BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

it wasn't to get in. sorry, doors were opened. dude I posted the video evidence of the cop holding the fking door.
If a corrupt bank cop let's the robbers in the back it still a bank robbery?
Has that murdering piece of shit been ID'ed yet? There's about 100 million of us that would like catch a name.
No, she was killed by a woman hating negro racist cop in violation of orders not to use lethal force....clearly an example of excessive matter what Anti American blacks and stupid liberals try and claim.
I don't know about where YOU live, but orders to refrain from the use of deadly force on PROTESTORS is as it should be, since the right to PEACEABLY assemble and "petition" our government for redress of grievances is a right and protection of "the people" as outlined in the First Amendment.

Once a person goes from peaceful assembly to committing acts of trespass, vandalism, assault, battery, arson, etc., they are no longer a protestor and have crossed over to criminal activity. I'm not saying that any of that automatically means they are fair game for lethal gunfire however any order for restraint no longer applies when a person find him/herself in a situation where they are defending themself or those they have been tasked with protecting.

I know you all know this.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.​
oh fk no!!!!!! every looting riot this past year you said was peaceful. you can't change the algorithm in the middle of the game.
I have never made any such claim however you are doing what just about everyone does, including the media - you're conflating protestors with rioters, looters, and vandals. You all make no distinction among those individuals who are exercising a Constitutionally protected right and those committing crimes oftentimes under the cover of the protestors.
See, I’d believe that if only the protesters left when the supposed rioters showed up. But no, they don’t. In fact, they don’t try to stop them. It’s on film, so there’s evidence
It seems to me that the “crime” the conservative demonstrators committed was to behave like the liberals have ever since the mid sixties. Liberals have invaded and occupied countless government buildings, destroyed both public and private property and killed civilians, police and governmental officials.
Liberals may have occupied government buildings, but they never displaced the occupants. no matter how rowdy they were, they never stopped the buildings from functioning.
And of course, they never chanted for elected officials to "hang"
Are you kidding, or just ignorant? Liberals have shut down college campuses, downtown areas, parks, state, local and federal government buildings as well as blocked freeways at rush hour all over the nation ever since the mid sixties.
It is if they take money. But if all they did was enter and take photos, nope
And if they beat other cops and smash their way into the empty vault? robbery...or in this case Insurrection
See, I’d believe that if only the protesters left when the supposed rioters showed up. But no, they don’t. In fact, they don’t try to stop them. It’s on film, so there’s evidence
You're talking about the Capitol Attack....right?
The real mystery here is why he shot the woman instead of the guys shattering the windows?
SHE was advancing. Those cops were remarkably restrained

They were just following not use lethal force against the demonstrators.....except for the Negroid Cop....who for some reason wanted to kill a white woman. must not have seen the video...she was not advancing she was in a room with a bunch of other people including cops.

The black guy who shot her was not even in the same room...he was hidden in an adjoining room and shot her through a window.

This thing has been squashed unfortunately....the black cop has avoided justice and is in hiding.

If he is smart he will stay in hiding....I am sure this woman has friends, family and lots of supporters who would like to see justice done.

"for some reason"


"The black guy who shot her was not even in the same room...he was hidden in an adjoining room and shot her through a window."

Of course he was in the same room. He was standing in the entryway that leads to the chamber floor. His job was to take any action necessary to keep the insurrectionists out.

"she was not advancing she was in a room with a bunch of other people including cops."

Well that only proves you're out of your fucking mind. Of course she was advancing. She was trying to climb through the broken out window to gain entry into the Speaker's Lobby. Had she done so, the mob behind her who were smashing the doors and windows would have followed her and flooded the House chamber were lawmakers were still hiding, waiting to be escorted out to safety.

Even worse for your insanity, that mob spotted some lawmakers being escorted out and yelled out, "they're leaving, they're leaving," followed by, "break it down, break it down!" They left no questions as to why they were so intent on breaking into the House chamber.

The same thing the other hundreds of idiots have been charged with. You can read the charges here:

bullshite.......these charges will be thrown out.

The same thing the other hundreds of idiots have been charged with. You can read the charges here:

bullshite.......these charges will be thrown out.
that's not a crime.

The same thing the other hundreds of idiots have been charged with. You can read the charges here:

bullshite.......these charges will be thrown out.

Good luck with that. :itsok:

The same thing the other hundreds of idiots have been charged with. You can read the charges here:

bullshite.......these charges will be thrown out.

And you'll be the next president of the U.S..

The same thing the other hundreds of idiots have been charged with. You can read the charges here:

Something to add:

Jacob Chansley, the behorned and fur-adorned QAnon influencer who calls himself “the Q Shaman,” says he doesn’t regret his loyalty to former President Donald Trump, but that he was greatly disappointed when Trump declined his request for a pardon following Chansley’s arrest for infiltrating the Senate chamber during the deadly riots on January 6.​
Jacob Chansley shouts, "Freedom!” inside the Senate chamber after the U.S. Capitol was breached by a​
In an interview that aired Thursday on CBS This Morning, Chansley said he regrets entering the Capitol “with every fiber of my being,” but that he intended to “bring divinity and to bring God back into the Senate.”​
Chansley added that the “one very serious regret” he has was “believing that when we were waved in by police officers, that it was acceptable.”​
Regarding the former president’s decision not to assist those individuals arrested for their role in the riots, Chansley stated he still believes Trump cares about the Constitution and the American people, and that is why it “wounded me so deeply and why it disappointed me so greatly that I and others did not get a pardon.”​
Continued here:​

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