BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

Bombing attacks? What bombing attacks? You have to ask yourself which party benefited from the rash of "suspicious packages"? Certainly not the republican party. In light of what is turning into credible evidence of the FBI's part in a "soft coup" designed to overturn the results of a presidential election you have to wonder if the FBI will undertake a thorough investigation.
Deep State Operation headed by Obama, Clinton, Clapper & Brennan.
Reminds me, I need to buy more Renyolds Wrap stock today...
Only libtards put stickers all over their cars....and make threats....

17th thread on this and she goes to.......... NYTimes? Reuters? CNN?

Nope............ Alex John Brinkley Jones. :banghead:

I'm sure you will take care of it snitch.

Yep. Watch this.

Sorry, this link is from what we call "the real world" ...........

>> While the motives for the attacks remain unclear, all those targeted are either leading Democrats or prominent figures who have been critical of the US president.

Experts have said right-wing terror is on the rise. It "is fueling a surge in terrorism in the US," according to an analysis by Quartz of the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database.

"Overall, the US had only six attacks a decade ago, but 65 in 2017. The number of fatalities is also increasing, in contrast to a global decrease in terror attacks.

"Terror attacks around the world fell from about 17,000 in 2014 to about 11,000 in 2017. They dropped almost 40 per cent in the Middle East.

The trend "persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists," Quartz said. "Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.

"In the same period, seven attacks were linked to Islamic extremists, and 11 attacks were inspired by left-leaning ideologies." << -- Yahoo Nooz

You keep selling those mythologies though, 'cause it's so cute.
Breaking: One Suspect Captured in Mail Bombing Attacks The suspect was arrested near Miami Florida

Just breaking on Fox News at 11:10 am

Published 23 mins ago
Last Update 6 mins ago
[11:27 am 10/26/18]
Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

If he is a left winger, people will have to move fast to see his social media..... the democrats will scrub it so fast it will make your head spin...and he will disappear down a memory black hole and it will be as if he never existed..... the last week will not have happened.....

If he is a Trump supporter, he will be covered 24/7 and you won't be able to hear his name without Trump's name following in the next few words......
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Who cares what he CLAIMS to be - he is a member of the 'unstable violent nut job' party, a 3rd political party that has come into being as a result of the stupidity and violent rhetoric coming from both the Left and Right and needs to be put away.
DOJ arrests one in florida. Let the fun begin.


A raging RW lunatic with a bedazzled lunatic van.

Was the van down by the river?

Parked proudly in front of his condo.
Completely covered in pro-Trump paraphenalia of course.

totally missed the joke!

I did too, never heard of that. Now I've got Neil Young singing in my head.

LOL I have since I read that post.

Thank goodness it's a good song by a musician I like.

This is gonna be big....and I have a foursome waiting at the
Just saw it on the news at lunch break.

The talking heads just keep repeating the same thing with the same pictures.

Nothing about who the guy is except he's in his 50's.
17th thread on this and she goes to.......... NYTimes? Reuters? CNN?

Nope............ Alex John Brinkley Jones. :banghead:

I'm sure you will take care of it snitch.

Yep. Just did. Watch.

BREAKING! Man Arrested For “Bomb”
Package Campaign

Federal authorities have allegedly arrested a man in Florida in connection with the recent “explosive devices” sent to prominent Democrats.
View attachment 224896

Yaay . hopefully it's an ANTIFA fk , since they represent all DEMOCRATIC koonts.

Sorry, this link is from what we call "the real world" ...........

>> While the motives for the attacks remain unclear, all those targeted are either leading Democrats or prominent figures who have been critical of the US president.

Experts have said right-wing terror is on the rise. It "is fueling a surge in terrorism in the US," according to an analysis by Quartz of the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database.

"Overall, the US had only six attacks a decade ago, but 65 in 2017. The number of fatalities is also increasing, in contrast to a global decrease in terror attacks.

"Terror attacks around the world fell from about 17,000 in 2014 to about 11,000 in 2017. They dropped almost 40 per cent in the Middle East.

The trend "persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists," Quartz said. "Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.

"In the same period, seven attacks were linked to Islamic extremists, and 11 attacks were inspired by left-leaning ideologies." << -- Yahoo Nooz

You keep selling those mythologies though, 'cause it's so cute.

Breaking: One Suspect Captured in Mail Bombing Attacks The suspect was arrested near Miami Florida

Just breaking on Fox News at 11:10 am

Published 23 mins ago
Last Update 6 mins ago
[11:27 am 10/26/18]
Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

If he is a left winger, people will have to move fast to see his social media..... the democrats will scrub it so fast it will make your head spin...and he will disappear down a memory black hole and it will be as if he never existed..... the last week will not have happened.....

If he is a Trump supporter, he will be covered 24/7 and you won't be able to hear his name without Trump's name following in the next few words......

If he is a left winger, people will have to move fast to see his social media..... the democrats will scrub it so fast it will make your head spin...and he will disappear down a memory black hole and it will be as if he never existed..... the last week will not have happened.....

I suspect if he was a Leftist, which is highly unlikely based on who he targeted, you will never hear of his party affiliation / preference, but if he considers himself to be a Conservative / Republican it will be pounded in the media.
Again, we know almost nothing yet. Let us wait and see before we jump to any conclusions. Maybe we can just all agree that the person(s) responsible should be apprehended and forced to account.

A raging RW lunatic with a bedazzled lunatic van.

Was the van down by the river?

Parked proudly in front of his condo.
Completely covered in pro-Trump paraphenalia of course.

totally missed the joke!

I did too, never heard of that. Now I've got Neil Young singing in my head.

LOL I have since I read that post.

Thank goodness it's a good song by a musician I like.

I dunno, Neil Young's voice always sounded to me like I accidentally ran over my cat. :eek:
17th thread on this and she goes to.......... NYTimes? Reuters? CNN?

Nope............ Alex John Brinkley Jones. :banghead:

I'm sure you will take care of it snitch.

Yep. Watch this.

Sorry, this link is from what we call "the real world" ...........

>> While the motives for the attacks remain unclear, all those targeted are either leading Democrats or prominent figures who have been critical of the US president.

Experts have said right-wing terror is on the rise. It "is fueling a surge in terrorism in the US," according to an analysis by Quartz of the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database.

"Overall, the US had only six attacks a decade ago, but 65 in 2017. The number of fatalities is also increasing, in contrast to a global decrease in terror attacks.

"Terror attacks around the world fell from about 17,000 in 2014 to about 11,000 in 2017. They dropped almost 40 per cent in the Middle East.

The trend "persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists," Quartz said. "Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.

"In the same period, seven attacks were linked to Islamic extremists, and 11 attacks were inspired by left-leaning ideologies." << -- Yahoo Nooz

You keep selling those mythologies though, 'cause it's so cute.

That Muslim that shot up the gay club, how was that counted?
WELL, there appears to be a decal on the van of the suspect which had the picture of a President. It was not Obama, not Clinton, Not either Bush, Nor Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, IKE, TR or FDR.

Anyone want to guess which President?

Where are you going with this?

It semes pretty obvious;. but I'm a realest and trained in LE. Thus, I will wait to see when more substantial evidence as it is collected by further investigation.

I reported what was reported and what I saw on the TV.

The van's windows were covered with stickers, the only one substantial in size was circular with Donald Trump in its center. Of course I haven't seen any evidence to support the van was the person now arrested.

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