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So, will protesters abide by the Brown family wishes, and remain peaceful ?

Hopefully not.

I hope Wilson gets life in prison. White cop in prison who killed an unarmed black guy. Hahahaha. He couldn't have a bigger target on his back. He'd get raped repeatedly and turned into a little white bitch.

Oh wait, he already is one.

He would also get beaten down over and over again, disfigured, and eventually murdered. The gangs won't accept a cop so there goes any potential connections and protection. The blacks would just devour him.

But of course, he won't get sent to prison. American Mundanes worship the Police. He'll get off easy.​
You are one very sick puppy.
While watching this I heard shots fired, then this guy ran and then was apparently jacked by someone for his iPhone that he was using. All I heard was "Niggah! Niggah wid an iPhone 6! iPhone 6!" Then it went dead.

He Tweeted a few minutes later that it had been stolen!

BassemMasri on USTREAM .
how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.

I don't think so man I feel this is just one bad night so don't judge the whole black community by this night. While there are some problems in the community no doubt I feel in IMHO that black people in this nation can and will move forward.
This is such a far cry from what MLK dreamed of. The black community has to do better. Right now they should be hanging their heads in shame.

I'm right there with you but the best thing we can do not just as black people or white or whatever is that we need to be better people in our own lives. Look there will always be idiots and fools out there messing things up but we can't let that speak for all of us all we can do is to be better in our own live and live by example so that what happen in Ferguson, MO and the after doesn't happen again
Don't take anything said here personally, I just think people are blowing off steam because this is frustrating. Whites are Damned if they do and damned if they don't. When it comes to the black community we can't win and some are asking why we keep trying.
Looks like Michael Brown was a massive idiot.

Secret witness #10 backs up Wilson's testimony, in that Brown charged not once but twice at the officer.

Remember the shameless bastards who said Brown was being shot while running away with his hands up?
Looks like Michael Brown was a masiive idiot.

Secret witness #10 backs up WIlson's testimony, in that Brown charged not once but twice at the officer.

Remember the shameless bastards who said Brown was being shot while running away with his hands up?

Yup. Lots of bs 'eye witnesses' that got their stories shot down with physical evidence.

Brown went after Wilson, Wilson did his job.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.
This is why I changed my Hospital Appointment from Baltimore to Hershey Medical Center. I hate Baltimore anyway.
How do you like them blacks now?

Yesh All Black people are dumb animals who just like to loot and rape white people. Dude your not helping anyone here you just casing more strife
Fuck off, asshole. The people causing the problems are out on the streets tonight ripping America apart, and they're 99% BLACK.

So eat shit and die, and take that piss poor high and mighty act you think you have and shove it up your ass.

I'm not acting High and mighty I'm calling it as I see it you see black people acting foolish and you think all black people are like that and what I'm saying is that blacks need to be better in this thread so shove your racist shit up your ass good sir
I see you more worried about what's being said here about the animals tearing up America than the animals tearing up America. That makes you a gigantic BIGOT. Now go soak your fucking racist bull shit head in a barrel of dog shit, asshole. I'm sick of you and your kind, and your act ain't fooling anyone.

NO I'm not sir I do care whats happening out there and its making me heartsick because I can't do a goddamn thing to stop the looting or the crimes that are being committed tonight all I'm saying is that while there are some stupid black people doing things tonight their are lot more not rioting or looting and you here are just sitting on your backside condemning a whole race by actions by one community in one city that to me is wrong
I'm not condemning your entire race, Duke, but by God, YOU PEOPLE HAVE SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS, and what's happening tonight isn't going to help you one damn bit. I can guarantee you, that come tomorrow morning, once the nation sees and hears the news of what happened tonight, and if more happens tomorrow, and the next day, and so on, we might as well give up ever trying to live together. We might as well separate or fight it out, because it sure the hell looks like the beginning of a race war to me.
Wilson says that Mike Brown punched him in the right cheek with his right fist. So he was sitting on the left side of his car, with his left cheek facing the window that Brown stuck his fist into, right?
But he also says he was turned away, with his arms up protecting his face at the time - so can the fuck is it possible to punch someone in the right side of the face with your right fist when the person has their arms up for protection, and is turned away?

Explain that to me, racists.

Fuck you, bitch!

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