Breaking: FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe...uh oh

A monday morning QB with a bi
OP- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ "Nothing criminal, no intent", NADA, hater dupes.
Extremely careless. Good enough for me. Keep her out of the White House unless she has a visitor's pass.
Clinton’s e-mail ‘scandals’ are pure fiction - The Boston Globe
Does that make the FBI Director's quote a lie? Think about it.[/QUOTE/]
A big mouth GOP Monday morning QB. As if Hillary were a computer expert like all you dupes- and these crap journalists.......
A monday morning QB with a bi
OP- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ "Nothing criminal, no intent", NADA, hater dupes.
Extremely careless. Good enough for me. Keep her out of the White House unless she has a visitor's pass.
Clinton’s e-mail ‘scandals’ are pure fiction - The Boston Globe
Does that make the FBI Director's quote a lie? Think about it.[/QUOTE/]
A big mouth GOP Monday morning QB. As if Hillary were a computer expert like all you dupes- and these crap journalists.......
I have seen nothing, repeat nothing, to counter Comey's statement that Hillary was extremely careless. Have you?

And, BTW, it doesn't take a computer expert to know that a lightly secured personal server is not a good place to store highly classified information, just someone who is paying attention.
FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned."

Should Hillary WITHDRAW from the presidential campaign?


LOL--another opt that is suffering from OCDS---Obsessive Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Brought to you by over 20 years of brain manipulation from Reich wing talk radio and those on Fox News that fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of 1/2 truths, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Clinton has repeatedly stated that others within the State Department have used private servers, and we find out that is TRUE. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State under G.W. Bush actually sent her a memo suggesting she did the same as he (use a private server.)

Powell's office later released a statement to NBC News, saying he "has no recollection of the dinner conversation." However, "He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department."
Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him

And of course Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the same issues with classified documents as Hillary Clinton, but it's only been Hillary Clinton that has had to answer for it.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

You've cried WOLF too many times. This is nothing more than a 25 year witch hunt on Hillary Clinton, at taxpayer expense for nothing more than political gain.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned."

Should Hillary WITHDRAW from the presidential campaign?


LOL--another opt that is suffering from OCDS---Obsessive Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Brought to you by over 20 years of brain manipulation from Reich wing talk radio and those on Fox News that fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of 1/2 truths, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Clinton has repeatedly stated that others within the State Department have used private servers, and we find out that is TRUE. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State under G.W. Bush actually sent her a memo suggesting she did the same as he (use a private server.)

Powell's office later released a statement to NBC News, saying he "has no recollection of the dinner conversation." However, "He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department."
Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him

And of course Colin Powell & Condi Rice have the same issues with classified documents as Hillary Clinton, but it's only been Hillary Clinton that has had to answer for it.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

You've cried WOLF too many times. This is nothing more than a 25 year witch hunt on Hillary Clinton, at taxpayer expense for nothing more than political gain.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

Extremely careless is good enough for me to keep her out of the White House unless she's part of a tour group.
Crimea and the Ukraine for that matter are not members so they don't fall under it's protection. Unlike you, I know a thing or 2 lol. I get why you applaud when Trump sais it. What you don't get ,probably because for you the world stops on the US border, is that in the rest of the world, the US election has profound repercussions and a president needs to be well versed, or failing that at least willing to accept advice of people who do know this stuff. Trump has shown an extraordinary unwillingness to listen to anyone but himself and has also shown a remarkable capability for pettiness and in a lot of cases even the ability to hold his tongue even when it would be in his best interest to do so.
Yeah. Listen to your ridiculous bullshit and not respond.

The point is NATO is outdated because it doesn't cover the current threats. It doesn't address Islamic expansion or the war on terrorism. It's primarily political in nature with no teeth.

And for your information I have been deployed overseas and worked with NATO and UN troops. So blow it out your ass dirtbag.
Well apparently you don't know which nations are members and which aren't so I'm sorry but that's the information your posts gave, so I drew my conclusions. And like I told you before I'm not against renegotiation of NATO. But I want the future president to have a clear understanding of his or hers responsibilities and the ability to accept or the knowledge of international politics and only one of the two candidates seem to be fitting that bill.

I know Ukraine isn't a member God Dammit!
The point I made was NATO isn't able to address current threats.

You made my point for me but still don't know it.
You point out exactly why NATO isn't working anymore, citing Crimea, and then act like you made a valid point in NATO'S defense.
Since NATO isn't in any way shape or form responsible for the Crimea, I read that sentence as you not knowing who's a member and who wasn't. Just to point out why I came to my conclusions. Anyways NATO and this is my opinion is an organisation which like you pointed out isn't designed with international terrorism, in mind. But and this is my original point is designed as a way to prevent Russia from getting territorial ambitions, offering protection to it's member nations. As current event prove something that has become relevant again. Current treats need to be addressed globally not by an organisation that by it's very nature excludes several major powers. This belongs in the UN not NATO and it doesn't invalidate the usefulness of NATO as you seem to suggest.
In case you haven't been paying attention, the UN is worthless and corrupt. They have been co-opted by terrorist supporters. They are worse than useless.

I can tell you don't have a clue on this subject. You're just repeating Globalist propaganda and spewing nonsense.
And that's not the point in any way shape or form either. The UN is faulty because like the league of nations before it has devolved from an organisation that intervened effectively and if need be military, to an entity where anything substantive is blocked if any major power feel it's interests are affected. NATO is not the answer but like I pointed out it is still relevant. And unless you can claim Trump is capable of tackling a complex problem like this, knowing he has to be able to compromise and talk to foreign leaders each of which not being used to the word no, just like he is. Then the choice for president is clear.

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