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How do you like them blacks now?

Yesh All Black people are dumb animals who just like to loot and rape white people. Dude your not helping anyone here you just casing more strife
Fuck off, asshole. The people causing the problems are out on the streets tonight ripping America apart, and they're 99% BLACK.

So eat shit and die, and take that piss poor high and mighty act you think you have and shove it up your ass.
It's getting really REALLY hard to separate for me. Not all blacks are like these morons. But....its getting really REALLY hard for me to divide the two.
I know it's not all blacks but I'm really disappointed in the black community at how they are handling this. If you want to do peaceful protest I'm all for it but this rioting crap has got to stop. It won't help your cause.
Ya know..I got another wake up call earlier today when I was over at Twitter hanging out. Someone posted a pic of a cat in a car wheel area and asked others to retweet to check their cars this winter cuz homeless cats or cats locked out of homes get cold and lay in car engines for warmth. The responses to that post were sickening. All blacks cuz their avies were of their own picture. And every one of them said "rev that engine!" or "kill that white mans pet!" and other sickening comments. ALL of them that wrote that shit were BLACK.
There are large crowds in New York now.....

They want to loot there.
how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.

I don't think so man I feel this is just one bad night so don't judge the whole black community by this night. While there are some problems in the community no doubt I feel in IMHO that black people in this nation can and will move forward.

Not gonna happen.. been the same for 50 years, since the libs started that welfare to destroy the black family.

Well as a black man I fell wallowing in self pity isn't going to solve this problem I'm going to try to be better in my life I can't stop fools from acting foolish but what I can do is lead from example that there is a better way
I am just disgusted at the lack of action by law enforcement. Why bring in the national guard if they can do nothing? Every city with protesters should be arrested and if violent, SHOT. But it won't be done. The USA is a joke. Our guys and gals are dying to protect these low life scums. For what? For this?

Bah. Sickening.

Critical infrastructure comes first. You won't see a bank get looted (most likely). When police and fire start moving, you'll see NG rolling in support.

Apparently the plan is to "get it all out of the system" in one evening instead of dropping the hammer tonight, tomorrow, the next day, etc...
Traffic on I-70 in St Louis stopped by rioters. POlice in close attendance to prevent any violence.. Innocent motorists are trapped.
the majority of blacks were HAPPY Wilson was innocent; let us be honest. That way they can fulfill their wild animal fantasies.
These people are just there for the looting.

That's the truth.
how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.

I don't think so man I feel this is just one bad night so don't judge the whole black community by this night. While there are some problems in the community no doubt I feel in IMHO that black people in this nation can and will move forward.
This is such a far cry from what MLK dreamed of. The black community has to do better. Right now they should be hanging their heads in shame.
Whenever I see the Military in Riot Gear I always think of that old recruiting commercial:

"Pick up Service. Pick up Challenge. Set yerself apart!"
And guess who gets to pay for all the rioting, police, fire, ambulance and clean up!? Yes, tax payers (mostly whites). Win Win for the scum.

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