BREAKING: Federal judge SHOOTS DOWN ridiculous Biden admin attempt to hold Trump in contempt

Harvesting the salt of Lefty tears....

And please take note: This was an Obama appointed judge.

So much winning :)
Knew this was coming... Trump was POTUS at the time the records were declassified. Trump was the cassification authroity, full stop! The DOJ just lost their case in court over the Mar-a-lago documents.
"...burned down cities across America..."
Well, name the "cities" that were burned down.
Were they ever rebuilt?
The whole burned down city....rebuilt? All of it?

I ask because I suspect that not a little bit of hyperbole and gaslighting is being thrown up to obfuscate what happened on January 6th with the real MAGAMob.

Do you think I am right on that, poster RhodyP?


"And then Mike Pence tweeted to raise money to help bail them out after they burned down a Police Station in Minneapolis?"

Now I had not heard or read that. That would be interesting new information for me.

Can you give the forum here some sourcing on this allegation of your RhodyP?

Lest the contributors and the lurkers on this forum may think less of your avatar's education, ability, and due diligence.

Batter up, mon ami.
Can you give the forum here some sourcing on this allegation of your RhodyP?

Lest the contributors and the lurkers on this forum may think less of your avatar's education, ability, and due diligence.

Oh yeah. Heaven forbid anonymous people on an internet message board think less of someone they don't even know. The horror.

You're a real laugh riot.

Sacre bleu!

That's French for asshole.
Well, name the "cities" that were burned down.
Were they ever rebuilt?
The whole burned down city....rebuilt? All of it?

I ask because I suspect that not a little bit of hyperbole and gaslighting is being thrown up to obfuscate what happened on January 6th with the real MAGAMob.

Do you think I am right on that, poster RhodyP?


Now I had not heard or read that. That would be interesting new information for me.

Can you give the forum here some sourcing on this allegation of your RhodyP?

Lest the contributors and the lurkers on this forum may think less of your avatar's education, ability, and due diligence.

Batter up, mon ami.
The Judge recognized that Trump was the classifying authority and had the power to declassify all of it. They just got slapped down and lost the full case. They now have nowhere to turn; the DOJ is in trouble. Violations of Trumps civil rights, unlawful search and seizure are all possible charges now against the DOJ.

The DOJ attorneys were told to figure it out. It wouldn't surprise me that Trump files a counter suit with this ruling as its basis.
"...the Judge recognized that Trump was the classifying authority and had the power to declassify all of it. They just got slapped down and lost the full case."

I had not seen that, poster BillyBob.
Can you cite for the forum some credible sourcing on your assertion above.

Thanks in advance.
Well, name the "cities" that were burned down.
Were they ever rebuilt?
The whole burned down city....rebuilt? All of it?

I ask because I suspect that not a little bit of hyperbole and gaslighting is being thrown up to obfuscate what happened on January 6th with the real MAGAMob.

Do you think I am right on that, poster RhodyP?


Now I had not heard or read that. That would be interesting new information for me.

Can you give the forum here some sourcing on this allegation of your RhodyP?

Lest the contributors and the lurkers on this forum may think less of your avatar's education, ability, and due diligence.

Batter up, mon ami.
Here ya go Champ, a partial list.

Burning Cities | National Review
See post #38.

"And then Mike Pence tweeted to raise money to help bail them out after they burned down a Police Station in Minneapolis?"

RhodyP was asked to vet the claim he made in the pulled quote above.
To give the forum some credible sourcing on his allegation.

He didn't.
He cannot, or will not, or at any rate.....he has not.

I don't know why.
And common courtesy suggests not to question his avatar's inability and failure on this query too stringently.

Nonetheless, we must wonder why RhodyP is failing to make his own word good?

But, let's not judge lest we be judged.
So let us allow RhodyP a little more time to make his word good.

Your ball, RhodyP.
See post #38.


RhodyP was asked to vet the claim he made in the pulled quote above.
To give the forum some credible sourcing on his allegation.

He didn't.
He cannot, or will not, or at any rate.....he has not.

I don't know why.
And common courtesy suggests not to question his avatar's inability and failure on this query too stringently.

Nonetheless, we must wonder why RhodyP is failing to make his own word good?

But, let's not judge lest we be judged.
So let us allow RhodyP a little more time to make his word good.

Your ball, RhodyP.

Dude, are you blind?

Post #43.

The Mike Pence thing was a joke - the real culprit was Kamala Heels Up Harris.

Your cackling whore of a VP.

P.S. Get your eyes checked.
Reading is fundamental... try it. The judge cited the classifying authority of the president is final. That means everything is what he says it is... Now go play in the street..
Yet Trump declassified nothing.

He also has not claimed in court that he did.

No, his mental diarrhea on truth social isn't binding.

There is a reason he won't make this claim under oath.
Harvesting the salt of Lefty tears....

And please take note: This was an Obama appointed judge.

So much winning :)
It was ridiculous. They asked Trump's team to look harder for classified info. When Trump's own team found 2 classified documents, all of a sudden the DOJ wants to charge them with contempt. How stupid and what a partisan action from an agency who weaponizes their power against political enemies.
Yet Trump declassified nothing.

He also has not claimed in court that he did.

No, his mental diarrhea on truth social isn't binding.

There is a reason he won't make this claim under oath.
Yet you have no proof of that. LOL this thing is collapsing in on top of your damn heads and its funny as hell.
Harvesting the salt of Lefty tears....

And please take note: This was an Obama appointed judge.

So much winning :)
He left open holding them in contempt in the future. He's just not ready to do it right now. He's giving them more time to comply. Do you think they're going to comply? I do not. Lawyers do not want to lie for Trump. This is why he keeps going through lawyers. Because evenly sleaziest lawyer does not want to lie to a judge. The consequence is to them and their law license, not to Donald Trump.
If the law won, then the DOJ request (which was rejected) must have been unlawful. Typical of this Administration’s misuse and politicization of the DOJ.

THE DOJ does indeed follow Brandon. And, it’s a disgrace.
Nope, the judge is giving Trump one last chance to turn it all over, before a contempt charge.
Yet you have no proof of that. LOL this thing is collapsing in on top of your damn heads and its funny as hell.

YOU have to prove he did... Which you have not done, in any way.
I hope Trump doesn't run. It would be bad for the country.
Yes, it would be horrible.

Your gas prices would fall, the inflation would wane, the housing market would return, the border would be closed, social media would be held responsible for censorship, and so many other problems we have now would improve or resolve completely.

Absolutely horrible, I tell you!

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