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The only people that have all of the facts are the members of the grand jury. . I'm confident they will make the right decision.

The protestors in the streets have every right to peacefully protest, but if they start looting and destroying property, they should be arrested or shot.
And Wilson could still face federal charges.

That seems extremely unlikely. Brown's blood was found in the police officer's car, on his uniform and on his gun. There were powder burns on Brown' thumb. That strongly suggests a conflict in the police car. That alone would negate any civil rights charges as they require the prosecution prove that the officer acted because of race. A struggle with the suspect in the police officer's SUV before the fatal shooting provides an extremely plausible alternative explanation for the shooting that has nothing to do with race.

And there's reasonable doubt. Prosecutors know this. The evidence isn't sufficient to convict.
Grand Jury has only the prosecution's evidence and Wilson's testimony and only decides whether or not there is probably cause for a trail jury. It should never have gone to a grand jury. It should have gone to a trial.

I really don't think so. Much of the forensic evidence is ambiguous. For example, Brown was shot in the top of the head. That matches both a 'lunging for the officer' explanation. And a 'head bowed, trying to surrender' explanation. The angle of the bullet in the forearm shows that Brown's palms weren't toward the officer. Which could match the 'lunging at the officer' explanation. Or the 'shot in the back with his hands over his head' explanation.

Both are plausible. Witness accounts are contradictory.

However.....there was blood found on the officers gun, uniform and in his car. The state autospy also showed powder burns on the thumb of Brown. All of this strongly suggests an altercation in the car. And matches Wilson's account that Brown reached for Wilson's gun.

That alone would toast a prosecutor's case, as its guaranteed reasonable doubt. The ambiguous evidence only affirms such a verdict.
Let's have peace!!! Let's all sit down and see what the grand jury has to say. Let's be a society that works and seeks out the truth.

Let's not screw over our brother that owns a store or a business tonight. Can we do that? You wouldn't want that happening to you later in life.
I'm surprised that they are going to announce it before Thanksgiving day. Guess we will see if Ferguson burns tonight or not.
If they wait any longer, the mob that are all antsy will start in earlier than planned. They WANT this to go down so they can steal stuff and burn buildings.
Yup Christmas shopping in Ferguson and it's all gonna be free. It's a shame that this is what it's come too.
Gone to soon? Where is soon? Is that a city or a country?

Anyone watching Greta? did Dr Baden say Brown was hit by most shots from 35 feet away? That's not good for Wilson...goddam phone rang when he was talking...
Far be it for me to say that the Gateway Pundit is not the best choice to be breaking this news, but they insist on claiming that according to leaks from a 'source inside the President's office', the grand jury will not be indicting Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Once again, this is all speculation, so don't jump to conclusions. This thread is only meant to incite discussion over the verdict, if anything else.

LEAKED Prosecutor's Office NO INDICTMENT in MikeBrown Case - The Gateway Pundit
He could be charged with a lesser aggravated littering.

True, if there are enough ignorant racists like you on the GJ.

If the evidence supports self defense. Will you accept it?

How many times will you idiots ask that question. Liberals always accept the evidence.
REALLY? Remind us how Zimmerman is REALLY guilty of murder.

He was judged not guilty. He's a free man. No riots in Sanford. What's your point?
My point is that tons of liberals in the press around the country and on this board all claim he is guilty. STILL.
Black criminal male robs store and assaults Asian owner...then walks home in the middle of the road. White police officer tells him to get out of the road like normal people. Black criminal continues to jaywalk in road. White police officer hears over radio about crime by the black male and stops police car. Black criminal male walks up to police car and jumps white police officer before he can get out of car to arrest him.....gun goes off inside car. Black male criminal runs away from police car then strolls mocking police officer until order to stop, so he raises his hands in the air mocking the police officer he just attacked. Black male criminal then charges the police officer and he is shot dead. End of story.

If the evidence supports self defense. Will you accept it?

How many times will you idiots ask that question. Liberals always accept the evidence.
REALLY? Remind us how Zimmerman is REALLY guilty of murder.

He was judged not guilty. He's a free man. No riots in Sanford. What's your point?
My point is that tons of liberals in the press around the country and on this board all claim he is guilty. STILL.

Well...he did shoot the kid. It takes a lot of lipstick to fix that pig.
uh the pile of shit was an adult and was about 6-4 tall.


If the evidence supports self defense. Will you accept it?

How many times will you idiots ask that question. Liberals always accept the evidence.
REALLY? Remind us how Zimmerman is REALLY guilty of murder.

He was judged not guilty. He's a free man. No riots in Sanford. What's your point?
My point is that tons of liberals in the press around the country and on this board all claim he is guilty. STILL.

Well...he did shoot the kid. It takes a lot of lipstick to fix that pig.
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