BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

Let's see how you liberals like it when a new administration does unto you wot Regime Obama has done to their "enemies".

Yeah, we WILL.

After all, you taught us it's the proper thing to do!
Sp your argument is that the IRS can't store the paper backups so it doesnt really matter? Seriously?

My argument is that virtually no one records every email in paper form in the IRS. Not in lerner's office. Not in the Cincinnatti office. Not in the IRS. Not in the federal government as a whole. Its simply not practiced. Not before the IRS 'scandal'. Not after.

Making the latest in a series of debunked insinuations that the lack of what *no one* does is somehow an indication of conspiracy all the more void of reason or evidence.

Again, we're in year 3. The republican narrative never panned out. Making up brand new baseless batshyte isn't going to magically make a failed narrative somehow viable.

You know what a "batshyte" narrative is? That the Head of the IRS's Exempt Organizations hard drive crashed...that the Chief of Staff of the IRS Commissioner's hard drive crashed...that the Head of the IRS Media Relations' hard drive crashed...that four of the agents working on exempt organizations under Lerner in Cincinnati's hard drives crashed...and that NONE of them recovered their lost data from the computer back up designed for just that situation.

And then despite a Congressional inquiry into a scandal that's blowing the IRS up...they simply erase all of the information that's on the back up system and then hide that fact from Congress for months.

The fact that you buy into THAT narrative shows exactly where you're coming from...
You Obama supporters have done the same dance now for six years. A scandal breaks. Barry and Company stonewall the ensuing investigation. Eric Holder says that he can't discuss an "ongoing" investigation while doing nothing. The main stream media declines to cover it and then once you think enough time has gone by you declare that it's old news and we should "move on".

So tell does it feel to out Nixon...Nixon?
Sp your argument is that the IRS can't store the paper backups so it doesnt really matter? Seriously?

My argument is that virtually no one records every email in paper form in the IRS. Not in lerner's office. Not in the Cincinnatti office. Not in the IRS. Not in the federal government as a whole. Its simply not practiced. Not before the IRS 'scandal'. Not after.

Making the latest in a series of debunked insinuations that the lack of what *no one* does is somehow an indication of conspiracy all the more void of reason or evidence.

Again, we're in year 3. The republican narrative never panned out. Making up brand new baseless batshyte isn't going to magically make a failed narrative somehow viable.

You know what a "batshyte" narrative is? That the Head of the IRS's Exempt Organizations hard drive crashed...that the Chief of Staff of the IRS Commissioner's hard drive crashed...that the Head of the IRS Media Relations' hard drive crashed...that four of the agents working on exempt organizations under Lerner in Cincinnati's hard drives crashed...and that NONE of them recovered their lost data from the computer back up designed for just that situation.

And then despite a Congressional inquiry into a scandal that's blowing the IRS up...they simply erase all of the information that's on the back up system and then hide that fact from Congress for months.

The fact that you buy into THAT narrative shows exactly where you're coming from...

You forgot to include the links in your post citing the objective, documented evidence in support of this.

Absent such evidence, your subjective opinions are partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit.
My argument is that virtually no one records every email in paper form in the IRS. Not in lerner's office. Not in the Cincinnatti office. Not in the IRS. Not in the federal government as a whole. Its simply not practiced. Not before the IRS 'scandal'. Not after.

Making the latest in a series of debunked insinuations that the lack of what *no one* does is somehow an indication of conspiracy all the more void of reason or evidence.

Again, we're in year 3. The republican narrative never panned out. Making up brand new baseless batshyte isn't going to magically make a failed narrative somehow viable.

You know what a "batshyte" narrative is? That the Head of the IRS's Exempt Organizations hard drive crashed...that the Chief of Staff of the IRS Commissioner's hard drive crashed...that the Head of the IRS Media Relations' hard drive crashed...that four of the agents working on exempt organizations under Lerner in Cincinnati's hard drives crashed...and that NONE of them recovered their lost data from the computer back up designed for just that situation.

And then despite a Congressional inquiry into a scandal that's blowing the IRS up...they simply erase all of the information that's on the back up system and then hide that fact from Congress for months.

The fact that you buy into THAT narrative shows exactly where you're coming from...

You forgot to include the links in your post citing the objective, documented evidence in support of this.

Absent such evidence, your subjective opinions are partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit.

OK., we know how this goes.
He cites a story that supports what he has written. You dismiss it as biased. He cites more stories supporting this. You declare it's Old news and nothing to see.
Yeah, the administration has lied about every aspect of this scandal.
You obviously have not worked for a corporation or a big follow the office guidelines that your management sets....of course your management is responsible for setting the office guidelines within the corporation's or bureaucracy's guidelines and the employees presume the office rules are correctly fitting in to the bureau's's not up to the employees to determine that their management guidelines do or do not technically fit the head corporation's guidelines....

If you want to hold these 7 responsible for their Director's guidelines for their office that were established, then you have to hold every single employee there are punishing the people not responsible for the office's rules that were set before they were even hired. That's just common sense that they, the employees, would not be responsible for what rules, their management sets.

And if everyone in the office managed their emails in the same manner, then there is NOTHING suspicious about what these people have done with their emails.*

but we don't even know if this is what has happened....we just need to find out, and then move forward from there.

The rules are clear, these people violated them. You are making flimsy excuses for people that are under scrutiny for inappropriate actions.


You and others on the right are pursuing this 'scandal' motivated not by facts, evidence, truth, or the law, but solely by partisanism.

Another one that doesn't care if the IRS employees follow organization procedures.
How many people do I think are involved? Let's see...Lois Lerner, Steven Miller, Douglas Shulman, John Koskinen, Nikole Flax, Michelle Eldridge, Kimberly Kitchens, Nancy Heagney, Julie Chen, Tyler Chumny, Richard Pilger, & whoever the White House staff member or members were that Nikole Flax had her 30 meetings with before the elections. Throw in whoever the computer tech was that fried the 7 hard drives and you've pretty much got your cast of characters for this cover-up.
Wow! All those people, and without 1 drop of evidence....boy, these people must be really really smart....and miracle workers too!

Did you take all of this 'liberty' with the Bush Justice department scandal and accuse them of criminal actions when all of their emails were missing or Bush when his administrations did not even use the government white house email system for years and used the email system of the RNC when they were working and doing their jobs in the white house? Which supposedly crashed with all of the white house/administration required record information?

You are being lead by the dog and pony guys, and are NOT thinking this through from any angle at all, other than what the dog and pony guys tell you...or the phony Judicial Watch tells you....wake up!

Oh, and how about a link to your assertions on the people you listed as criminals....? what supports your contentions of all of these people being in on some conspiracy, other than what has been conjured up in your head? Give us what ya we can be in on this too...with links if you can....and a timeline that supports it too!

Did you give the Bush Administration a pass when their emails went missing? I didn't.
How many people do I think are involved? Let's see...Lois Lerner, Steven Miller, Douglas Shulman, John Koskinen, Nikole Flax, Michelle Eldridge, Kimberly Kitchens, Nancy Heagney, Julie Chen, Tyler Chumny, Richard Pilger, & whoever the White House staff member or members were that Nikole Flax had her 30 meetings with before the elections. Throw in whoever the computer tech was that fried the 7 hard drives and you've pretty much got your cast of characters for this cover-up.
Wow! All those people, and without 1 drop of evidence....boy, these people must be really really smart....and miracle workers too!

Did you take all of this 'liberty' with the Bush Justice department scandal and accuse them of criminal actions when all of their emails were missing or Bush when his administrations did not even use the government white house email system for years and used the email system of the RNC when they were working and doing their jobs in the white house? Which supposedly crashed with all of the white house/administration required record information?

You are being lead by the dog and pony guys, and are NOT thinking this through from any angle at all, other than what the dog and pony guys tell you...or the phony Judicial Watch tells you....wake up!

Oh, and how about a link to your assertions on the people you listed as criminals....? what supports your contentions of all of these people being in on some conspiracy, other than what has been conjured up in your head? Give us what ya we can be in on this too...with links if you can....and a timeline that supports it too!

Did you give the Bush Administration a pass when their emails went missing? I didn't.

George W Bush is a black stain upon Presidential history in this nation and will be remembered as such in my opinion.
Wow! All those people, and without 1 drop of evidence....boy, these people must be really really smart....and miracle workers too!

Did you take all of this 'liberty' with the Bush Justice department scandal and accuse them of criminal actions when all of their emails were missing or Bush when his administrations did not even use the government white house email system for years and used the email system of the RNC when they were working and doing their jobs in the white house? Which supposedly crashed with all of the white house/administration required record information?

You are being lead by the dog and pony guys, and are NOT thinking this through from any angle at all, other than what the dog and pony guys tell you...or the phony Judicial Watch tells you....wake up!

Oh, and how about a link to your assertions on the people you listed as criminals....? what supports your contentions of all of these people being in on some conspiracy, other than what has been conjured up in your head? Give us what ya we can be in on this too...with links if you can....and a timeline that supports it too!

Did you give the Bush Administration a pass when their emails went missing? I didn't.

George W Bush is a black stain upon Presidential history in this nation and will be remembered as such in my opinion.
Every time you say this, I am compelled to Pos Rep you!

Stop it! Beeeeeetch! :D
What are the odds of 7 specific IRS hard drives crashing? | The Homa Files

Believe it or not, I watched Monday night’s hearings on C-SPAN … after completing the above post. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) started to pursue a line of questioning paralleling the above.The IRS Commissioner said: 90,000 employees; 2,000 hard drive crashes per year; “comparable to industry average of 4-5% hard drive*failures per year” OK …* that gets us back to my original calculations: What’s the likelihood that 7 specific IRS drives – those of the “persons of interest” – would crash in the same year? Simple probability calculation: 4% (the failure rate) raised to the 7th power (since 7 specific people were involved)…* which works out to*odds of about 1 in 6 billion.Better chance one of us will get hit by lightning today.
Above is a good analysis after looking at industry rates, and the actual rates incurred by the irs. Better chance of a lightning hit. And that does not figure in the latest crash.

You want to make me believe this ISN'T a coverup? Explain how 7 hard drives connected with people at the heart of this issue all crash...explain why none of them have any paper back ups even though it's required by law...explain why none of them retrieved the lost data from the back up tape system which was there specifically in case something like this happened...then take a crack at explaining why the IRS would allow that back up tape to be scrubbed when it knew the information on it had been subpoenaed by Congress...and then explain why the IRS repeatedly assured Congressional investigators that they would be turning over the emails when they knew that they had been destroyed!
How many people do I think are involved? Let's see...Lois Lerner, Steven Miller, Douglas Shulman, John Koskinen, Nikole Flax, Michelle Eldridge, Kimberly Kitchens, Nancy Heagney, Julie Chen, Tyler Chumny, Richard Pilger, & whoever the White House staff member or members were that Nikole Flax had her 30 meetings with before the elections. Throw in whoever the computer tech was that fried the 7 hard drives and you've pretty much got your cast of characters for this cover-up.
Wow! All those people, and without 1 drop of evidence....boy, these people must be really really smart....and miracle workers too!

Did you take all of this 'liberty' with the Bush Justice department scandal and accuse them of criminal actions when all of their emails were missing or Bush when his administrations did not even use the government white house email system for years and used the email system of the RNC when they were working and doing their jobs in the white house? Which supposedly crashed with all of the white house/administration required record information?

You are being lead by the dog and pony guys, and are NOT thinking this through from any angle at all, other than what the dog and pony guys tell you...or the phony Judicial Watch tells you....wake up!

Oh, and how about a link to your assertions on the people you listed as criminals....? what supports your contentions of all of these people being in on some conspiracy, other than what has been conjured up in your head? Give us what ya we can be in on this too...with links if you can....and a timeline that supports it too!

Did you give the Bush Administration a pass when their emails went missing? I didn't.

No, but they were recovered.
If NOW, the ACLU, etc were attacked by the IRS under Bush and Bush officials just somehow "lost the evidence".....liberals would be climbing the fences of the WH to get Bush.
My argument is that virtually no one records every email in paper form in the IRS. Not in lerner's office. Not in the Cincinnatti office. Not in the IRS. Not in the federal government as a whole. Its simply not practiced. Not before the IRS 'scandal'. Not after.

Making the latest in a series of debunked insinuations that the lack of what *no one* does is somehow an indication of conspiracy all the more void of reason or evidence.

Again, we're in year 3. The republican narrative never panned out. Making up brand new baseless batshyte isn't going to magically make a failed narrative somehow viable.

You know what a "batshyte" narrative is? That the Head of the IRS's Exempt Organizations hard drive crashed...that the Chief of Staff of the IRS Commissioner's hard drive crashed...that the Head of the IRS Media Relations' hard drive crashed...that four of the agents working on exempt organizations under Lerner in Cincinnati's hard drives crashed...and that NONE of them recovered their lost data from the computer back up designed for just that situation.

And then despite a Congressional inquiry into a scandal that's blowing the IRS up...they simply erase all of the information that's on the back up system and then hide that fact from Congress for months.

The fact that you buy into THAT narrative shows exactly where you're coming from...

You forgot to include the links in your post citing the objective, documented evidence in support of this.

Absent such evidence, your subjective opinions are partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit.

None of what I've stated there is "subjective"...those people's hard drives did all crash...none of them did retrieve the lost data from the tape back up...and the IRS did erase the tape back up even though it was destroying evidence in an ongoing investigation.

So what is "partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit", Clayton? Or do you think that you simply stating that it is...makes it so? Because if you DO...then your statement is in fact what is "partisan, irrelevant and devoid of merit"!
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You know what a "batshyte" narrative is? That the Head of the IRS's Exempt Organizations hard drive crashed...that the Chief of Staff of the IRS Commissioner's hard drive crashed...that the Head of the IRS Media Relations' hard drive crashed...that four of the agents working on exempt organizations under Lerner in Cincinnati's hard drives crashed...and that NONE of them recovered their lost data from the computer back up designed for just that situation.

And then despite a Congressional inquiry into a scandal that's blowing the IRS up...they simply erase all of the information that's on the back up system and then hide that fact from Congress for months.

The fact that you buy into THAT narrative shows exactly where you're coming from...

You forgot to include the links in your post citing the objective, documented evidence in support of this.

Absent such evidence, your subjective opinions are partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit.

None of what I've stated there is "subjective"...those people's hard drives did all crash...none of them did retrieve the lost data from the tape back up...and the IRS did erase the tape back up even though it was destroying evidence in an ongoing investigation.

So what is "partisan, irrelevant, and devoid of merit", Clayton? Or do you think that you simply stating that it is...makes it so? Because if you DO...then your statement is in fact what is "partisan, irrelevant and devoid of merit"!

And in deference to to the Federal Records Act which is law.
Anyone with even a dollop of common sense should grasp that a government agency as anal retentive about record keeping as the IRS simply not going to have 7 hard drives crash and not recover what was lost off the tape back up.

Let me tell you what you're dealing with when you talk about the IRS. Where I grew up in Western Massachusetts they used to have a Strategic Air Command bunker deep under ground that was built during the Cold War. When the end of the Cold War made it obsolete, that massive bunker was turned over to the IRS so that it could securely store the financial records of America against natural or man made disasters. So no matter if hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires or terrorist attack too matter what type of disaster occurred the IRS would STILL know how much you paid last year in taxes. That's who they ARE! They aren't a bunch of bumbling idiots who don't know how to retrieve backed up data. It could literally be the end of the world and your tax bill is STILL going to get mailed to your door!
This isn't records missing oldstyle, from any of their IRS cases....that's all documented and saved on different servers for 3-7 yrs, plus paper records including any emails of workers involved.

Emails with the IRS were saved on separate email servers....they were not a part of the irs documents being saved, unless they were pertinent to the case documentation.
Lois Lerner emails reveal gaping open-records loophole

Washington Times ^

The Lois G. Lerner emails released this month revealed a potentially huge loophole in federal open-records practices when an IRS tech staffer acknowledged that the agency doesn’t regularly store — and never checks — instant message chats as official government records. Analysts say there is no question that the Internal Revenue Service and all other federal agencies should be storing chats and even cellphone text messages that may constitute official government documents, but a check by The Washington Times suggests that hardly any agency is doing so. Of 17 agencies surveyed by The Times, just two said they had policies

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