BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!

What does this have to do with Russia?

Witch hunts don't center around any given topic. The Bezos hate blog declared Trump guilty, then along with the rest of the fascist left went searching for a crime to hang on him.

Such is the way of Nazis.
I'm skeptical. Trump has been audited for years possible decades. Yet the it's IRS never caught this????
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Now THAT (the above) is not the point at all......Here, I'll make it simple for the simple minded right wingers:


You think Trump owned his son's company some money? Really?

When there's no evidence of anything, the possibilities are endless.

There is certainly some evidence, starting with Trump breaking modern presidential candidate norms and refusing to release his tax filings (except one page he leaked himself), while continuously lying that he will release them after [events that come and go].
Trumps tax record was released and he paid more than any Democrat. So fuck off.

Bullshit. He leaked one carefully selected page from one carefully selected year.

We do have another leak of his tax cuts from a while ago, one that shows him gaming the system to have a billion dollar write off for a decade...of money he didn't lose.
Bill of the tax record showed he didn't pay taxes that would've been all you needed, but it showed the opposite.

Did I not just explain that it was a carefully hand picked leak?


Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine release tax returns while Donald Trump defies decades-old tradition of disclosure
WAPO lies.

The easy solution is for Trump to prove his fake news rhetoric is true, and release his tax records for all to see. Even a Trumpanzee like The Irish Ram ought to be able to comprehend Trump is not only an empty suit, but a chronic liar too.
So Trump can "prove his innocence". The left has lost its mind.

No, what he can do is "be presidential", which in modern times included tax return disclosure.
WAPO lies.

The easy solution is for Trump to prove his fake news rhetoric is true, and release his tax records for all to see. Even a Trumpanzee like The Irish Ram ought to be able to comprehend Trump is not only an empty suit, but a chronic liar too.
So Trump can "prove his innocence". The left has lost its mind.

No, what he can do is "be presidential", which in modern times included tax return disclosure.
Too bad.
WAPO lies.

Jeff Bezo's hate blog know as "The Washington Post" exists to slander and libel the opposition.

What the hate blog prints has nothing to do with truth or lies. When WAPO considers running a story, the editors carefully read it to see if it furthers the goals of the fascist left, particularly if the story smears the object of hate that the left has. Whether the story is true or not has never been a consideration.
Have you been spending a lot of quality time with Dr. Goebbels?
WAPO lies.

The easy solution is for Trump to prove his fake news rhetoric is true, and release his tax records for all to see. Even a Trumpanzee like The Irish Ram ought to be able to comprehend Trump is not only an empty suit, but a chronic liar too.
So Trump can "prove his innocence". The left has lost its mind.
What is there to hide? There is more evidence for that, than for voter fraud.
WAPO lies.

The easy solution is for Trump to prove his fake news rhetoric is true, and release his tax records for all to see. Even a Trumpanzee like The Irish Ram ought to be able to comprehend Trump is not only an empty suit, but a chronic liar too.

So Trump can "prove his innocence". The left has lost its mind.

Trump can prove he did not commit criminal fraud in this one instance reported by the Wash. Post!

My post had nothing to do with "The Left" or that anyone has lost their mind. Tax records are evidence, something Trumpanzees seem to consider as tantamount to an opinion when they seek to confirm their preconceived notions, and/or avoid cognitive dissonance for the few who actually cogitate.
What is there to hide? There is more evidence for that, than for voter fraud.
"Prove your innocence" - rally cry for fascists!
President Donald Trump put the power of the presidency behind one of his favorite theories on Wednesday, convening a panel to investigate voter fraud even though experts have largely dismissed his evidence-free claim that “millions” of illegal votes last year cost him the popular vote.--
Ni Modo.
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If the gift is more than the present $14k yearly max, then Trump will owe the taxes on that which goes over the $14k, AFTER his extra gift amount goes over the $5.4 million that is tax exempt from the Death tax ( estate tax and gift tax at death)

So IF I am reading the tax code correctly...President Trump would not owe any taxes on his gift overages, but those gift overages would be deducted from the $5.4 million estate and gift taxes that is tax exempt upon death....

Let's say through a real estate sale to Junior he sold junior property that was worth a million more than what Junior paid his dad.

Upon Trump's death, when estate and gift taxes are due, the $5.4 million in estate and gift taxes that is EXEMPT, becomes only $4.4 million because Pres Trump gave a gift that was $1 million over his annual gift limit, but under his lifetime estate and gift tax exemption of $5.4M...

I know, I know it's a tongue twister...!!!!

But basically, it's a pencil error, that needs to be recorded correctly, so that the overage in the annual gift amount, comes out of a person's lifetime estate and gift exemption....

Do I have to pay gift tax when someone gives me money?
BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!
Are you going to do anything about it?

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app
What is there to hide? There is more evidence for that, than for voter fraud.

"Prove your innocence" - rally cry for fascists!

Put into perspective, the cry for Obama to prove he was a native born citizen, when his mother was a US citizen was a prima facie case of racism and fascism. However, Obama and the St. of Hawaii provided the evidence which most Americans accepted, and which Trump and members of the crazy right wing claimed was fake.
If only The Donald's tax returns were public so absolute idiots who did not graduate college and have never filled out a 1040EZ form can evaluate them. :p
Really? That's magnanimously optimistic of you to think their reading them them would be of any use to them or anyone else, much less that they have the tax savvy to perform an analysis that legitimately constitutes "evaluating" them.
BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!

What does this have to do with Russia?

Witch hunts don't center around any given topic. The Bezos hate blog declared Trump guilty, then along with the rest of the fascist left went searching for a crime to hang on him.

Such is the way of Nazis.

The classic witch hunt began with White water and ended with a blue dress. Which lead to an impeachment and a trail in which President Clinton was acquitted by the Senate.

Such is the way of the vast right wing conspirators, aka, the Neo Nazi coterie.
BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud
The Washington Post just ran a breaking story, saying they have substantial evidence that President Donald Trump committed criminal tax fraud. They didn’t treat the story lightly, either.

They found that Trump used a limited liability company to sell two condominium apartments to his son, Eric Trump, at less than market value. Trump sold him the condos for $350,000 a piece, yet just a few months prior to that was listing the price at $790,000 and $800,000, respectively.

Here’s where we get into the interesting details: Since Trump didn’t sell them at fair market value, he should have paid a gift tax on the sale, but he didn’t. How do we know this? Well, President Trump’s tax returns aren’t publicly available (we wonder why) but there’s evidence proving he didn’t.

BREAKING: Evidence Trump Committed Criminal Tax Fraud

Trumps a crook!
Are you going to do anything about it?

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app
A panel to investigate!

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