BREAKING: Federal judge SHOOTS DOWN ridiculous Biden admin attempt to hold Trump in contempt

Not one Democrat is hyperventilating that Trump is running already for 2024. He has no chances this time, but he can continue to dream.
The headlines and dribble on this site say otherwise, there is a reason Democrats are obsessed, just as Republicans are obsessed with Biden. Because both sides know who the current threats are.
The headlines and dribble on this site say otherwise, there is a reason Democrats are obsessed, just as Republicans are obsessed with Biden. Because both sides know who the current threats are.
I hope Trump doesn't run. It would be bad for the country.

Harvesting the salt of Lefty tears....

And please take note: This was an Obama appointed judge.

So much winning :)
you watch.
The doj will still keep doing it
- but to pretend that the Left were not hyperventilating about Trump running again is acutely dishonest
Not one Democrat is hyperventilating that Trump is running already for 2024.

I cannot speak for either view of what the Democrats are or are not doing about Trump running in 2024; however.....

...however, for me personally, I welcome it.

To me this gives America the opportunity to have a do-over. To correct a wrong...a second time. To reject Trump and Trumpism and the MAGAMob thuggery they too often resort to.

America is better than DonnyT. America is better than the MAGAMob sedition on January 6th. We now have a chance to show the world that. Again. That we made a mistake in 2016 in electing Trump. We went a long ways towards correcting that mistake in 2020....with Biden.

But now we can have a second chance to drive that message home to the world: We regret what we did in 2016. We fully realize he sullied the ideals of America. And of much of the world. And what we do with Trump in 2024 can show how much we regretted it and strove to correct that mistake.

So, yeah let the bloke run in the primaries. Unless, of course the DOJ starts raining indictments down on him. Then he should gracefully* withdraw and huddle with his criminal defense attorneys.


*tho, truth be told, "gracefully" may be a bridge too far for DonnyT.

The DOJ and the intelligence agencies are obviously corrupted by politics and now do the bidding of the Democratic Party.
Prove it. Or back up and simply say that is merely your opinion....based on what you have read on Breitbart, Great Awakening, or some other narrow gauge RWNJ media site.

Otherwise, if you cannot prove it...... folks will rightfully think you are just hyperventilating and making up stuff out of a sense of paranoia and/or hyper-partisanship.

Is that the impression you wish the forum to have of your avatar?

You should be better than that, poster Marathon.

To reject Trump and Trumpism and the MAGAMob thuggery they too often resort to.

Yeah, I agree man. No kidding!

Remember when the MAGA Mob burned down cities across America for months on end in the most expensive and dangerous riots in American history, claiming the lives of over 40 people - including a black police Officer?

And then Mike Pence tweeted to raise money to help bail them out after they burned down a Police Station in Minneapolis?

Thank goodness there are folks on here like yourself.

You're clearly a critical thinking individual, armed with the facts and a command of both nuance and insight unrivaled by even the most astute NPR listener.

We don't deserve you.
Yeah, I agree man. No kidding!

Remember when the MAGA Mob burned down cities across America for months on end in the most expensive and dangerous riots in American history, claiming the lives of over 40 people - including a black police Officer?

And then Mike Pence tweeted to raise money to help bail them out after they burned down a Police Station in Minneapolis?

Thank goodness there are folks on here like yourself.

You're clearly a critical thinking individual, armed with the facts and a command of both nuance and insight unrivaled by even the most astute NPR listener.

We don't deserve you.
Pathetic whataboutism in your own thread? Sad!
Pathetic whataboutism in your own thread? Sad!

Oh's you.

I'd proffer the idea that a few people strolling around the capitol building, breaking some windows, and stealing a podium - all while not killing anybody - does not a "whataboutism" make.

But it has already been demonstrated that you don't know what "triggering" means either.

One can only marvel at what other urban dictionary entries you missed out on, buttressing the exquisite paucity of your feeble lexicon.

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