zelensky that the US does a lot for Ukraine.
2) Trump reminds Zelensky that Ukraine doesn't reciprocate.
3) Trump asks Zelensky for a favor: to look into a debunked conspiracy theory that the hacked Democratic National Committee server is in Ukraine.
4) Trump asks Zelensky to look into Joe and Hunter Biden.

"Now, you can debate whether that's an impeachable offense. Hell, you can even debate whether it's wrong -- although that debate seems a lot harder for me to see both sides of.

"But even so, it's impossible to dispute that what the whistleblower said in terms of the nature and content of the call was accurate in virtually every way."
DEMOCRATS: "Trump, his family, and his team illegally colluded with Russians'.

  • 2012: President Obama is caught telling Putin-puppet Medvedev that he will be more flexible after re-election.

  • 2014: The Obama administration / Obama facilitated the sale of US uranium that ended up in Putin's hands.
- Then FBI Director Robert Mueller hid Russian crimes of extortion, blackmail, bribery, & violence associated w/the uranium effort

- US AG Eric Holder and Sect of State Hillary Clinton withheld from the committee responsible for deciding if the uranium deal would be allowed the information about the on-going connected Russian crimes.

- The Russian leading the Russian KGB Bank's effort to secure the purchase of US Uranium 'donates' MILLIONS to the Clinton Foundation (nothing to see here...move along)
  • 2014: Obama denies the Ukraine lethal military aid needed to defend itself from Russian invasion (- Obama GIVES Putin Crimea)

  • 2014: Obama learns of Russian activities in the US:
- Attempts to hack into the US power grid
- Successfully using a Counter-Intelligence Operation using US social media: Russia gets snowflakes to organize and even march for them
- Russia successfully gets Socialist Democrat groups (Antifa, The Black Fist, & Black Lives Matter) to eagerly take Russian money to initiate and sustain racial division and violence in the US. (Baltimore, for example, burned because Antifa & BLM took money from Russia to make sure it did.)
- Obama's own administration officials publicly admitted 'we choked', failing to do what was needed to stop the Russian operations in the US

  • 2016
- Hillary Clinton and the DNC jointly stack the deck in her favor in the DNC's Primaries: DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile publicly admitted the DNC helped Hillary cheat in Primary debates, funneled political donations meant for other Democrats in other races to Hillary Clinton...
---- At the same time Pakistanis spies hired by the Democrats (after having broken the law by NOT giving them simple background checks) illegally access US House of Representative servers AND CLASSIFIED FILES/INFORMATION...and also 'hacked' into the DNC's e-mail system, giving them access to all Democrat Party DNC e-mails. Chairwoman DWS was found to have re-hired the Awans after they were caught illegally accessing House files and being banned from the House - DWS gave Awan access to the DNC server, usernames, and passwords for Democrats. Soon after Democrat e-mails were leaked, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content AND evidence the Democrats had acted to alter the 2016 election to ensure Hillary was the candidate. The Democrats, as always, switched to LYING Damage Control Mode, falsely claiming the Russians had hacked the DNC's server - despite their refusal to allow the FBI to have the server to verify their claim - and falsely claimed Donald Trump was illegally colluding with them.

- Evidence proves Obama directed his Agency Directors to use every possible means to spy on / collect data on Trump (according to NSA Director Clapper) to prevent Trump from winning the election...and then to take him down.

- Hillary Clinton, among her other proven crimes, paid a known partisan, Trump-hating, foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence documents she and the Obama administration used to alter the 2016 election.

- According to the US IG, the FISA Court, FBI testimony, official docs, etc...: The FBI willfully, knowingly worked with and used known false / unsubstantiated Russian-authored Counter Intel from a foreign Intel source they KNEW to be untrustworthy to initiate an illegally investigation begun through the illegal acquisition of FISA Court Warrants obtained through FISA Court ABUSES, consisting of false statements, altered official documents, and withholding key information
-- Deputy US AG and FBI Director Comey, for example, withheld the fact that Carter Page was an OFFICIAL INFORMATION SOURCE for the State Department on the Russians, which is why he had contact with the Russians; however, the FBI withheld this information to push the LIE / False Narrative that Trump and his team were 'colluding' with the Russians....when the only ones who had been / were doing so was the Democrats! The FISA Court's unprecedented rebuke of Rosenstein / Obama's DOJ and Comey / Obama's FBI in which they revealed this and other crimes they committed BURNED THE DEMOCRATS' AND CO-CONSPIRATORS' FALSE NARRATIVE THEY HAVE BEEN PUSHING FOR 3 YEARS TO THE GROUND!

Despite Obama's, Hillary's, the criminal Obama Agency Directors', and the lying Left Fake News claims that Trump Jr's meeting with a Russian Lawyer was an example of 'illegal Russian Collusion, the entire meeting was exposed as a failed attempt to set-up Trump Jr.
-- The Russian Lawyer had been banned from entering the United States - the only reason she was in the US for the meeting was because OBAMA HIMSEL OVERRODE his own administration's ban to get her into the country - THE ONLY REASON THE MEETING TOOK PLACE WAS BECAUSE BARRY PERSONALLY MADE IT HAPPEN.
-- Before and after the meeting the Russian Lawyer met with the Infamous Fusion GPS.
-- Before the meeting took place the FBI had already bugged the place.
-- Obama's own personal CIA Russian interpreter was somehow in the room for the meeting.
The meeting lasted no longer than 15 minutes. Trump Jr stated when he found out the meeting had nothing to do with adoptions he texted his secretary ordering her to call him so he could use the call as an excuse to leave...which she / he did. This FACT was verified by phone records. Both the Russian lawyer and Trump Jr stated NO INFORMATION EXCHANGED HANDS.

The Democrats and snowflakes want people to believe that a short meeting between a Russian Lawyer that had been banned from entering the US and Trump Jr - a meeting only made possible by Obama himself - during which time no information exchanged hands is somehow supposed to be 'Illegal Russian Collusion' but Hillary Clinton paying a foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda and the Obama administration criminals using that information to commit FISA Court abuses to illegally investigate / spy on Trump and his team was NOT 'Illegal Collusion' with Russians and was perfectly ok.

The US IG, FISA Court, US AG, Special Prosecutor, and the majority of Americans are not as willingly ignorant / gullible as snowflakes, which is why the majority of Americans opposed this Impeachment last night.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Nancy Pelosi: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Adam Schiff: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

CNN: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

MSNBC: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Reality: 14-year-old boy gets brutally attacked just for wearing a MAGA hat
Fox has become America's Pravda, a tool of the state and not a news organization.

CDZ - Russian Troll Talks

"The politics of fear makes it unlikely that any GOP member of the Senate will vote to convict the President. Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake told National Public Radio in September that at least 35 Republican Senators would vote to remove Donald Trump if it was a secret ballot, adding, “There’s a lot of fear of what it means to go against the president.”"

Tipping Point -
Nancy Pelosi: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Adam Schiff: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

CNN: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

MSNBC: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Reality: 14-year-old boy gets brutally attacked just for wearing a MAGA hat

In retribution to a vote for impeachment, Trump tells a widow that her husband is in hell
The Shakedown King's corruption has been exposed.

It is the Trumpublican political model for the future of America.
The Shakedown King's corruption has been exposed.

It is the Trumpublican political model for the future of America.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money...." That fucking Trump! er, wait, that was Quid Pro Joe protecting the $1,000,000 annually paid to Hunter
Nancy Pelosi: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Adam Schiff: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

CNN: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

MSNBC: Trump’s rhetoric causes hate!

Reality: 14-year-old boy gets brutally attacked just for wearing a MAGA hat

In retribution to a vote for impeachment, Trump tells a widow that her husband is in hell

So? You mean the scumbag who said Obamacare was there to control the people? Fuck him! He was here to do Satan's work

Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
The ChiComs pushed Pelosi and the dems to impeach Trump. They probably pushed Obama to make US Intel spy on Trump.
There's going to be a LOT of SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY and OVER CROWDED SAFE SPACES next year when the Barr/Durham investigation is completed, and DEMOCRAT DEEP STATE LYING FILTH start going to JAIL.

Poor little demtards, the VAST MAJORITY of Americans KNOW they LIE, KNOW their PROPAGANDA WING LIES, KNOW that their impeachment is a FARCE, KNOW that they have done NOTHING for America other than their APOPLECTIC HATE and UNHINGED LYING and CORRUPTION to UNSEAT A DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT, and they're going to get their asses KICKED TO THE CURB next November.

As big a CIRCLE JERK as the little BRAIN WASHED DEMTRASH have here that post all their links to their LYING, FAKE NEWS, DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, they're still LOSERS. Americans are still SICK OF THEM, and Americans are GOING to REJECT them and their FILTY, CORRUPT, LYING BULL SHIT come next year.

It is NOT a good time to be an ASS CLOWN democrat. These people are the GARBAGE of the WORLD, no matter where they're at, they are the GARBAGE of the WORLD.
Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

There is no requirement of a specific crime for an impeachment. But the reality is that "abuse of power" covers a wide range of illegal and impeachable activity: witness intimmidation, bribery, extortion, dangling pardons, defying court orders, abusing the public purse to enrich himself (billing the Treasury for rooms, meals, and golf cart rentals for the Presidents' SS and staff). I would also be very curious to find out how much the Treasury paid for the requisite "security and communications upgrades" at Trump's East Coast resorts.

The President's holding up of military aid to the Ukraine was illegal. Congress passed a law after Nixon left office which said that one the aid has been passed by Congress, and all of the conditions have been met, a President cannot hold up aid. The OMB had received all certifications as to fighting corruption in April, so the President had NO excuse to hold up aid, and what he did was illegal.

Not to mention he keeps inviting foreign interference in the elections, told the Russians he didn't care about their election meddling, has pressured the Ukraine to intervene, and asked China to do the same.

Then there's campaign finance violations (for which Michael Cohen is in prison), where the President is named as an "unindicted co-conspirator". In fact, enough of Trump's staffers are in jail for illegal things they did at the President's behest, that Trump could be tried on RICO violations.

And that's just the short list. The list of Trump's indictable crimes is long and disgusting. I could go on for pages and pages just listing the frauds, the lies, money laundering, and the financial scams this President has pulled off.
Really? Well then why don't you go through what she said in the video, one by one, and point out to everyone anything she said WRONG.

Go ahead... I'd love to hear you refute ANYTHING she said.

It real easy to come into these threads and just spew your dumbass brain dead leftard trolling bull shit. It's another thing to BACK IT UP.

Now back it up, or STFU... idiot.

You know that these Nazi Democrats are scared of facts
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

92 countries receive foreign aid from the US. Many of them are far more corrupt than Ukraine. Trump did not hold up aid to any of them or ask them to investigate corruption. In fact, the leader of Israel is under indictment, yet Trump STILL did not hold up the $3 billion he sent to that crook.

Trump only held up aid to Ukraine, and only targeted a very specific company which had a connect to his main political rival.

You have to be a very special retard to not see this abuse of power for personal political gain for exactly what it is.

Rudy Giuliani is under investigation for his criminal activities in Ukraine.

When is Trump going to call Zelensky and ask him to help investigate Rudy?


Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot

Ahhh, name calling . Typical when you call out Trumpers to back up their bullshit .
What specific law did Trump break? If you can't answer that, the entire impeachment is a lie.

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
Please try again. Why didn't Obama help Ukraine? Anyway they got the help without giving Trump anything. Now Biden actually threatened them if they didn't comply. So in your own words, Biden should drop out of the race.

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