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I have seen the photos of the the so called 'injuries' this white bastard sustained - can someone tell me where these alleged injuries are? Because a bruise is not a fucking reason to murder someone.
The time is passed for asking that question Noomi. Fergusson is burning tonight.


So you don't believe in a jury that looks at evidence? What would it take for people to agree that wilison is innocent.
I have seen the photos of the the so called 'injuries' this white bastard sustained - can someone tell me where these alleged injuries are? Because a bruise is not a fucking reason to murder someone.
Go cry in the mirror nut job. Facts just proved you an idiot.

What facts? What injuries? There ARE no injuries. That is the fact here.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on your fat arse. The facts from the grand jury report, what else.
I have seen the photos of the the so called 'injuries' this white bastard sustained - can someone tell me where these alleged injuries are? Because a bruise is not a fucking reason to murder someone.

Excuse me, but FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH.... We have the natives acting like natives...THIs was going to happen NO MATTER what the decision was... they got to get their FREE SHIT and make whitey pay!

Kind of their own Black Friday
What an inane poll .... we haven't seen the evidence, we haven't heard the testimony, and we're supposed to offer some supposedly intelligent assessment of the grand jury decision???

Sounds like mental masturbation to me. Feels good when you do it, but in the end, nothing comes of it.
how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.

I don't think so man I feel this is just one bad night so don't judge the whole black community by this night. While there are some problems in the community no doubt I feel in IMHO that black people in this nation can and will move forward.

Not gonna happen.. been the same for 50 years, since the libs started that welfare to destroy the black family.

Well as a black man I fell wallowing in self pity isn't going to solve this problem I'm going to try to be better in my life I can't stop fools from acting foolish but what I can do is lead from example that there is a better way

you are a good guy. Most white people do NOT HATE blacks. They hate what they do.

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