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Was Officer Wilson aware of the so-called robbery before he murdered Michael Brown? Regardless, did Brown deserve to be murdered over an "unarmed" robbery of a few cigars?

That Brown shoved the person in the store, stole cigars, and had pot in his system shows that Michael Brown was not the 'gentle giant' as portrayed by the media.

Well here's where I'll the draw the line and its the old REAL lefty in me because these idiots who claim to be liberal are assholes.

I don't care if Michael Brown stole snickers. I don't give a rats ass if he stole a million cigars.

What I care about is the interaction between an officer asking two boys not to jaywalk and get out of the road.

I want the timeline. I want every minute of how it went down and how a jaywalking incident turned into a kid being killed.
Race has nothing to do with it.
Race has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Had this kid been white we wouldn't be having this little debate.

Well it wouldn't be Ferguson either would it?

I want to know why a cop couldn't just chill and let the kids get back on the sidewalk without this escalation of violence?

I've brought up other shit time and time again where police have over reacted. I want to know what's going on.

Look they just blew a 12 year old baby in a park with a BBGun. I want some answers.

This has nothing to do with color. It has to do with police over reach.
Race has nothing to do with it.
Race has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Had this kid been white we wouldn't be having this little debate.

Well it wouldn't be Ferguson either would it?

I want to know why a cop couldn't just chill and let the kids get back on the sidewalk without this escalation of violence?

I've brought up other shit time and time again where police have over reacted. I want to know what's going on.

Look they just blew a 12 year old baby in a park with a BBGun. I want some answers.

This has nothing to do with color. It has to do with police over reach.
White cop, black kids. Nothing new here, we've had the answers since we put them in chains and loaded them onto ships.
Race has nothing to do with it.
Race has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Had this kid been white we wouldn't be having this little debate.

Well it wouldn't be Ferguson either would it?

I want to know why a cop couldn't just chill and let the kids get back on the sidewalk without this escalation of violence?

I've brought up other shit time and time again where police have over reacted. I want to know what's going on.

Look they just blew a 12 year old baby in a park with a BBGun. I want some answers.

This has nothing to do with color. It has to do with police over reach.
White cop, black kids. Nothing new here, we've had the answers since we put them in chains and loaded them onto ships.
It was the white devil's fault the kid was a thief and a thug.
Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

What an idiot...The chart is about NYPD stats for their department and not interracial crimes committed. Better get your reading glasses out, gramps.
Look at the crime percentages, you don't think that mathematically that translates to a high % of black on black crime? Trannys cant do simple math?

Us trannys go by facts. Closet trannys like you twist information to suit your own prejudices.
Well, contrary to popular belief, cops are told not to shoot first and ask questions later. They are educated in the escalation of force, the continuum is as follows:


Also, in 1989 the Supreme Court established in Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989) that there should be a reasonableness standard by which the officer should follow before resorting to greater means of force. So, cops are bound by law and precedent not to use excessive force unless as a last resort to preserve the welfare of their person in the face of imminent harm or death.

I have the utmost respect for law enforcement officials, but I also do acknowledge the fact there are cops who shouldn't be allowed near a firearm. But I must call people out on the stereotype of "shoot first."
Maybe the verdict will be suicide...
Can you ever stop being a race baiting douche bag and really try to embrace the seriousness of this issue?

Why do YOU always have to bring up race?

Now there's a wide open question.Mmmmmmmm because I harkin from the old days. Because I believe in the Black Panthers. Because I believed in their cause. The original.

Not this pathetic crew from Karenga who saw to it to wipe out the original BP's.

Race is crucial in the argument to defend oneself at all costs. 14th Amendment baby enacted by white men.

Race and self preservation are always at the pivotal point of truth on how we relate to each other.

But when I witness little miss whiny bitch and others use race to divide instead of come together it just reaffirms Karenga vs the Panthers.

I will always stand with the original Panthers.
So, will protesters abide by the Brown family wishes, and remain peaceful ?

Hopefully not.

I hope Wilson gets life in prison. White cop in prison who killed an unarmed black guy. Hahahaha. He couldn't have a bigger target on his back. He'd get raped repeatedly and turned into a little white bitch.

Oh wait, he already is one.

He would also get beaten down over and over again, disfigured, and eventually murdered. The gangs won't accept a cop so there goes any potential connections and protection. The blacks would just devour him.

But of course, he won't get sent to prison. American Mundanes worship the Police. He'll get off easy.​

Dumbass. Ex cops almost never go to general population for just that reason. Especially if its an iffy charge and not an obvious intentional crime.

Where do they go? How many bad cops are behind bars? Answer: Not enough.
Look at you. It is my hope that one time when you need the police, they don't show up. Because you think they are all crooked.

I didn't say they were all crooked. I asked where bad cops go. And I conjecture that most of them get off when they behave badly.

The only reason Darren Wilson is on the hook is because dozens of people started gathering when he was shooting Michael Brown and they flipped on their cell phone cams. Watch the videos. You can hear the shots and see people gathering while they are being fired. You can see the squad car in the background with the strobes flashing. You think that was all staged?

Reality check: Practically everyone has an iPhone or smartphone now. It just ain't fun anymore for these fun lovin' bad cops.
I hope officer Wilson gets a fucking medal.

For killing an unarmed person who had his hands up in the air? I'm not surprised. I don't know for certain what transpired during that confrontation, but I do believe Wilson should be charged so that all the evidence can be put out there for everyone to see, in a court of law.
I'm surprised that they are going to announce it before Thanksgiving day. Guess we will see if Ferguson burns tonight or not.
If they wait any longer, the mob that are all antsy will start in earlier than planned. They WANT this to go down so they can steal stuff and burn buildings.
Maybe the verdict will be suicide...
Can you ever stop being a race baiting douche bag and really try to embrace the seriousness of this issue?

Why do YOU always have to bring up race?

Now there's a wide open question.Mmmmmmmm because I harkin from the old days. Because I believe in the Black Panthers. Because I believed in their cause. The original.

Not this pathetic crew from Karenga who saw to it to wipe out the original BP's.

Race is crucial in the argument to defend oneself at all costs. 14th Amendment baby enacted by white men.

Race and self preservation are always at the pivotal point of truth on how we relate to each other.

But when I witness little miss whiny bitch and others use race to divide instead of come together it just reaffirms Karenga vs the Panthers.

I will always stand with the original Panthers.

YOU accused Lahkota of "race baiting" when in fact, YOU did exactly that.

The rest of your post indicates you've started imbibing a bit early tonight.
So, will protesters abide by the Brown family wishes, and remain peaceful ?

Hopefully not.

I hope Wilson gets life in prison. White cop in prison who killed an unarmed black guy. Hahahaha. He couldn't have a bigger target on his back. He'd get raped repeatedly and turned into a little white bitch.

Oh wait, he already is one.

He would also get beaten down over and over again, disfigured, and eventually murdered. The gangs won't accept a cop so there goes any potential connections and protection. The blacks would just devour him.

But of course, he won't get sent to prison. American Mundanes worship the Police. He'll get off easy.​

Dumbass. Ex cops almost never go to general population for just that reason. Especially if its an iffy charge and not an obvious intentional crime.

Where do they go? How many bad cops are behind bars? Answer: Not enough.
Look at you. It is my hope that one time when you need the police, they don't show up. Because you think they are all crooked.

I didn't say they were all crooked. I asked where bad cops go. And I conjecture that most of them get off when they behave badly.

The only reason Darren Wilson is on the hook is because dozens of people started gathering when he was shooting Michael Brown and they flipped on their cell phone cams. Watch the videos. You can hear the shots and see people gathering while they are being fired. You can see the squad car in the background with the strobes flashing. You think that was all staged?

Reality check: Practically everyone has an iPhone or smartphone now. It just ain't fun anymore for these fun lovin' bad cops.
Yeah, and store cams showing the gentle giant manhandling a guy that reaches the height of his waist and weighing about 5 lbs. So much for that claim, eh?
Fuck that thug. He got what he deserved.
MSNBC is stirring it up right now, and preparing the narrative if it does not go their way.

They will be blaming the white prosecutor.

I fucking hate liberals.
Everybody who's hoping that Chicken Man Wilson gets off, keep this in mind: What happens in Ferguson isn't going to stay in Ferguson. Riots in the 1960s started from black women who were sent to the back of the bus and other black people who couldn't get service at a lunch counter.
Note to all you 'Special Needs' Tree Dweller negros: Come and fucking get some!
Negroes don't want 'justice'. They wouldn't know what the word means.
They want vengeance.

Well, in their defense a little bit, they are such a manipulated race. Every fucking liberal, especially the democrat politicians, have convinced them they are nothing but the perpetual victim and they can never make it with out their help.

If that was not their narrative, then their large voting block would fracture.

I fucking hate liberals.
What distresses me is if he is found not guilty and no charges are laid no evidence will be revealed to help people understand how the Grand Jury came to their conclusion.

I understand why they can't by law but that's going to suck for Michael Browns family.

Evidence will be released.

The evidence clearly shows that the cop acted in self defense.
-Brown was shot in front
-In a way that shows he was running towards him
-He was clearly angry as shown by the store cams
and there probably is more evidence showing a fight before.

You don't know any of that at this point. Which is why you are considered to be an idiot. You speak in absolutes prior to having knowledge. That is the sign of an idiot.
Far be it for me to say that the Gateway Pundit is not the best choice to be breaking this news, but they insist on claiming that according to leaks from a 'source inside the President's office', the grand jury will not be indicting Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Once again, this is all speculation, so don't jump to conclusions. This thread is only meant to incite discussion over the verdict, if anything else.

LEAKED Prosecutor's Office NO INDICTMENT in MikeBrown Case - The Gateway Pundit

The most convincing argument I heard from a lawyer was police officers do not say "put you hands up," and haven't used that term for many years. They say 'Get on the ground.' That is in the training manual since someone on the ground is much easier to control than someone charging at you with their hands in the air.

That lawyer was correct. That doesn't mean that the kid understood that he'd be shot if he didn't. It also doesn't mean that the cop in this case said that. We just don't know yet.

That the way.....has a name. Why didn't yo name him?
MSNBC is stirring it up right now, and preparing the narrative if it does not go their way.

They will be blaming the white prosecutor.

I fucking hate liberals.

Based on what happened after the shooting the governor has called out the National guard to have a presence
on hand in case more of the same happens....seems like a good idea? At least to me it does.

Well MSNBC and organizers of the protestors were not all that happy about that.
And if the shit hit the fan and the police were overwhelmed these same people would be screaming racism because the Governor did not take precautions already knowing what happened after the shooting...

If the Governor calls out the guard the people are pissed.
If he didn't and people go crazy and it's a disaster then he's at fault for not trying to keep order.....


They are out of their minds.

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