BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

if we're gonna have our hopes - my hope is that in a few years, when it's clear that a vast majority of these 501c4 groups never had any intention of doing anything other than political action that the filers of the false paperwork face fraud charges and personally owe the back taxes.

but that probably won't happen because any prosecution of them will be painted as persecution.

Oh are we slipping back on the meme "They weren't really charitable orgs anyway"? That's already been shown to be bullshit. If it were true they would have had their status stripped or denied, not delayed forever with instrusive questions like what kinds of prayers do you say.
that's the thing - it's impossible for the irs to predict what an organization will do. which means that if they're filing 501c4, they'll pretty much get approved.

what the irs got in trouble for doing was attempting to predict which groups were legitimate organizations that would engage in social welfare or bullshit fronts to engage solely in political action.

do you believe that all those that applied were legitimate?

No, if they are indeed operating illegally they will have their certification yanked. It isnt up to the IRS to determine in advance whether some time down the road they might operate outside of their legal realm.
The IRS got in trouble for singling out groups based on ideology and subjecting them to delays and inappropriate scrutiny. They have apologized for that, btw.
All the oens that were subject to special delays and scrutiny were legitimate, yes.
Oh are we slipping back on the meme "They weren't really charitable orgs anyway"? That's already been shown to be bullshit. If it were true they would have had their status stripped or denied, not delayed forever with instrusive questions like what kinds of prayers do you say.
that's the thing - it's impossible for the irs to predict what an organization will do. which means that if they're filing 501c4, they'll pretty much get approved.

what the irs got in trouble for doing was attempting to predict which groups were legitimate organizations that would engage in social welfare or bullshit fronts to engage solely in political action.

do you believe that all those that applied were legitimate?

No, if they are indeed operating illegally they will have their certification yanked. It isnt up to the IRS to determine in advance whether some time down the road they might operate outside of their legal realm.
The IRS got in trouble for singling out groups based on ideology and subjecting them to delays and inappropriate scrutiny. They have apologized for that, btw.
All the oens that were subject to special delays and scrutiny were legitimate, yes.

Almost makes you wonder why Lerner took the 5th, doesn't it?

I wonder how that fits into that story.

1. A forensic computer team could recover the emails .. assuming a forensic computer team didn't erase said emails, then it boils down to the best forensic team.

2. what actual harm came to the Tea Party?

3. LL is now a civilian.

4. The right always has had a hard on for the IRS since day one, this is their pound of flesh.

5. The IRS won't go away regardless what Learner did or the right does. Deal with it.
1. A forensic computer team could recover the emails .. assuming a forensic computer team didn't erase said emails, then it boils down to the best forensic team.

2. what actual harm came to the Tea Party?

3. LL is now a civilian.

4. The right always has had a hard on for the IRS since day one, this is their pound of flesh.

5. The IRS won't go away regardless what Learner did or the right does. Deal with it.

Why should anyone have to "recover" the emails? By law they had to be backed up. Backed up with paper copies. You had 7 hard drives supposedly "crash"...with nobody recovering data from the tape backup...and nobody creating paper copies. That's negligence so egregious that it borders on the criminal. The IRS knew that Camp was asking questions about the data that was in those 7 computers and yet it's obvious that they were more than happy to have that data disappear.

What actual harm does someone who was unjustly denied the right to vote suffer? The answer to that is is the harm that conservatives suffered because of Lerner's actions.

Does leaving your job make you exempt from punishment for any wrongdoing you did previously? So you can break the law...take the 5th...retire with full benefits and nobody should care? Really?

Everyone has a hard on for the IRS because the IRS has a hard on for everyone! When you treat people like shit then you shouldn't expect sympathy from them when you get your ass caught in a crack.

If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS.
1. A forensic computer team could recover the emails .. assuming a forensic computer team didn't erase said emails, then it boils down to the best forensic team.

2. what actual harm came to the Tea Party?

3. LL is now a civilian.

4. The right always has had a hard on for the IRS since day one, this is their pound of flesh.

5. The IRS won't go away regardless what Learner did or the right does. Deal with it.

Why should anyone have to "recover" the emails? By law they had to be backed up. Backed up with paper copies. You had 7 hard drives supposedly "crash"...with nobody recovering data from the tape backup...and nobody creating paper copies. That's negligence so egregious that it borders on the criminal. The IRS knew that Camp was asking questions about the data that was in those 7 computers and yet it's obvious that they were more than happy to have that data disappear.

What actual harm does someone who was unjustly denied the right to vote suffer? The answer to that is is the harm that conservatives suffered because of Lerner's actions.

Does leaving your job make you exempt from punishment for any wrongdoing you did previously? So you can break the law...take the 5th...retire with full benefits and nobody should care? Really?

Everyone has a hard on for the IRS because the IRS has a hard on for everyone! When you treat people like shit then you shouldn't expect sympathy from them when you get your ass caught in a crack.

If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS.

like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er

1. A forensic computer team could recover the emails .. assuming a forensic computer team didn't erase said emails, then it boils down to the best forensic team.

2. what actual harm came to the Tea Party?

3. LL is now a civilian.

4. The right always has had a hard on for the IRS since day one, this is their pound of flesh.

5. The IRS won't go away regardless what Learner did or the right does. Deal with it.

Why should anyone have to "recover" the emails? By law they had to be backed up. Backed up with paper copies. You had 7 hard drives supposedly "crash"...with nobody recovering data from the tape backup...and nobody creating paper copies. That's negligence so egregious that it borders on the criminal. The IRS knew that Camp was asking questions about the data that was in those 7 computers and yet it's obvious that they were more than happy to have that data disappear.

What actual harm does someone who was unjustly denied the right to vote suffer? The answer to that is is the harm that conservatives suffered because of Lerner's actions.

Does leaving your job make you exempt from punishment for any wrongdoing you did previously? So you can break the law...take the 5th...retire with full benefits and nobody should care? Really?

Everyone has a hard on for the IRS because the IRS has a hard on for everyone! When you treat people like shit then you shouldn't expect sympathy from them when you get your ass caught in a crack.

If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS.

like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er


When called on your bullshit you deflect.
1. A forensic computer team could recover the emails .. assuming a forensic computer team didn't erase said emails, then it boils down to the best forensic team.

2. what actual harm came to the Tea Party?

3. LL is now a civilian.

4. The right always has had a hard on for the IRS since day one, this is their pound of flesh.

5. The IRS won't go away regardless what Learner did or the right does. Deal with it.

Why should anyone have to "recover" the emails? By law they had to be backed up. Backed up with paper copies. You had 7 hard drives supposedly "crash"...with nobody recovering data from the tape backup...and nobody creating paper copies. That's negligence so egregious that it borders on the criminal. The IRS knew that Camp was asking questions about the data that was in those 7 computers and yet it's obvious that they were more than happy to have that data disappear.

What actual harm does someone who was unjustly denied the right to vote suffer? The answer to that is is the harm that conservatives suffered because of Lerner's actions.

Does leaving your job make you exempt from punishment for any wrongdoing you did previously? So you can break the law...take the 5th...retire with full benefits and nobody should care? Really?

Everyone has a hard on for the IRS because the IRS has a hard on for everyone! When you treat people like shit then you shouldn't expect sympathy from them when you get your ass caught in a crack.

If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS.

like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er


Well, since it's obvious that the IRS is led by a collection of bumbling idiots who don't think the law of the land applies to them...then a flat tax starts to look better and better. Get rid of the IRS completely. The IRS spent 11.4 billion last year to collect 3 trillion. Not exactly an efficient method of collection. We're currently running a so called "tax gap" of somewhere between 300 and 600 billion dollars. That's the money that it's estimated the US is owed in taxes which the IRS fails to collect.
Heard about the latest hard drive crash? Another collegue of Lerner's from the FEC.
I wonder where those odds are now? I believe it is 100% of subpoenaed hard drives have crashed. Or there about.
Oh, and she is another attorney and has been allowed to resign, with benefits, since they can't criminally charge her without all the evidence.
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if we're gonna have our hopes - my hope is that in a few years, when it's clear that a vast majority of these 501c4 groups never had any intention of doing anything other than political action that the filers of the false paperwork face fraud charges and personally owe the back taxes.

but that probably won't happen because any prosecution of them will be painted as persecution.

Oh are we slipping back on the meme "They weren't really charitable orgs anyway"? That's already been shown to be bullshit. If it were true they would have had their status stripped or denied, not delayed forever with instrusive questions like what kinds of prayers do you say.
that's the thing - it's impossible for the irs to predict what an organization will do. which means that if they're filing 501c4, they'll pretty much get approved.

what the irs got in trouble for doing was attempting to predict which groups were legitimate organizations that would engage in social welfare or bullshit fronts to engage solely in political action.

do you believe that all those that applied were legitimate?

That's the point sparky.

The IRS did NOT get in trouble and even the President claimed there was no wrong doing. Lerner got paid time off and then the right to retire with full pension.

So no one suffered the consequences except the applicants for the status (everyday Americans)....


But, of course, you are OK with that because it had no affect on you.

Making you a selfish person, Sparky.
Why should anyone have to "recover" the emails? By law they had to be backed up. Backed up with paper copies. You had 7 hard drives supposedly "crash"...with nobody recovering data from the tape backup...and nobody creating paper copies. That's negligence so egregious that it borders on the criminal. The IRS knew that Camp was asking questions about the data that was in those 7 computers and yet it's obvious that they were more than happy to have that data disappear.

What actual harm does someone who was unjustly denied the right to vote suffer? The answer to that is is the harm that conservatives suffered because of Lerner's actions.

Does leaving your job make you exempt from punishment for any wrongdoing you did previously? So you can break the law...take the 5th...retire with full benefits and nobody should care? Really?

Everyone has a hard on for the IRS because the IRS has a hard on for everyone! When you treat people like shit then you shouldn't expect sympathy from them when you get your ass caught in a crack.

If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS.

like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er


When called on your bullshit you deflect.

deflect how ? OS quotes - " If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS"

so do YOU care to discuss alternative methods to collect tax ?

I mentioned a Fair Tax and you?

or do you just want to slobber about something else irrelevant ?

you decide.
like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er


When called on your bullshit you deflect.

deflect how ? OS quotes - " If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS"

so do YOU care to discuss alternative methods to collect tax ?

I mentioned a Fair Tax and you?

or do you just want to slobber about something else irrelevant ?

you decide.

I was simply responding to your statement that we were stuck with the IRS no matter what. That isn't the case. There are alternatives to the IRS if they are shown to be so corrupt that they can't be trusted.

Which brings us right back to the hard drive "crashes". Nobody with functioning gray matter between their ears buys that scenario. It's an obvious attempt to cover up what took place at the IRS. So the question then becomes...what do we do to punish those responsible?
It is well known that when working in Government that there might be a time where you might be called upon to "take one for the team". You won't find it in the job description, the circumstances are usually unique to the job, but if you have an opportunity to damage the opposing team at the risk of loosing your job... take it.

They of course are rewarded in heaven.
When called on your bullshit you deflect.

deflect how ? OS quotes - " If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS"

so do YOU care to discuss alternative methods to collect tax ?

I mentioned a Fair Tax and you?

or do you just want to slobber about something else irrelevant ?

you decide.

I was simply responding to your statement that we were stuck with the IRS no matter what. That isn't the case. There are alternatives to the IRS if they are shown to be so corrupt that they can't be trusted.

Which brings us right back to the hard drive "crashes". Nobody with functioning gray matter between their ears buys that scenario. It's an obvious attempt to cover up what took place at the IRS. So the question then becomes...what do we do to punish those responsible?

and I was responding to Rabid-I .. I ask one or two questions about those emails and everyone wanted to deflect, but the bottom line is pretty simple ... ever since Rove came close to getting his butt busted for spending $$ that was probably over the limit according to lawyers (anyway) , the right has been hell bent on busting up the already understaffed IRS by keeping them busy with BS rather than have them take a hard look at 501(c)(4) applications and groups that file them ... none of that is a secret unless you live under a rock.

ergo; IMO the email BS is just another pile of RW BS ... the IRS dodges left and right, the RW boo hoo's like babies keeping the IRS busy, and the country listens , and suffers through yet another salvo or political horsehockey.

aaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkk ...
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like what the fair tax that isn't fair unless you're a libertarian or warped out RW'er


When called on your bullshit you deflect.

deflect how ? OS quotes - " If the IRS is shown to have deliberately covered up this scandal it could very well be what starts a serious discussion of alternative methods of tax collection that would do away with the IRS"

so do YOU care to discuss alternative methods to collect tax ?

I mentioned a Fair Tax and you?

or do you just want to slobber about something else irrelevant ?

you decide.

you see, whereas you continually deny the fact that there is the potential for corruption in the IRS, you have obviously not thought about "why there is".....

Originally, I thought it was a few rogue employees and I didn't think much of it.

However, something took place that, TO DATE, you nor any of your friends on the left have addressed...although I brought it up numerous times in many threads on here....

And because of what took place, I am convinced that this is not the is a corrupt administration...

You see.....the President of the United States expressed outrage over the possibility that the IRS was acting inappropriately....and he proved it by immediately appointing an attorney to investigate it.

That attorney, within a matter of days reported back to the President stating that her investigation found no wrong doing and no criminal charges would be levied or sought against anyone.

The President accepted her report...and regurgitated that there was not a
"smidgen of corruption in the IRS".

However.......The attorney did not interview any of the alleged victims during her investigation and did not review the hard drive or emails of the target of her investigation (for if she did she would have known they were missing)

Once the President found this out, he did not do a dam thing. He did not ask her to investigate it again...he did not hire another investigator....he did retract his statement that there is not a smidgen of corruption...

In essence, he continued with the narrative that there is no corruption and it is a waste of tax payer money to spend more time on it.

So.....the investigation was incomplete....definitely inconclusive at best......

But he is fine with the results of no crimes committed.

That tells me he does not WANT the truth found out.

So my belief is that this is not a corrupt IRS.

It is a corrupt administration.

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