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How do you like them blacks now?

Yesh All Black people are dumb animals who just like to loot and rape white people. Dude your not helping anyone here you just casing more strife
Fuck off, asshole. The people causing the problems are out on the streets tonight ripping America apart, and they're 99% BLACK.

So eat shit and die, and take that piss poor high and mighty act you think you have and shove it up your ass.

I'm not acting High and mighty I'm calling it as I see it you see black people acting foolish and you think all black people are like that and what I'm saying is that blacks need to be better in this thread so shove your racist shit up your ass good sir
how sad; the reality is that blacks just fell back 50 years. Same with Barry being Prez. The black race is doomed to wallow in self pity, racism, identity politics, crime, abortion, murder, gangs, no fathers, no jobs, no future.

I don't think so man I feel this is just one bad night so don't judge the whole black community by this night. While there are some problems in the community no doubt I feel in IMHO that black people in this nation can and will move forward.
This is such a far cry from what MLK dreamed of. The black community has to do better. Right now they should be hanging their heads in shame.

New Ferguson City Moto

Ferguson MO, where civil rights were set back 50 years
I have seen the photos of the the so called 'injuries' this white bastard sustained - can someone tell me where these alleged injuries are? Because a bruise is not a fucking reason to murder someone.

It was,self defense against an attacking criminal....since in the past you have shown you don't understand anything about violent combat you don't understand why the criminal was more research before you post....
I have seen the photos of the the so called 'injuries' this white bastard sustained - can someone tell me where these alleged injuries are? Because a bruise is not a fucking reason to murder someone.

Excuse me, but FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH.... We have the natives acting like natives...THIs was going to happen NO MATTER what the decision was... they got to get their FREE SHIT and make whitey pay!

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