Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump

Never in the history of America has there been one party that has sunk into such a hell hole of lies, corruption and fascist rules for radicals tactics. The whole of the democrat tribe is trash, and next November they're going to pay for their unhinged lying, abuse of power and corruption.

As I've said many, many times now here for years, democrats are the party of trash, and it has never been more true than it is right now. The entire democrat party should be classified as an anti American terrorist organization.
Why don't you brain dead Democrats watch the video. The lefts is full of lying, cheating, petulant, unpatriotic morons who are throwing a huge temper tantrum, just like they did when they were zit faced hippies in college. Some of us grow up...those that don't are Democrats.

It’s up to the OP to get the thread going wh some opinion or analysis. Not just post a vid to some well know hack .
The TRUTH of the OP is proven by the fact that not ONE Democrat here bothered to comment on the substance. They all fell into their usual propaganda bullshit which proved them to be liars as well

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Never in the history of America has there been one party that has sunk into such a hell hole of lies, corruption and fascist rules for radicals tactics. The whole of the democrat tribe is trash, and next November they're going to pay for their unhinged lying, abuse of power and corruption.

As I've said many, many times now here for years, democrats are the party of trash, and it has never been more true than it is right now. The entire democrat party should be classified as an anti American terrorist organization.

You are correct sir. The Democrats embody all that is evil. They murder babies, they are sodomites, they are socialists... ...the party of JFK and Harry Truman is dead and long gone. Today's Dems are just Nazis on the inside
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Laura is a bad actor and is an opinion commentator, nothing else.

Really? Well then why don't you go through what she said in the video, one by one, and point out to everyone anything she said WRONG.

Go ahead... I'd love to hear you refute ANYTHING she said.

It real easy to come into these threads and just spew your dumbass brain dead leftard trolling bull shit. It's another thing to BACK IT UP.

Now back it up, or STFU... idiot.
The Impeachment ceremony has gotten out of hand with a fountain of French Champlain. Don Perion?
How likely is it the pathological liar-in-chief will testify in his own defense?
Maybe Laura knows?

In fact YOU are the liar, not Trump
In fact YOU are the liar, not Trump
Trump is a liar without parallel.
You really need to face reality.

Donald Trump told the 'lie of the year' - CNNPolitics

"Every year, the fact-checking service PolitiFact picks the biggest whopper told by a politician.

"This isn't the standard-issue deception or misleading statement; this is a lie that has implications well beyond just the lack of truth.

"This is a lie for the ages..."

"Past winners for lie of the year include 2018's online efforts to discredit the gun control activism of students of Parkland, Florida and Barack Obama's false pledge in 2013 that 'if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.'

"This year's biggest lie? President Donald Trump's repeated assertions that the Ukraine whistleblower got the story about his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky all wrong."
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Laura is a bad actor and is an opinion commentator, nothing else.

Really? Well then why don't you go through what she said in the video, one by one, and point out to everyone anything she said WRONG.

Go ahead... I'd love to hear you refute ANYTHING she said.

It real easy to come into these threads and just spew your dumbass brain dead leftard trolling bull shit. It's another thing to BACK IT UP.

Now back it up, or STFU... idiot.

Fine . “The facts aren’t in dispute”. This is true . Trump admits to the “perfect call” and he totally screwed with the investigation.
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

The only liars in Congress yesterday were the Republicans. TRUMP CONFESSED, AS DID MULVANEY. You fools keep forgetting that, or at least trying to convince others. Sondland confirmed every sleazy aspect to the whole mess, as has Rudy Guliani. Rudy Guliani just returned from the Ukraine where he continues trying to pressure the Ukrainians into investigating the Bidens.

In regard to the "due process", Republicans tried to call the Whistle Blower, Adam Schiff and Hunter Biden to testify, none of whom had any direct evidence of the President's wrong doing. Republicans called Ambassador Volker and Tim Morrison to testify, and both of their witnesses buried the President.

The President obstructed the investigation at every turn, and stonewalled the investigation. Now Republicans say that the investigation wasnt thorough and that they shouldn't be continuing to call fact witnesses.

The Republican Party just laid down all of the claims to being the party of law and order, and the defender of the Constitution. Watching the Republicans get up and parrot the lies of the Trump White House was truly stomach churning. Their claims that they are protecting future Presidents from partisan impeachments also rang hollow from a party which relentlessly pursued Bill Clinton for 6 1/2 years and impeached him for perjury in a civil trial, because that's the only thing they could find in 6 1/2 years of a special prosecutor's investigation.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the United States of America. As is the Republican Party.
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Lol, tRumplings accusing others of lying is funny and ironic.
The TRUTH of the OP is proven by the fact that not ONE Democrat here bothered to comment on the substance. They all fell into their usual propaganda bullshit which proved them to be liars as well

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Where do you want to start?

Laura Ingraham dissects Democrats' impeachment 'lies,' says Biden doesn't deserve 'free pass' from Ukraine scrutiny

"The host then outlined a number of lies she accused Democrats of pushing.

"'The facts are settled,' Ingraham said was the first lie, which she called 'ludicrous.'

"'This has been an open, above-board and totally fair process,' Ingraham said was another lie, disputing Democrats' claims that Republicans' concerns were given consideration during the hearings on Capitol Hill.

"She dismissed the claim that 'Trump used Ukrainian aid for political leverage,' calling it 'ridiculous.'

"The notion that 'Trump actively sought' election meddling was also without merit, she said."
The TRUTH of the OP is proven by the fact that not ONE Democrat here bothered to comment on the substance. They all fell into their usual propaganda bullshit which proved them to be liars as well

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Where do you want to start?

Laura Ingraham dissects Democrats' impeachment 'lies,' says Biden doesn't deserve 'free pass' from Ukraine scrutiny

"The host then outlined a number of lies she accused Democrats of pushing.

"'The facts are settled,' Ingraham said was the first lie, which she called 'ludicrous.'

"'This has been an open, above-board and totally fair process,' Ingraham said was another lie, disputing Democrats' claims that Republicans' concerns were given consideration during the hearings on Capitol Hill.

"She dismissed the claim that 'Trump used Ukrainian aid for political leverage,' calling it 'ridiculous.'

"The notion that 'Trump actively sought' election meddling was also without merit, she said."

No specific lies are divulged, only opinions from a partisan talking head on a cable news program, FOX.

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