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Final post tonight:

1. Van Jones - you're a fucking idiot. I wish you would die soon as the things that you spew are just one-sided lies and you create more hatred

2. Looters - you are showing the silent majority in America why Wilson did what he did to Brown. I wish there were more officers like Wilson.

3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.
Wrong. Comparing them to animals insults animals.
This is reason #3 for why you need to own and carry a gun....when the government can't or won't protect you from violent criminals.....
Morons. But the problem is not their mindset. We already knew what they wanted to do. The problem is NOT SHOOTING TERRORISTS. We would not allow this with muslims burning a town, would we? So why allow blacks and wannabe whites with the same mentality of the thugs? SHOOT THEM! Jeez. If not to kill, shoot them in the legs. Kinda hard to run to stores to loot and burn with no legs ain't it?
Well there's other ways to shoot them. Bean Bags, rubber bullets,pepper balls,shoot them damn it.
Fun watching the voyeristic "disgust" from the righties tonight. I think we know why reality TV is here to stay if nothing else. Rednecks like watching other rednecks out-redneck each other.
Doesn't excuse the looters one bit. A bunch of thugs are just looking for an excuse to steal things.
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone
It's getting really REALLY hard to separate for me. Not all blacks are like these morons. But....its getting really REALLY hard for me to divide the two.
So here is another question. Where are the DECENT citizens, to help protect THEIR town? Hiding?
3. Blacks in America - the scene in Ferguson, MO show you to be a bunch of rabid apes. You are behaving likes animals. You have entitled victim mentality. You are emotional vampires that suck out the energy of this country. I see no hope for you if you think tonight's actions are justified. Do you think we now sympathize with you? I think you should be locked up and controlled. Your herd should be thinned by any method necessary.

Why are you blaming all of black people in this Country I'm not looting no one in my family is looting so saying all black people are rapid apes is bullshit and doesn't help anyone
Why aren't you condemning the other blacks doing the vandalizing, looting, stealing and arson, instead of worried about what whitey is saying?

Says a lot about you too.
Why aren't Mr and Mrs Brown out there with a bullhorn telling them to STOP? Hiding?

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