BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

that criticism is ONLY WITHIN THE LAST WEEK or so, due to the congress passing the Sanctions bill..

You can safely bet, that Putin is royally pissed at his stooge, Trump......I mean, after all that Putin effort to place a useful idiot in the WH and all he gets is a continuation of sanctions?....LOL
Putin may not understand that in our Democracy, we have three equal branches of government, we do not have a Dictator as leader, as he, himself is...

But truly, I don't think Putin is that upset...(he just had to portray the tough guy in his own controlled news with his people) sure it is not as easy as he had thought, but Putin/Russia has it better than he, (or the USSR) has ever had with his Putin sympathizer sitting in the President's seat...(that seems compromised and beholden to Putin for some odd and crazy reason that's still unknown, I might opine!) :D
Which Party do you suppose is more reliant on the poorly educated? Before you answer, how about doing some research first. You may be surprised what you find

Now THAT (the above) is not the point at all......Here, I'll make it simple for the simple minded right wingers:


Hard to say; just because one of the Nazi hate blogs you read claims it in no way means it has any relation to actual fact.
BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!

That is sooooo weak. The Washington Post treats all its fake news stories as very serious, but they always turn out to be big nothing burgers.
If only The Donald's tax returns were public so absolute idiots who did not graduate college and have never filled out a 1040EZ form can evaluate them. :p
Here you have a text book case as to why Trump didn't release his tax returns.
WAPO lies.

Jeff Bezo's hate blog know as "The Washington Post" exists to slander and libel the opposition.

What the hate blog prints has nothing to do with truth or lies. When WAPO considers running a story, the editors carefully read it to see if it furthers the goals of the fascist left, particularly if the story smears the object of hate that the left has. Whether the story is true or not has never been a consideration.
Have you been spending a lot of quality time with Dr. Goebbels?


Geobbels was no doctor, Spiccoli. Like you, he was a sleazy little thug who thought lies were more powerful than truth.
Trump can prove he did not commit criminal fraud in this one instance reported by the Wash. Post!

You can prove you didn't molest and murder a litter of kittens, so why haven't you?

My post had nothing to do with "The Left" or that anyone has lost their mind. Tax records are evidence, something Trumpanzees seem to consider as tantamount to an opinion when they seek to confirm their preconceived notions, and/or avoid cognitive dissonance for the few who actually cogitate.

Your post is Nazi idiocy demanding that others prove you to be the fucking liar we all know you to be.
A new, very credible development.

At least they have managed to back down from the Russia rhetoric for a moment.

Lol, you mean the reason for the investigation to begin with,lol? Russia is a threat to national security! What do we do! What do we look to? Trumps tax shit. Why ? BecausenRussia won't pan out.
BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!

Why because he has money and you have hemmeroids ?
The classic witch hunt began with White water and ended with a blue dress. Which lead to an impeachment and a trail in which President Clinton was acquitted by the Senate.

Such is the way of the vast right wing conspirators, aka, the Neo Nazi coterie.


The investigation into Clinton's sexual harassment of subordinates was part of the IC from day one. Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey had both testified that Clinton raped them - which we all know he did.

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