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how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.
Fun watching the voyeristic "disgust" from the righties tonight. I think we know why reality TV is here to stay if nothing else. Rednecks like watching other rednecks out-redneck each other.
Doesn't excuse the looters one bit. A bunch of thugs are just looking for an excuse to steal things.
The disgust is real, shit for brains, and if you're not equally disgusted, then you're part of the problem.
NYC Police Commissioner just splattered with fake blood at NYC Ferguson protest.
When is Law Enforcement going to step up in EVERY TOWN with a swat team and start taking these assholes down? Are they hiding?

Yeah. You (general you) do try to take my guns from me. Just try it.
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone
Why aren't you condemning the other blacks doing the vandalizing, looting, stealing and arson, instead of worried about what whitey is saying?

Says a lot about you too.

I have been man I think people who loot and destroy property are assholes who need to be locked up regardless of race happy now
Hello? Asslips? Where are you Asslips?
What do you have to say about your brothers Asslips?
You're fucken trash right along with your Ferguson brethren..defend your brothers actions you piece of trash.
Only reason to announce this at 9 pm their time instead of 9 am is to incite a riot so Wilson defenders can prove a really cynical, prejudiced point.

There is a very small group of people who use peaceful protests to be violent. Handing those specific people a 9 pm decision after telling them all summer to only protest during the day is idiotic. Almost as idiotic as the prosecutor's speech, which reveals he didn't even really care to make a case. He was just going through the motions. That can only fan the flames of suspicion that the fix is in against real justice.
I cannot imagine what my parents would have done if they saw me on national television looting stores ... No matter how old I was. It would probably be better if I never showed up at their house again. Their disappointment over my behavior would have been unbearable.

I am not trashing the looters as much as wondering what the hell they are thinking and wondering how they can do that to their own family.

Hello? Asslips? Where are you Asslips?
What do you have to say about your brothers Asslips?
You're fucken trash right along with your Ferguson brethren..defend your brothers actions you piece of trash.

I'll try to fill in just once. I think he would say. Its the white mans fault and that this looting and rioting is just one percent of what the whites should get in return for decades of slavery? lol

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