BREAKING: Federal judge SHOOTS DOWN ridiculous Biden admin attempt to hold Trump in contempt

Team trump swore in court that they didn't have any more materials. Then the doj had to execute search warrant to find more. Then they say they still don't have them all. Then team Trump does a search and turns over even more.

Are they supposed to just trust trump now? Give me a break.
Why should anyone trust the DOJ?
Team trump swore in court that they didn't have any more materials. Then the doj had to execute search warrant to find more. Then they say they still don't have them all. Then team Trump does a search and turns over even more.

Are they supposed to just trust trump now? Give me a break.
It was Trump's team that found the two documents. They could have just kept quiet.
A Q&A Script:

1) "The Judge recognized that Trump was the classifying authority and had the power to declassify all of it. They just got slapped down and lost the full case."
2) "I had not seen that, poster BillyBob. Can you cite for the forum some credible sourcing on your assertion above."
3) "I guess your incapable of reading the court's ruling..."

This ruling BillyBob? [ "Lisa Klem, the court spokesperson, acknowledged the sealed hearing on Friday in a statement, but provided no more information as to what happened. “This afternoon, the Court held a hearing regarding an ongoing and sealed grand jury matter. This matter remains under seal, pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) and Local Criminal Rule 6.1,” the statement said.]

That 'sealed' ruling?
Well, no.....I didn't read it. Did you?
How did you get it?

And what verbiage did the judge use to rule on "the whole case"?
I trust you, poster BillyBob......but your credibility still hangs in the balance.
Don't let your avatar, like some others, be considered a fake and a phony.

In short, back up your word.
Batter up, mon ami.


"Here ya go Champ, a partial list."
I read Thinker's list. I saw not one single city that had been burnt to the ground. I did see cities listed that had experienced some vandalism during the George Floyd social justice disturbances. I saw cities ...tho not all....that had experienced some property damage. I saw not a single city burnt to the ground.

So the obvious question to you and others is: Hyperbole much? ChickenLittle much?

The judge cited the classifying authority of the president is final.
I did not see that in the news reportage of this 'contempt' question before the court.
Where did poster BillyBob see it?
Can he link us to it?
If not....then why not?
Saddle up, Billy. Show what you've got. Give it your best shot.

"The Mike Pence thing was a joke..."
Ah yeah, the old fallback when experiencing blowback and pushback.
The well worn over-used ..... 'Well, I was just, only, merely, makin' a funny'.
Sure. You go with that.
You be you poster Rhody.

But......but some others here may think your avatar is a fake and a phony.
I'm not saying I am one of them.....but my avatar can understand how others might think your avatar is an empty suit. A 'All hat. Now cows' cowboy.
Not a good look. IMHO

"You don't think Biden's destruction of the oil industry....."

Such devastating destruction! It is unconscionable. How will they ever survive?

Oh, wait ----- From 'The Hill" October 29th, 2022

"Major oil companies saw profits soar in the third quarter of 2022, continuing a trend of massive industry profits even as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causes soaring prices for consumers.

Exxon Mobil on Friday morning reported its highest earnings ever at $19.7 billion for the quarter, while Shell reported its second highest of $9.5 billion.
Exxon Mobil’s quarterly profits surpassed the second quarter’s $17.9 billion, beating analyst projections by about $4 billion. The company said on an earnings call that its profits were boosted by record levels of Permian Basin oil and gas production, close to 560,000 barrels per day.
Shell, meanwhile, announced profits of $9.5 billion for the quarter the previous day.
Chevron also beat expectations, raking in $11.2 billion in the third quarter, also its second-highest quarter ever.


Look, poster Tory, veritas is a thing. Homework works. Due diligence ain't a bad thing..
The forum expects you to be better than what you've demonstrated to date. Put your big boy pants on and live up to your potential.

And good luck in future postings.

For some reason I really dig this pic.

Dunno why...
A Q&A Script:

This ruling BillyBob? [ "Lisa Klem, the court spokesperson, acknowledged the sealed hearing on Friday in a statement, but provided no more information as to what happened. “This afternoon, the Court held a hearing regarding an ongoing and sealed grand jury matter. This matter remains under seal, pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) and Local Criminal Rule 6.1,” the statement said.]

That 'sealed' ruling?
Well, no.....I didn't read it. Did you?
How did you get it?

And what verbiage did the judge use to rule on "the whole case"?
I trust you, poster BillyBob......but your credibility still hangs in the balance.
Don't let your avatar, like some others, be considered a fake and a phony.

In short, back up your word.
Batter up, mon ami.


I read Thinker's list. I saw not one single city that had been burnt to the ground. I did see cities listed that had experienced some vandalism during the George Floyd social justice disturbances. I saw cities ...tho not all....that had experienced some property damage. I saw not a single city burnt to the ground.

So the obvious question to you and others is: Hyperbole much? ChickenLittle much?


I did not see that in the news reportage of this 'contempt' question before the court.
Where did poster BillyBob see it?
Can he link us to it?
If not....then why not?
Saddle up, Billy. Show what you've got. Give it your best shot.


Ah yeah, the old fallback when experiencing blowback and pushback.
The well worn over-used ..... 'Well, I was just, only, merely, makin' a funny'.
Sure. You go with that.
You be you poster Rhody.

But......but some others here may think your avatar is a fake and a phony.
I'm not saying I am one of them.....but my avatar can understand how others might think your avatar is an empty suit. A 'All hat. Now cows' cowboy.
Not a good look. IMHO


Such devastating destruction! It is unconscionable. How will they ever survive?

Oh, wait ----- From 'The Hill" October 29th, 2022

"Major oil companies saw profits soar in the third quarter of 2022, continuing a trend of massive industry profits even as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causes soaring prices for consumers.

Exxon Mobil on Friday morning reported its highest earnings ever at $19.7 billion for the quarter, while Shell reported its second highest of $9.5 billion.
Exxon Mobil’s quarterly profits surpassed the second quarter’s $17.9 billion, beating analyst projections by about $4 billion. The company said on an earnings call that its profits were boosted by record levels of Permian Basin oil and gas production, close to 560,000 barrels per day.
Shell, meanwhile, announced profits of $9.5 billion for the quarter the previous day.
Chevron also beat expectations, raking in $11.2 billion in the third quarter, also its second-highest quarter ever.


Look, poster Tory, veritas is a thing. Homework works. Due diligence ain't a bad thing..
The forum expects you to be better than what you've demonstrated to date. Put your big boy pants on and live up to your potential.

And good luck in future postings.
Chiliconcrap tends to be verbose and dishonest but he likes to play with fonts and so forth. At least he’s pointless and pretentious.
Your contention misses the part where he declassified them. The normal procedures to properly record that action were not adhered to. But that’s a different proposition than a claim that they weren’t declassified.
Part of it, is about being classified, but the other part is about documents that were National Security risk, alone. And does not require a classification marking to break the law.

Regardless, he's never claimed he declassified them, in his court case against him, nor has he shown any proof, what so ever, that he did declassify them.

It does no good, PRETENDING he declassified them, unless he can show that he did.... Which he has never even tried to do?

FAITH, should be reserved for GOD alone. Faith in Trump telling the truth on this, is not wise imo....

You certainly would not believe presidents Joe Biden or Obama if they claimed they declassified hundreds of National Security documents sight unseen, that they haphazardly took to their homes.... without a drop of evidence, that they did....would you?
Part of it, is about being classified, but the other part is about documents that were National Security risk, alone. And does not require a classification marking to break the law.

Regardless, he's never claimed he declassified them, in his court case against him, nor has he shown any proof, what so ever, that he did declassify them.

It does no good, PRETENDING he declassified them, unless he can show that he did.... Which he has never even tried to do?

FAITH, should be reserved for GOD alone. Faith in Trump telling the truth on this, is not wise imo....

You certainly would not believe presidents Joe Biden or Obama if they claimed they declassified hundreds of National Security documents sight unseen, that they haphazardly took to their homes.... without a drop of evidence, that they did....would you?
Wrong. There can be an exception (arguably) regarding nuclear secrets.

But other than that, the President is the embodiment of the Executive Branch. And he can classify or declassify materials as he wishes.
tends to be verbose......

My avatar would suggest the term 'thorough' as more apt.

So, poster BackAgain are you on the train of the oil industry being destroyed by the Biden administration?

You know, like in their profits being somewhat, umm, robust.....and that poses an existential threat?

"Exxon Mobil on Friday morning reported its highest earnings ever at $19.7 billion for the quarter, while Shell reported its second highest of $9.5 billion."
My avatar would suggest the term 'thorough' as more apt.

So, poster BackAgain are you on the train of the oil industry being destroyed by the Biden administration?

You know, like in their profits being somewhat, umm, robust.....and that poses an existential threat?

"Exxon Mobil on Friday morning reported its highest earnings ever at $19.7 billion for the quarter, while Shell reported its second highest of $9.5 billion."

Don't you hate it when people get owned, and then try to just move on to the next subject like it never even happened? :rolleyes:
Why should anyone trust the DOJ?
Nobody is asking you to do so. It was team Trump that lied about complying with the request. Then it was team Trump that didn't comply with the subpoena. Then it was team Trump that lied again. This is all in writing.
Nobody is asking you to do so. It was team Trump that lied about complying with the request. Then it was team Trump that didn't comply with the subpoena. Then it was team Trump that lied again. This is all in writing.
Of course you are asking us to trust the DOJ. Who are you trying to fool? Do you imagine 75 million Trump supporters are going to calmly sit down while the DOJ frames him? Those are smears that you're asking me to believe.
Of course you are asking us to trust the DOJ. Who are you trying to fool? Do you imagine 75 million Trump supporters are going to calmly sit down while the DOJ frames him? Those are smears that you're asking me to believe.
Yes, I imagine your entire cult will squeal like little pigs and then move on, like you always do. A few of you will grow a pair and commit violence and go to jail. The rest will sit and diddle themselves as always.
Yes, I imagine your entire cult will squeal like little pigs and then move on, like you always do. A few of you will grow a pair and commit violence and go to jail. The rest will sit and diddle themselves as always.
Are you encouraging Republicans to commit crimes, or something else?

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