BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong


If you worked for me and I asked you to deliver to me all of t5he emails regarding the Johnson file....

And you delivered to me 100,000 emails and not one of them are related to the Johnson file.

Did you give me what I needed?

And if you gave me 100,000 more....and none still regarding the Johnson file...does it matter that you gave me 200,000 emails?

And if, after you gave me that 200,000 emails and I question why not the Johnson file emails and you said "oh, I lost those".....would you have the right to complain about how much time you spent on getting me the 200,000 emails?
Jarhead, the IRS gave them specifically WHAT THEY ASKED FOR AND SUBPOENAED.....they did NOT give the committee anything at all that they did not subpoena in those 100,000 documents and records.

And I have complained about this a few times on this and other threads....

If Congress ONLY wanted the emails from specific workers or people like Lerner, WHY OH WHY OH WHY did they give the IRS such a wide net of emails to get for them?

Wasting our tax dollars, having them retrieve this fishing expedition net of emails, if all they wanted was Lerner's and a handful of others....???

You're a liar.

What, unable to refute Care4all's point?

Sounds about par for the course for you, fake Rabbi.
Jarhead, the IRS gave them specifically WHAT THEY ASKED FOR AND SUBPOENAED.....they did NOT give the committee anything at all that they did not subpoena in those 100,000 documents and records.

And I have complained about this a few times on this and other threads....

If Congress ONLY wanted the emails from specific workers or people like Lerner, WHY OH WHY OH WHY did they give the IRS such a wide net of emails to get for them?

Wasting our tax dollars, having them retrieve this fishing expedition net of emails, if all they wanted was Lerner's and a handful of others....???

You're a liar.

What, unable to refute Care4all's point?

Sounds about par for the course for you, fake Rabbi.

She has no points. She spews lies. The IRS did not hand over the requested emails. They claimed they were lost in a hard drive accident that mysteriously took out every mention of what was there. IT is nonsense. No one believes it. Because it's a lie. Tje IRS dumped millions of emails on Congress. The IRS also selected what they turned over, rather than complying with the subpoena. Informed people know this. Then there are people like you, a stupid shaygetz, and Care, a lying moron.
head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target

You're a liar.

What, unable to refute Care4all's point?

Sounds about par for the course for you, fake Rabbi.

She has no points. She spews lies. The IRS did not hand over the requested emails. They claimed they were lost in a hard drive accident that mysteriously took out every mention of what was there. IT is nonsense. No one believes it. Because it's a lie. Tje IRS dumped millions of emails on Congress. The IRS also selected what they turned over, rather than complying with the subpoena. Informed people know this. Then there are people like you, a stupid shaygetz, and Care, a lying moron.

Got some links to support you assertions?

Now, back to the OP, which cites this link from July 9th, you stupid fuckwad:

BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Congress (VIDEO) - Allen West Republic

And here is the email exchange in question:
Jarhead, the IRS gave them specifically WHAT THEY ASKED FOR AND SUBPOENAED.....they did NOT give the committee anything at all that they did not subpoena in those 100,000 documents and records.

And I have complained about this a few times on this and other threads....

If Congress ONLY wanted the emails from specific workers or people like Lerner, WHY OH WHY OH WHY did they give the IRS such a wide net of emails to get for them?

Wasting our tax dollars, having them retrieve this fishing expedition net of emails, if all they wanted was Lerner's and a handful of others....???

You're a liar.

What, unable to refute Care4all's point?

Sounds about par for the course for you, fake Rabbi.

No. She is a liar.

They did NOT give them what they subpoenaed. They gave them 100,000 emails but no emails from Lois Lerner for the 2 years in question.

So she is a liar.
It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.

The IRS has stonewalled this investigation from the start, Care. You've had 3 different IRS Commissioners stand in front of Congressional committees and lie. You've got a totally unbelievable story about 7 hard drives paper attempt to recover lost data from the backup system...and then a scrubbing of the backup system even though they KNEW they contained evidence of criminal activity. This is about as obvious a cover-up as there has EVER been!

You attribute all of that to "incompetency". Nobody is THAT incompetent!
head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target


Is that similar to the Justice Dept's investigation, conducted by an Obama donor, that found not a smidgen of corruption? The same one that somehow missed that 2 years worth of critical emails were missing.
Tell us.
It has been 2 years that congress has been asking for these emails and now that a federal judge demanded an explanation and gave a time limit for when that explanation is to be submitted, all of a sudden some things are coming out.

Blame congress all you want. 2 years of doing what the law allows them to do, and they still don't have them.

Enough said.
1 yr 2mo. and much less, on all of the subpoenas regarding this specific case. Not 2 yrs, or 3 yrs as others on the right claimed, like Rabbi....

congress Critters have received via subpoena, well over 100,000 documents and emails to review in that time period, and the IRS has spent 10 million so far on the pay for the individuals to acquire those subpoenaed records, and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH was in them that pointed to any criminality or connection with the white we are still waiting....

it seems to be more about Irs incompetency, and the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or has done...don't see a glimpse of criminality, at least not yet....other than these gvt representatives using their gvt power to bully and accuse people, in the MEDIA, without any evidence or proof.

The IRS has stonewalled this investigation from the start, Care. You've had 3 different IRS Commissioners stand in front of Congressional committees and lie. You've got a totally unbelievable story about 7 hard drives paper attempt to recover lost data from the backup system...and then a scrubbing of the backup system even though they KNEW they contained evidence of criminal activity. This is about as obvious a cover-up as there has EVER been!

You attribute all of that to "incompetency". Nobody is THAT incompetent!

Until you have a Youtube video of Obama on the phone with Lerner telling her "I want you to hobble all conservative groups before this election" the libs here wont believe there was any wrongdoing. The same libs of course claim that Dick Cheney lied us into war with Iraq so he could get rich through Haliburton.
They have no sense of fairness, equity, truth, evidence or criminality. It is "if my team wins then it's good."
head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target


Is that similar to the Justice Dept's investigation, conducted by an Obama donor, that found not a smidgen of corruption? The same one that somehow missed that 2 years worth of critical emails were missing.
Tell us.

its the ig's staff, the republican appointed ig who broke or took part in breaking this case
Vigilante said it best...

But for those of you clouded by your love for our current President, I will lay it out.

Lois Lerner is/was a senior level staffer with the IRS...a division of the Department of the Treasury....a US Federal Government Department.

Lois Lerner plead the 5th. Yes, her right as a citizen.

The member of the US Government plead the 5th.

How would you feel if the chief of staff of Darryl Issa plead the 5th during an investigation?
head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target


Is that similar to the Justice Dept's investigation, conducted by an Obama donor, that found not a smidgen of corruption? The same one that somehow missed that 2 years worth of critical emails were missing.
Tell us.

its the ig's staff, the republican appointed ig who broke or took part in breaking this case

Link? Because you've either misread it, misinterpreted it, misunderstood it or are plain out and out lying.
head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target


TIGTA did an audit in which they found inappropriate criteria was used- not an investigation into why. Much different.
Is that similar to the Justice Dept's investigation, conducted by an Obama donor, that found not a smidgen of corruption? The same one that somehow missed that 2 years worth of critical emails were missing.
Tell us.

its the ig's staff, the republican appointed ig who broke or took part in breaking this case

Link? Because you've either misread it, misinterpreted it, misunderstood it or are plain out and out lying.

He tends to be misinformed.
Just can not wait, for the lost/scratched hard drive emails to come forward, and show that there was no collusion between the White house and the IRS ordering them to give extra scrutiny to tea partiers....

I wonder what the house Republicans will conjure up for their next dog and pony show, once the emails recovered proves they were wrong, AGAIN?

this is definitely a story....A Boy Called Wolf story....and Ground Hog Day, combined! :eek:

If that's what you believe to be true, how can you explain the stonewalling by the IRS and why haven't they produced these emails proving your claim?
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration*- Official Site United States*Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration...*TIGTA*is committed to serving the public by conducting*auditsand*investigations*that improve ...
U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
note-report says audit, it was even explained in one of the hearings by George that an audit does not go into great detail such as an investigation would. Question was about if emails had been looked at. And do remember the emails for an investigation are not available.

head of tigda's investigatory panel found no conspiracy to target


TIGTA did an audit in which they found inappropriate criteria was used- not an investigation into why. Much different.

here you go.

Hearing IRS Oversight | Video |

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