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Was Officer Wilson aware of the so-called robbery before he murdered Michael Brown? Regardless, did Brown deserve to be murdered over an "unarmed" robbery of a few cigars?

That Brown shoved the person in the store, stole cigars, and had pot in his system shows that Michael Brown was not the 'gentle giant' as portrayed by the media.

Well here's where I'll the draw the line and its the old REAL lefty in me because these idiots who claim to be liberal are assholes.

I don't care if Michael Brown stole snickers. I don't give a rats ass if he stole a million cigars.

What I care about is the interaction between an officer asking two boys not to jaywalk and get out of the road.

I want the timeline. I want every minute of how it went down and how a jaywalking incident turned into a kid being killed.

You are correct to focus on the true issues at the heart of this whole thing. That you attribute it to "the old REAL lefty" in you is a sad indictment of American politics in the 21st century.
"Liberal cops"? That was already an endangered species. Seeing the left's reaction to Fergieville....there wont be any liberal cops left.

If the evidence supports self defense. Will you accept it?

There's a choice?

Sure. You can override the veto with a 3/4 majority. Or was that Congress? It's so hard to distinguish the legislative from the judicial, from the executive, with the country turning into a police state nowadays.

But to get more on topic, I suspect that there is no indictment, simply for the fact that it's taking all damn day to release the news. Brown's parents are asking for a moment of silence before the protests begin, and the local schools have been closed for tomorrow in anticipation of protests. Seems to me that the local government is trying to prepare for all Hell to break loose.
Race has nothing to do with it.
Race has everything to do with it, unfortunately. Had this kid been white we wouldn't be having this little debate.

Well it wouldn't be Ferguson either would it?

I want to know why a cop couldn't just chill and let the kids get back on the sidewalk without this escalation of violence?

I've brought up other shit time and time again where police have over reacted. I want to know what's going on.

Look they just blew a 12 year old baby in a park with a BBGun. I want some answers.

This has nothing to do with color. It has to do with police over reach.
White cop, black kids. Nothing new here, we've had the answers since we put them in chains and loaded them onto ships.
Oh, puh-leeeze... spare me (and the rest of us) the race-baiting bombast...
How many "Community Organizers" are dead at this point?

Does anyone have a count? I'm in the pool for $50, on "100". FINGERS CROSSED!
Grand Jury has only the prosecution's evidence and Wilson's testimony and only decides whether or not there is probably cause for a trail jury. It should never have gone to a grand jury. It should have gone to a trial.

The evidence clearly shows that the cop acted in self defense.
-Brown was shot in front
-In a way that shows he was running towards him
-He was clearly angry as shown by the store cams
and there probably is more evidence showing a fight before.

lol you don't have access to the evidence.

Based on cnn reports and the new york times report on where the bullets entered and how. I am not saying that I know everything as this is very limited to what the grand jury has. Still, there's no reason to hurt or destroy some innocent business owners life over it.
And Wilson could still face federal charges.

I think I read that Wilson has resigned. Could be that, like gz, his actions have pretty much screwed any future life and career. If he leaves the very corrupt and racist Ferguson police force, he'll never be a cop again. Maybe a security guard ...

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