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Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.
Grand jury was able to figure it out even if you cannot.
No charges filed.
Now piss off.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.

When he is half into the car pounding away on the cop, you betcha his fist contacted Wilsons right cheek,

The physical evidence proved that Wilson was telling the truth. Stop whining.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.

Watch your TV idiot.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.

Ummm....if someone is turned away from you, and you swing with your right fist, you can hit their right cheek.

But if you are so entrenched in your ideology to call everyone who disagrees with you a racist, I'm sure you were not actually looking for answers to your question.
Yesh All Black people are dumb animals who just like to loot and rape white people. Dude your not helping anyone here you just casing more strife
Fuck off, asshole. The people causing the problems are out on the streets tonight ripping America apart, and they're 99% BLACK.

So eat shit and die, and take that piss poor high and mighty act you think you have and shove it up your ass.

I'm not acting High and mighty I'm calling it as I see it you see black people acting foolish and you think all black people are like that and what I'm saying is that blacks need to be better in this thread so shove your racist shit up your ass good sir
I see you more worried about what's being said here about the animals tearing up America than the animals tearing up America. That makes you a gigantic BIGOT. Now go soak your fucking racist bull shit head in a barrel of dog shit, asshole. I'm sick of you and your kind, and your act ain't fooling anyone.

NO I'm not sir I do care whats happening out there and its making me heartsick because I can't do a goddamn thing to stop the looting or the crimes that are being committed tonight all I'm saying is that while there are some stupid black people doing things tonight their are lot more not rioting or looting and you here are just sitting on your backside condemning a whole race by actions by one community in one city that to me is wrong
I'm not condemning your entire race, Duke, but by God, YOU PEOPLE HAVE SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS, and what's happening tonight isn't going to help you one damn bit. I can guarantee you, that come tomorrow morning, once the nation sees and hears the news of what happened tonight, and if more happens tomorrow, and the next day, and so on, we might as well give up ever trying to live together. We might as well separate or fight it out, because it sure the hell looks like the beginning of a race war to me.

I doubt that's going to happen 007, it could and you could be right and we could have a full on race war but I don't think it will happen I believe what's happening tonight is a lot of rage in Ferguson is getting let out tonight and once again I don't condone it man. And, when' it over I get the feeling it will be over by thanksgiving we as a nation will move on I hope a little more wiser but hey I'm just a dreamer and I could be 100% wrong but I hope for your sake and mind that I'm right
Lock and load.

Protect you, your loved ones, and your property with deadly force.
so at this hour, we have reports of protests flaring into full riots in the following cities:
Ferguson, MO;
Oakland, CA
Agh, yes! The LIBERAL cities chimed in! I can hear it now..."Hey guys! Let's go get some free shit! We deserve it!"

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