Breaking: Freddie Gray Had Spinal Surgery The Week Before Arrest. Was Advised To Stay Home To Heal

So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.
Rioting implies violence. Always use the term peaceful protest if you don't want to be misunderstood. I don't think the police should get a free pass but the one thug dying in police custody is nothing when compared to all these animals rioting.
I believe that even though a person is in police custody, they should be free of harm or abuse until they have had their day in court before a jury. Arrest does NOT constitute automatic guilt. Many have been arrested, stood trial, found innocent, and released. A person should not have to fear cops upon arrest. Yet, we see cops gang up on an individual, handcuffed, and face down on the ground, and beat and kick the individual. We see police brutality almost everyday now that citizens are filming incidences with cell phones. If you have not had your day in court, then you are innocent until found guilty by a jury. Cops should never play judge, jury, and executioner.
So you propose finding a police force that can get beaten, harassed, and physically harmed, yet never retaliate. I vote you start this new method of humanity and become the first police officer in Baltimore to operate this way. Police are just people too and whenever they continually have to fight for their lives against these animals they will fight back. That's just the way things work. When you find enough perfect people to use as police let me know.
Very silly, to say the least. No, I do not expect cops to be beaten, attacked, or otherwise harmed in the line of duty, and I have never ever said nor implied such nonsense. they do NOT continually fight for their lives. And, in a lot of cases they bring the harm on themselves by undue harassment and brutality. There are no perfect people, none anywhere, cops or otherwise. But, I do expect cops to extend the same respect to others, as they want to be respected themselves. I expect them to do their job in a professional, civil, and humane way, absent of brutality, murder, and abuse of power and authority. Just common sense really.
I expect them to be held accountable too but these people don't teach their kids to comply with authorities so they end up getting shot after attacking police. It's a trend.

Exactly, we're dealing with a culture of retarded idiots.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.
The dead man did nothing wrong and feral white chimps laugh at him.

He was carrying a switchblade and was a career criminal.
This is kind like the Eric Garner crap. Neither of these morons were in any condition to be putting themselves at risk by inviting contact with the authorities.
But he never saw his day in court before a jury. The cops played judge, jury, and executioner.

And when a murder does the same the victim of the murder never gets his day in court either. So what's your point? Are you saying that the cops deliberately murdered Gray with extreme prejudice? Those facts are not in evidence. Now you're playing judge jury and executioner.
Please .. don't be silly. Yes, even a murder should get a day in court. No, I have never ever said that cops deliberately murdered Mr. Gray, never once did I even imply that. I said that he died while in police custody, and something had to have happened that's not being told to the general public. No, I would never ever play judge, jury, and executioner. I have way too much self-respect to do something like that. Please don't twist what I say around to mean something else. Cops do murder innocent citizens. Cops are guilty of murder. I have given several examples over the past couple of days here on this forum.

Then what's the problem then?
Problem with what?
comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

oh...but they might be dishonest..who can hold THEM accountable? some OTHER board of "investigators"? Who's on THAT board and what are THEIR qualifications?...LMAO..and who watches them? what, ace?
in the real world law enforcement investigates all violations of the law...
comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.
This site helps the validity of this finding. Looks like it's got screen shots of his settlement. If its real.

BREAKING Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest The Fourth Estate


So bottom line....Freddie Gray had spine surgery 7 days earlier. Was told to stay his ass at home. Decided to go out and run from police the OTHER prisoner said..."Thrash around" in the van.

And he broke his own neck....and thugs burned a city.
So bottom line....Freddie Gray had spine surgery 7 days earlier. Was told to stay his ass at home. Decided to go out and run from police the OTHER prisoner said..."Thrash around" in the van.

And he broke his own neck....and thugs burned a city.

That would be very important information if it were true, but it's bullshit. I might believe it if a credible source reports it, but for now, crazy right wing sites are the only ones saying this.
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.
ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.
The cops did not break his back.
ok..I get it're young and have very little real world experience. You live at home with your parents, right?
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.

If this man was in power you cock sucking ******* would learn something called respect!

Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.
The cops did not break his back.

Nope they sure didnt. Had surgery on it. It was already fragile. He tossed himself around that van "wilding out" and hurt himself.
So bottom line....Freddie Gray had spine surgery 7 days earlier. Was told to stay his ass at home. Decided to go out and run from police the OTHER prisoner said..."Thrash around" in the van.

And he broke his own neck....and thugs burned a city.

You can remove your head from your ass now....
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.

If this man was in power you cock sucking ******* would learn something called respect!


Hitler the meth head? He killed himself because he got his ass kicked by a freethinking army of people who had respect for all races. Hitler is getting a pineapple shoved up his poopshoot in hell, sideways.
So bottom line....Freddie Gray had spine surgery 7 days earlier. Was told to stay his ass at home. Decided to go out and run from police the OTHER prisoner said..."Thrash around" in the van.

And he broke his own neck....and thugs burned a city.

You can remove your head from your ass now....

At least he has facts. You just smell like shit as you have your head so far up your ass that god omighty cant' fucking help you.
Nope. I'm 67 years young, been many places in my life, served in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967-1970 ), lived and worked in thirteen different states, owned and operated two different businesses, retired now and living the good life, thank you. My parents are no longer living, and I live with my wife. Anything else?

Hard to believe that with all that life experience you don't understand how criminal investigations work...

You still haven't told me who you want to investigate violations of the law...all you can come up with is that you don't want law enforcement to investigate... so who DO you think is better qualified?
There are many private labs that do analysis of evidence for lawyers, especially defense lawyers. There are private investigating firms. There are specialists in different fields that can examine and prove out circumstances, positions, line of fire, angle of attack, etc., etc. ----- There are more resources than those connected to branches and agencies of law enforcement.

Hey know to arrest a cop...the person must have LAW ENFORCEMENT authority.

Joe Blow lawyer firm and you cant team up and decide a cop is getting arrested. A private investigation firm wants to be paid. You paying them??

You have no clue what you're talking about.

You're the one who has no clue what he is talking about. His back was broken because he had surgery? Who said that and what were the prior extent of his injuries before the cops broke his fucking back?

You racist turdballs are a fucking hoot.
The cops did not break his back.

Where did you get that bit of information? The same lying place that said he had neck surgery the week before?
So bottom line....Freddie Gray had spine surgery 7 days earlier. Was told to stay his ass at home. Decided to go out and run from police the OTHER prisoner said..."Thrash around" in the van.

And he broke his own neck....and thugs burned a city.

You can remove your head from your ass now....

At least he has facts. You just smell like shit as you have your head so far up your ass that god omighty cant' fucking help you.


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