Breaking: FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe...uh oh

Well, the problem with that argument is Hillary didn't have any legal right to official State Department documents.....since she only used that server to do all of her State Department communication. She couldn't legally destroy them.

Just sayin.....
Yup might even be true. My question is 2-fold. You accuse Clinton of, if I'm reading it correctly, being stupid (possible illegal). In the meantime, the candidate for the republican ticket, called NATO obsolete and questioned the US honoring it's commitments to NATO ( really stupid). Called on Russia to hack Clinton's E-mails, ( possibly treason). And called for assassination of an elected president ( possibly illegal and for sure immoral). So which one of these choices is the worst? And why the double standard?
The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
Well, the problem with that argument is Hillary didn't have any legal right to official State Department documents.....since she only used that server to do all of her State Department communication. She couldn't legally destroy them.

Just sayin.....
Yup might even be true. My question is 2-fold. You accuse Clinton of, if I'm reading it correctly, being stupid (possible illegal). In the meantime, the candidate for the republican ticket, called NATO obsolete and questioned the US honoring it's commitments to NATO ( really stupid). Called on Russia to hack Clinton's E-mails, ( possibly treason). And called for assassination of an elected president ( possibly illegal and for sure immoral). So which one of these choices is the worst? And why the double standard?
The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
Yup might even be true. My question is 2-fold. You accuse Clinton of, if I'm reading it correctly, being stupid (possible illegal). In the meantime, the candidate for the republican ticket, called NATO obsolete and questioned the US honoring it's commitments to NATO ( really stupid). Called on Russia to hack Clinton's E-mails, ( possibly treason). And called for assassination of an elected president ( possibly illegal and for sure immoral). So which one of these choices is the worst? And why the double standard?
The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.
Yup might even be true. My question is 2-fold. You accuse Clinton of, if I'm reading it correctly, being stupid (possible illegal). In the meantime, the candidate for the republican ticket, called NATO obsolete and questioned the US honoring it's commitments to NATO ( really stupid). Called on Russia to hack Clinton's E-mails, ( possibly treason). And called for assassination of an elected president ( possibly illegal and for sure immoral). So which one of these choices is the worst? And why the double standard?
The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.

A clear grasp? You mean when she was so gun hole to attack Libya that the Pentagon and her own party tried to go behind her back and stop it?

Hillary Clinton undercut on Libya war by Pentagon and Congress, secret tapes reveal

If she was bush Jr. We would of never heard the end of it.

There was no reason for that war what so ever.
Well we all know Hitlery is stupid, careless and incompetent. Just another nail in her coffin which Dems who support her sorry ass will ignore.

Hitlery will never be held accountable for any of her failings. Anyone who thinks differently is doomed to disappointment.
Hillary's problems involve more than what the FBI has uncovered. Judicial Watch is breaking news with new documents they have obtained:

'New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors'

"Crown Prince of Bahrain Forced to Go Through Foundation to See Clinton, after Pledging $32 Million to Clinton Global Initiative

Hollywood Executive Casey Wasserman, Slimfast Mogul Daniel Abraham, Controversial Appointee Rajiv Fernando also among Clinton Foundation Donors Granted Special Favors from Clinton State Department"

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 725 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

The new documents included 20 Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to 191 of new Clinton emails (not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department). These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department."

Hillary's problems involve more than what the FBI has uncovered. Judicial Watch is breaking news with new documents they have obtained:

'New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors'

"Crown Prince of Bahrain Forced to Go Through Foundation to See Clinton, after Pledging $32 Million to Clinton Global Initiative

Hollywood Executive Casey Wasserman, Slimfast Mogul Daniel Abraham, Controversial Appointee Rajiv Fernando also among Clinton Foundation Donors Granted Special Favors from Clinton State Department"

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 725 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

The new documents included 20 Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to 191 of new Clinton emails (not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department). These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department."



Indictments coming down any day now, any day..............................................

The NATO agreement needs to be renegotiated. America is broke. And Trump didn't call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Her server has long been retired, so there's nothing to hack. He did ask, sarcastically, for them to produce any hacked emails they might have. Only a brain-dead moron would claim he said hack her server.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.

A clear grasp? You mean when she was so gun hole to attack Libya that the Pentagon and her own party tried to go behind her back and stop it?

Hillary Clinton undercut on Libya war by Pentagon and Congress, secret tapes reveal

If she was bush Jr. We would of never heard the end of it.

There was no reason for that war what so ever.
A couple of things. The obvious, what the congressman did using back channels and undermining the official decision of the administration I find tantamount to treason and I don't consider the word of the spokesperson of one of the most ruthless dictators of the latter half of the 20th century as particularly reliable. Secondly Clinton by advocating intervention went with past experiences and as current events in Syria show, dictators targeting their own populace to keep power isn't exactly unheard of. She also wasn't the only person to do so as your article showed since she had support for her position both internally and internationally. Their is a clear difference between a knowledgeable person making choices that hindsight might critisise and. Trump claiming NATO is obsolete because it plays well with his supporters not taking into consideration, the consequences of that statement if he would win the elections. The first 1 is a judgement call, the second one is simple ignorance.
Vor, thanks for the demonstration that Liberals such as yourself put loyalty to lying, law-breaking Liberals above loyalty to your nation and the Constitution and Rule of law on which it is based.

As more and more evidence continues to pour out regarding Hillary's criminal activities, even too much for Liberals to continue to deny and justify, you and those like you are beginning to not even try anymore but instead openly admit and mock the evidence. You have begun to openly embrace the criminal lawlessness...the breaking down of our society.

You have a right, I guess, as Barry has proven as long as he is President Hillary and every other criminal Democrat (Holder, Castro, Reid, Hillary, etc) will face no indictments, will face no charges, and will face no jail time.
First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.
I didn't see the email where Putin prefers one or the other. I would imagine he prefers Trump because he has expressed interest in working with Russia to defeat ISIS and Hillary shoots from the hip. And she has a lot of hip. But what does Putin want that he hasn't gotten so far? obama is on the losing side every time.
Trump claiming NATO is obsolete because it plays well with his supporters not taking into consideration, the consequences of that statement if he would win the elections. The first 1 is a judgement call, the second one is simple ignorance.
We are no longer is a cold war with the USSR and many NATO nations aren't chipping in. The enemy is no longer nations but multi-national organizations, something NATO isn't designed to deal with, so it needs an overhaul. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is something only a liberal would embrace.
First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.
I didn't see the email where Putin prefers one or the other. I would imagine he prefers Trump because he has expressed interest in working with Russia to defeat ISIS and Hillary shoots from the hip. And she has a lot of hip. But what does Putin want that he hasn't gotten so far? obama is on the losing side every time.
Recognition of the Crimea a free hand in the Ukraine for starters. Not being put under trade sanctions for another lol. And claiming Clinton shoots from the hip when your candidate is Trump is probably the most ironic thing I've heard on this forum today.
FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned."

Should Hillary WITHDRAW from the presidential campaign?

When you say something is breaking it might be good to not post old news. This was in the article to btw.
"In announcing the FBI’s findings in July, Comey said investigators found no evidence that the emails it found “were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.” Like many users, Clinton periodically deleted emails, or they were purged when devices were changed."
Well, the problem with that argument is Hillary didn't have any legal right to official State Department documents.....since she only used that server to do all of her State Department communication. She couldn't legally destroy them.

Just sayin.....
Yup might even be true. My question is 2-fold. You accuse Clinton of, if I'm reading it correctly, being stupid (possible illegal). In the meantime, the candidate for the republican ticket, called NATO obsolete and questioned the US honoring it's commitments to NATO ( really stupid). Called on Russia to hack Clinton's E-mails, ( possibly treason). And called for assassination of an elected president ( possibly illegal and for sure immoral). So which one of these choices is the worst? And why the double standard?
There is no double standard. Asking Russia to hack someone's emails isn't treason unless there is classified information in those emails. We were assured there is none. Perhaps you're saying there is? And no one called for the assassination of an elected president, unless you're talking about George Bush. So, now that the deflection is neutered, back to the subject at hand.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.

A clear grasp? You mean when she was so gun hole to attack Libya that the Pentagon and her own party tried to go behind her back and stop it?

Hillary Clinton undercut on Libya war by Pentagon and Congress, secret tapes reveal

If she was bush Jr. We would of never heard the end of it.

There was no reason for that war what so ever.
A couple of things. The obvious, what the congressman did using back channels and undermining the official decision of the administration I find tantamount to treason and I don't consider the word of the spokesperson of one of the most ruthless dictators of the latter half of the 20th century as particularly reliable. Secondly Clinton by advocating intervention went with past experiences and as current events in Syria show, dictators targeting their own populace to keep power isn't exactly unheard of. She also wasn't the only person to do so as your article showed since she had support for her position both internally and internationally. Their is a clear difference between a knowledgeable person making choices that hindsight might critisise and. Trump claiming NATO is obsolete because it plays well with his supporters not taking into consideration, the consequences of that statement if he would win the elections. The first 1 is a judgement call, the second one is simple ignorance.
Nope. NATO is a bad deal for the US. We're stuck with paying for the defense of countries that can afford to pay for their own defense. Only an ignorant progressive sycophant would think otherwise. Trump is spot on with this but your handlers are telling you he's wrong in a silly attempt to make him look unqualified.

NATO is an alliance that is outdated and was created to prevent Soviet expansion.
The most delicious thing about this e-mail "scandal," is that if republicans hadn't driven themselves into an insane frenzy over the last 8 years, trying to convince each other of blatant lies (like Obama being a Muslim, that Hillary killed Ambassador Stevens, etc), trying to convince each other that anybody in their party trying to be reasonable is a RINO, and on and on... this e-mail scandal, none of which was illegal btw, probably would have sunk Hillary! Instead, you nominated a candidate that confirmed everyone's worst fears about republicans! Bravo! :clap:

Hussein, isn't a Muslim, he's a Muslim sympathizer. And Hillary did kill Stevens.

And putting classified e-mail on her own server is certainly illegal.

You're a brain mush partisan Democrat, nothing she could do would bother you. Nothing will stand between you and free government cheese
OP- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ "Nothing criminal, no intent", NADA, hater dupes.
Extremely careless. Good enough for me. Keep her out of the White House unless she has a visitor's pass.
Hillary's problems involve more than what the FBI has uncovered. Judicial Watch is breaking news with new documents they have obtained:

'New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors'

"Crown Prince of Bahrain Forced to Go Through Foundation to See Clinton, after Pledging $32 Million to Clinton Global Initiative

Hollywood Executive Casey Wasserman, Slimfast Mogul Daniel Abraham, Controversial Appointee Rajiv Fernando also among Clinton Foundation Donors Granted Special Favors from Clinton State Department"

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 725 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

The new documents included 20 Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to 191 of new Clinton emails (not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department). These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department."



Indictments coming down any day now, any day..............................................

Because that's the only thing that matters.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.

A clear grasp? You mean when she was so gun hole to attack Libya that the Pentagon and her own party tried to go behind her back and stop it?

Hillary Clinton undercut on Libya war by Pentagon and Congress, secret tapes reveal

If she was bush Jr. We would of never heard the end of it.

There was no reason for that war what so ever.
A couple of things. The obvious, what the congressman did using back channels and undermining the official decision of the administration I find tantamount to treason and I don't consider the word of the spokesperson of one of the most ruthless dictators of the latter half of the 20th century as particularly reliable. Secondly Clinton by advocating intervention went with past experiences and as current events in Syria show, dictators targeting their own populace to keep power isn't exactly unheard of. She also wasn't the only person to do so as your article showed since she had support for her position both internally and internationally. Their is a clear difference between a knowledgeable person making choices that hindsight might critisise and. Trump claiming NATO is obsolete because it plays well with his supporters not taking into consideration, the consequences of that statement if he would win the elections. The first 1 is a judgement call, the second one is simple ignorance.
Nope. NATO is a bad deal for the US. We're stuck with paying for the defense of countries that can afford to pay for their own defense. Only an ignorant progressive sycophant would think otherwise. Trump is spot on with this but your handlers are telling you he's wrong in a silly attempt to make him look unqualified.

NATO is an alliance that is outdated and was created to prevent Soviet expansion.
In case you haven't noticed Russia has annexed 1 sovereign nation and invaded another one, in the last 5 years. So saying NATO is outdated because Russia isn't expansionist anymore doesn't work. He's also holding major military exercises in the North, targeted at the Baltic states. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are all members of NATO an organisation that Trump openly questioned. Trump takes office and what do you think will happen? Now if you want to renegotiate the NATO charter, fine but you don't do it publicly, you do it privately. And what you never, ever do is do it because it plays well as a soundbite.
You think Putin interpreted it as sarcastic? He emboldens a leader of a nation which has territorial ambitions by saying that, and emboldens him some more when calling NATO obsolete. America is broke but still spends about the same amount on defense as the next 10 countries combined, so claiming they are not , as they are the biggest player on the NATO table is ridiculous. Actions AND words have consequences. So again what is the better choice? A candidate who gets this simple fact or one who doesn't and who has proven to not be able to let his ego go, even if it is in his best interest.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses.
Putin is emboldened every time he sees a picture of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Really?? First of, as the DNC hack showed Putin has a clear preference to what candidate he wants to win. Secondly Putin has been under pressure from Obama and Europe by trade sanctions, that's the real world politics, not what you see as the truth, through partisan glasses. Policies and cooperative relationships that are put under scrutiny when Trump opens his mouth without any real knowledge of international politics.

So you blame the messenger not the message?

You have no problem with all these shady foreigners giving millions upon millions of dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of state and now running for president?

Sounds to me she is bought and sold to the highest bidder.
I have a major problem actually with the entire party finance system. It's a system that invites corruption. But that's not the point I'm making. I don't like Clinton, but she does have a clear grasp on international politics. Something Trump has shown to not have.

A clear grasp? You mean when she was so gun hole to attack Libya that the Pentagon and her own party tried to go behind her back and stop it?

Hillary Clinton undercut on Libya war by Pentagon and Congress, secret tapes reveal

If she was bush Jr. We would of never heard the end of it.

There was no reason for that war what so ever.
A couple of things. The obvious, what the congressman did using back channels and undermining the official decision of the administration I find tantamount to treason and I don't consider the word of the spokesperson of one of the most ruthless dictators of the latter half of the 20th century as particularly reliable. Secondly Clinton by advocating intervention went with past experiences and as current events in Syria show, dictators targeting their own populace to keep power isn't exactly unheard of. She also wasn't the only person to do so as your article showed since she had support for her position both internally and internationally. Their is a clear difference between a knowledgeable person making choices that hindsight might critisise and. Trump claiming NATO is obsolete because it plays well with his supporters not taking into consideration, the consequences of that statement if he would win the elections. The first 1 is a judgement call, the second one is simple ignorance.

Woa fellow Gaddafi was contained had been since Regan bombed him and he paid for Lockerbie (spl?)

Hillary was a renegade in Libya and turned that place into Bush Jr. Iraq.

New Hillary Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil and Gold

New Emails Expose Hillary’s Dirty War in Libya

The New Year’s Eve release of over 3000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook.

But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

Hillary’s Death Squads

A March 27, 2011 intelligence brief on Libya, sent by long time close adviser to the Clintons and Hillary’s unofficial intelligence gatherer, Sidney Blumenthal, contains clear evidence of war crimes on the part of NATO-backed rebels. Citing a rebel commander source “speaking in strict confidence” Blumenthal reports to Hillary [emphasis mine]:

Under attack from allied Air and Naval forces, the Libyan Army troops have begun to desert to the rebel side in increasing numbers. The rebels are making an effort to greet these troops as fellow Libyans, in an effort to encourage additional defections.

(Source Comment: Speaking in strict confidence, one rebel commander stated that his troopscontinue to summarily execute all foreign mercenaries captured in the fighting…).

While the illegality of extra-judicial killings is easy to recognize (groups engaged in such are conventionally termed “death squads”), the sinister reality behind the “foreign mercenaries” reference might not be as immediately evident to most.

While over the decades Gaddafi was known to make use of European and other international security and infrastructural contractors, there is no evidence to suggest that these were targeted by the Libyan rebels.

There is however, ample documentation by journalists, academics, and human rights groups demonstrating that black Libyan civilians and sub-Saharan contract workers, a population favored by Gaddafi in his pro-African Union policies, were targets of “racial cleansing” by rebels who saw black Libyans as tied closely with the regime.[1]

Black Libyans were commonly branded as “foreign mercenaries” by the rebel opposition for their perceived general loyalty to Gaddafi as a community and subjected to torture, executions, and their towns “liberated” by ethnic cleansing.

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