BREAKING: FBI Arrests 87-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor for Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic Door

I have backed it up many, many times.

You snowflakes always demand to he spoon-fed, prove yourselves to be too lazy to educate yourselves, and 'rekigeously' use the tactic of declaring already proven facts to be false if someone does not post the SAME links EVERY TIME they state the SAME proven facts..

I don't play snowflake / troll games, and I don't spoon-feed snowflakes. I prefer to allow them to intellectually starve to death in their own laziness and ignorance.
So you got nothing.
There were once laws in this country that prevented people of a certain color from eating in places where people of a different color were allowed to. Some people decided that those laws were unjust and went into those places anyway and just sat down. Getting arrested for breaking the law was just part of the experience.
Sure, and those people are to be revered. Surely you aren't trying to compare racial equality with your desire to control women's choices about their own bodies. I don't remember those people at Woolworth's lunch counter blocking the door so white folk couldn't get in.
Both babies and fetuses are human beings. It is not only a fact, it is a long- standing truth.

Ok. What does that have to do with my post? I did not mention human beings. I said fetuses are aborted.

Oh, wait! Science has recently been updated to the Pelisi option, "The truth is optional."

Can I have a link to that please? I would love to see the context.

Especially if the Democrats can get votes out of their dictatorship of killing human beings of any time.

Nearly all Democrats do not want that.

Democrats have become an unstable killing machine since 1973 when Roe v. Wade passed against religion's freedom that was once in the First Amendment that is being itch slapped by the left for decades.
1. Roe v Wade was decided by a SCOTUS if 7 Repubs and 2 Dems. Ironically, one of the two Dems voted against roe v Wade.

2. My religion is fine with abortion. Please don't tread on my religious rights.
Sure, and those people are to be revered. Surely you aren't trying to compare racial equality with your desire to control women's choices about their own bodies. I don't remember those people at Woolworth's lunch counter blocking the door so white folk couldn't get in.
You are probably in the top ten of the dumbest posters at this site. Congratulations.
Sure, and those people are to be revered. Surely you aren't trying to compare racial equality with your desire to control women's choices about their own bodies. I don't remember those people at Woolworth's lunch counter blocking the door so white folk couldn't get in.
Non-violently blocking access to something is a time-honored protest tactic, surely you would know that. Sit-ins were quite popular, if I recall correctly. And I have no problem with women who have sex and want to control their OWN bodies.
There's going to be a lot more poor and unwanted children being born now with these new laws. I'm guessing that our republican politicians won't look into programs that help these poor and needy kids forced on society. You know they're against free stuff and hand outs etc.
There's going to be a lot more poor and unwanted children being born now with these new laws. I'm guessing that our republican politicians won't look into programs that help these poor and needy kids forced on society. You know they're against free stuff and hand outs etc.
There are no unwanted children, just ones not wanted by their birth parents. Be sure to keep us updated.
It's hilarious to see you put Plessy and Obergfell in the same category given how they're complete opposite takes on the 14th amendment.

You're all over the map. This is what happens when you have political views based on convenience rather than actual principle.

They are bad SC rulings based on bullshit.

What Obergfell should have done is say States can decide to not ISSUE SSM licenses, but they have to recognize SSM licenses from other States under full faith and credit.

I have no issue with SSM as long as it's voted into being by a State Legislature.

That's called procedural constructionism.
I said nothing about supporting anything. Quite the contrary but to you stating facts equates to support.
So just because it is legal take advantage of it to intimidate people? That is what they are doing. Do you approve of that?
So just because it is legal take advantage of it to intimidate people? That is what they are doing. Do you approve of that?

Do I support it being legal to allow people to block people from entering a legal business? No.

We could discuss how that should be handled.

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