BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies

Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies
OK then, it was exactly as I had presumed, Lerner and all IRS and 15 other agencies, DO NOT paper copy all of their emails or instant messages...

Lerner's actions were no different then all gvt employees in all of the 15 other agencies...

How does that pan out with your and right wingers, Lerner is absolutely guilty beyond a reasonable doubt theory?

I saw this coming....but noooooooooo, you all INSISTED that Lerner and the other 7, DID all of this email stuff to hide things....without ever giving consideration to the idea that this was standard office the IRS, and 15 other divisions out of 17, in the Federal Gvt.

If this whole Irs supposed scandal was truly a scandal, there would be no need for the Republicans and their political posturing pontificating podium, grand standing....with slanderous accusations of criminality, and song and a dance performances that would make any sane individual disgusted with their government officials....

They should have acted professionally instead of their pompous partisan manner, conducted themselves with honor, and just searched for the truth, yes, THE what has happened....

A HEARING, is where you call people to the stand so to say, so that they can answer any pertinent questions to the case, and those conducting the Hearing, can HEAR THEM.....can HEAR their answers, NOT so that we can HEAR these congress critters pontificating about their own speculations.

Now, whatever these Republican congress critters say, will not be believed by anyone rational...because of what these critter have CHOSEN to do.....and that is make this a partisan witch hunt....

and you all here, have been on their band wagon the whole way....that's why they continue to act like assholes, all for YOU....and I might say, you haven't disappointed them.

1 down, 9 to go....

it'll be dragged to the election, where all 10 of their top accusations and conspiracies on Lerner, the administration, the White house, the DOJ and the IRS, fall by one....

It's like ground hog day...all over again
Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies
OK then, it was exactly as I had presumed, Lerner and all IRS and 15 other agencies, DO NOT paper copy all of their emails or instant messages...
See, here's the problem. The article doesnt say what you just wrote. You are incapable of reading something and drawing correct information from it. This marks you as having low intelligence.
Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies
OK then, it was exactly as I had presumed, Lerner and all IRS and 15 other agencies, DO NOT paper copy all of their emails or instant messages...

Lerner's actions were no different then all gvt employees in all of the 15 other agencies...

How does that pan out with your and right wingers, Lerner is absolutely guilty beyond a reasonable doubt theory?

I saw this coming....but noooooooooo, you all INSISTED that Lerner and the other 7, DID all of this email stuff to hide things....without ever giving consideration to the idea that this was standard office the IRS, and 15 other divisions out of 17, in the Federal Gvt.

If this whole Irs supposed scandal was truly a scandal, there would be no need for the Republicans and their political posturing pontificating podium, grand standing....with slanderous accusations of criminality, and song and a dance performances that would make any sane individual disgusted with their government officials....

They should have acted professionally instead of their pompous partisan manner, conducted themselves with honor, and just searched for the truth, yes, THE what has happened....

A HEARING, is where you call people to the stand so to say, so that they can answer any pertinent questions to the case, and those conducting the Hearing, can HEAR THEM.....can HEAR their answers, NOT so that we can HEAR these congress critters pontificating about their own speculations.

Now, whatever these Republican congress critters say, will not be believed by anyone rational...because of what these critter have CHOSEN to do.....and that is make this a partisan witch hunt....

and you all here, have been on their band wagon the whole way....that's why they continue to act like assholes, all for YOU....and I might say, you haven't disappointed them.

1 down, 9 to go....

it'll be dragged to the election, where all 10 of their top accusations and conspiracies on Lerner, the administration, the White house, the DOJ and the IRS, fall by one....

It's like ground hog day...all over again

Ah, hate to break this to you Sparky but that article doesn't absolve Lerner of makes her appear MORE guilty because it's talking about voice mail and instant messages...NOT EMAILS! If you'll recall, Lerner cautioned her people about what they put in emails and then asked one of her techs if voice mail or instant messages were "archived" to which he replied that he didn't think they were and Lerner's email reply was "Perfect."
Now why do you think that Lerner would view a method of communication that wasn't archived to be "Perfect" right after she cautioned her people to be careful what they said in emails because investigators were going to be looking at them? Does that IN ANY WAY appear to be the actions of someone who ISN'T hiding something SHE KNOWS IS ILLEGAL?
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Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies
OK then, it was exactly as I had presumed, Lerner and all IRS and 15 other agencies, DO NOT paper copy all of their emails or instant messages...

Lerner's actions were no different then all gvt employees in all of the 15 other agencies...

How does that pan out with your and right wingers, Lerner is absolutely guilty beyond a reasonable doubt theory?

I saw this coming....but noooooooooo, you all INSISTED that Lerner and the other 7, DID all of this email stuff to hide things....without ever giving consideration to the idea that this was standard office the IRS, and 15 other divisions out of 17, in the Federal Gvt.

If this whole Irs supposed scandal was truly a scandal, there would be no need for the Republicans and their political posturing pontificating podium, grand standing....with slanderous accusations of criminality, and song and a dance performances that would make any sane individual disgusted with their government officials....

They should have acted professionally instead of their pompous partisan manner, conducted themselves with honor, and just searched for the truth, yes, THE what has happened....

A HEARING, is where you call people to the stand so to say, so that they can answer any pertinent questions to the case, and those conducting the Hearing, can HEAR THEM.....can HEAR their answers, NOT so that we can HEAR these congress critters pontificating about their own speculations.

Now, whatever these Republican congress critters say, will not be believed by anyone rational...because of what these critter have CHOSEN to do.....and that is make this a partisan witch hunt....

and you all here, have been on their band wagon the whole way....that's why they continue to act like assholes, all for YOU....and I might say, you haven't disappointed them.

1 down, 9 to go....

it'll be dragged to the election, where all 10 of their top accusations and conspiracies on Lerner, the administration, the White house, the DOJ and the IRS, fall by one....

It's like ground hog day...all over again

Ah, hate to break this to you Sparky but that article doesn't absolve Lerner of makes her appear MORE guilty because it's talking about voice mail and instant messages...NOT EMAILS! If you'll recall, Lerner cautioned her people about what they put in emails and then asked one of her techs if voice mail or instant messages were "archived" to which he replied that he didn't think they were and Lerner's email reply was "Perfect."
First off, notice that Careless4Obama introduced a falsehood: That no agency archives emails. The article said nothing like that, speaking instead of instant messages. Now, to her that will sound like the same thing. Because when you're stupid that's what happens.
Second, if I were looking for a way to hide communication and found it would I answer "perfect" when given the answer that it was what I wanted? Of course. So what is Lerner hiding? Why don't the libs want to find out?
It's obvious that Lerner knows only too well that they've been targeting conservatives and that some in Congress are starting to demand answers to questions that will be "inconvenient" to her little band of IRS liberals. What's telling is that she isn't telling everyone to STOP targeting conservatives...oh no...she's simply trying to figure out a way to continue to do it and not get caught! That's why she's asking her tech if voice mail or instant messages are archived and when told probably not...coming back with "Perfect".
It's obvious that Lerner knows only too well that they've been targeting conservatives and that some in Congress are starting to demand answers to questions that will be "inconvenient" to her little band of IRS liberals. What's telling is that she isn't telling everyone to STOP targeting conservatives...oh no...she's simply trying to figure out a way to continue to do it and not get caught! That's why she's asking her tech if voice mail or instant messages are archived and when told probably not...coming back with "Perfect".

Just the little we've seen, the extent of the abuse will be mind blowing. Look for the IRS to liase with liberl groups and hand over confidential tax information on both the groups and their donors and members. Look for Democrat Congressmen to want similar information about their opponents and watch the IRS comply. The IRS staff are all SEIU workers, and their union is joined at the hip with Obama and the Democrats. Why do you suppose the head of the union was the most frequent visitor to the White House in the first years of the Obama Administration? No, it sadly all makes way too much sense.
Lo and behold! Up to 20 hard drives gone now! Amazing. And there seems to be some type of problem as to whether all tapes are over written every 6 months, as has been reported was done during that time period.
Why doesn't the President order the NSA to produce whatever records it has of this case? He could do that with a simple phone call. Remember, he has "a phone and a pen." We already know that the NSA has inserted data collection devices all over the place.

I think the people on the citizen side of this confrontation make the assumption that the government side of this confrontation know what's in those emails that cannot be produced.
Anyone with even a dollop of common sense should grasp that a government agency as anal retentive about record keeping as the IRS simply not going to have 7 hard drives crash and not recover what was lost off the tape back up.

Let me tell you what you're dealing with when you talk about the IRS. Where I grew up in Western Massachusetts they used to have a Strategic Air Command bunker deep under ground that was built during the Cold War. When the end of the Cold War made it obsolete, that massive bunker was turned over to the IRS so that it could securely store the financial records of America against natural or man made disasters. So no matter if hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires or terrorist attack too matter what type of disaster occurred the IRS would STILL know how much you paid last year in taxes. That's who they ARE! They aren't a bunch of bumbling idiots who don't know how to retrieve backed up data. It could literally be the end of the world and your tax bill is STILL going to get mailed to your door!

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would understand that in order to arrest and prosecute someone there must first be objective, documented evidence in support of such an arrest and prosecution.

Suspicion, conjecture, speculation, and 'belief' are not objective, documented evidence.

That one hates the president solely as a consequence of his party affiliation is not objective, documented evidence.

House republicans are engaged in nothing more than a witch hunt, a partisan fishing expedition having nothing to do with facts or the truth and everything to do with losing two presidential elections in a row.

When you or anyone else on the right has that objective, documented evidence, feel free to link it.
Anyone with even a dollop of common sense should grasp that a government agency as anal retentive about record keeping as the IRS simply not going to have 7 hard drives crash and not recover what was lost off the tape back up.

Let me tell you what you're dealing with when you talk about the IRS. Where I grew up in Western Massachusetts they used to have a Strategic Air Command bunker deep under ground that was built during the Cold War. When the end of the Cold War made it obsolete, that massive bunker was turned over to the IRS so that it could securely store the financial records of America against natural or man made disasters. So no matter if hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires or terrorist attack too matter what type of disaster occurred the IRS would STILL know how much you paid last year in taxes. That's who they ARE! They aren't a bunch of bumbling idiots who don't know how to retrieve backed up data. It could literally be the end of the world and your tax bill is STILL going to get mailed to your door!

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would understand that in order to arrest and prosecute someone there must first be objective, documented evidence in support of such an arrest and prosecution.

Suspicion, conjecture, speculation, and 'belief' are not objective, documented evidence.

That one hates the president solely as a consequence of his party affiliation is not objective, documented evidence.

House republicans are engaged in nothing more than a witch hunt, a partisan fishing expedition having nothing to do with facts or the truth and everything to do with losing two presidential elections in a row.

When you or anyone else on the right has that objective, documented evidence, feel free to link it.

You wish that were true. It's a lie just like , "People will be able to keep their insurance," or "That video is what led to the Benghazi massacre." The outright lies that his man spews has denigrated the office of the Presidency and that has ZERO to do with skin color. Live in your color coded world.. No one cares.
No facts, no evidence, no proof, no 'arrest' – just lies, ignorance, and stupidity from the OP and others on the partisan right.
No facts, no evidence, no proof, no 'arrest' – just lies, ignorance, and stupidity from the OP and others on the partisan right.

The facts and evidence are overwhelming that major crimes have been committed. Proof will come out in discovery and investigation. The partisan hack lefties are sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "Its old news! Nothing to see! They all do it! September was a long time ago! At this point what difference does it make?" Anything to deflect or minimize the enormity ofwhat we're seeing: a bureaucracy totally out of control and completely subservient to political masters.
No facts, no evidence, no proof, no 'arrest' – just lies, ignorance, and stupidity from the OP and others on the partisan right.

The facts and evidence are overwhelming that major crimes have been committed. Proof will come out in discovery and investigation. The partisan hack lefties are sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "Its old news! Nothing to see! They all do it! September was a long time ago! At this point what difference does it make?" Anything to deflect or minimize the enormity ofwhat we're seeing: a bureaucracy totally out of control and completely subservient to political masters.

please name the major crimes that were committed...inappropriate screening is a MAJOR crime now huh? I mean, I don't like the way they haphazardly chose key words to choose who to audit...but it certainly is not some major conspiracy or crime, especially since there has been no proof that there was any kind of political motive or any connection at all to anyone in the White House Directing this....
You can't even name the major crimes that you are referring to.

Obstruction of justice, criminal conspiracy, perjury, vote fraud, release of confidential information to outside parties, violation of the Hatch Act, contempt of court, contempt of Congress.
I realize none of those mean much to you. Because you're stupid and ignorant. But people who understand it care very much.
Just can not wait, for the lost/scratched hard drive emails to come forward, and show that there was no collusion between the White house and the IRS ordering them to give extra scrutiny to tea partiers....

I wonder what the house Republicans will conjure up for their next dog and pony show, once the emails recovered proves they were wrong, AGAIN?

this is definitely a story....A Boy Called Wolf story....and Ground Hog Day, combined! :eek:

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