Breaking: Freddie Gray Had Spinal Surgery The Week Before Arrest. Was Advised To Stay Home To Heal

The plot thickens......

We need to wait for all of the facts to come out.
All it says is that there's a chance that an accident occurred through no fault of the cops.

that's all it takes.

Next case.
Nah, only for feral white chimps. If the police chased down a man without probable cause, and unlawfully and willfully hurt him, guess what, pokey?
He ran and when they stopped him he had an illegal switchblade on him.
Running while black is not probable cause, little buddy.
Cops can and do act LEGALLY on suspicion of wrong doing. The guy made eye contact and then fled sounds pretty suspicious to me. And guess what? They were right.
I'd like to see an unbiased investigation, an independent lab do the analysis of any and all evidence, and an independent outside source put all the pieces together. I'd like to see law enforcement agencies excluded from investigating one of their own. especially since the legal system, our courts, generally give a free pass to cops.

And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
You libs call me dumb whenever I say you can't trust the government to confirm Obama is a citizen yet you claim they won't arrest a murderer when there is evidence of guilt. Such a double standard and you pretty much said burn the bitch down in the quote given in post 65.
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.
And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
You libs call me dumb whenever I say you can't trust the government to confirm Obama is a citizen yet you claim they won't arrest a murderer when there is evidence of guilt. Such a double standard and you pretty much said burn the bitch down in the quote given in post 65.
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.
Rioting implies violence. Always use the term peaceful protest if you don't want to be misunderstood. I don't think the police should get a free pass but the one thug dying in police custody is nothing when compared to all these animals rioting.
I'd like to see an unbiased investigation, an independent lab do the analysis of any and all evidence, and an independent outside source put all the pieces together. I'd like to see law enforcement agencies excluded from investigating one of their own. especially since the legal system, our courts, generally give a free pass to cops.

And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.
All it says is that there's a chance that an accident occurred through no fault of the cops.

that's all it takes.

Next case.
Nah, only for feral white chimps. If the police chased down a man without probable cause, and unlawfully and willfully hurt him, guess what, pokey?
He ran and when they stopped him he had an illegal switchblade on him.
Running while black is not probable cause, little buddy.
Cops can and do act LEGALLY on suspicion of wrong doing. The guy made eye contact and then fled sounds pretty suspicious to me. And guess what? They were right.
Nope, they were wrong. Eye contact is apropos of what? Then they hurt him, even if the arrest was good. The coppers are in a world of hurt.
And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

Sonny Clark Justice Translation: When there is controversy between a white official and a black thug, assume the white official is guilty until proven innocent.
"Sonny Clark Justice Translation: When there is controversy between a white official and a black thug, assume the white official is guilty until proven innocent." False statement. You can't provide it all with quantified and qualified evidence.
And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
You libs call me dumb whenever I say you can't trust the government to confirm Obama is a citizen yet you claim they won't arrest a murderer when there is evidence of guilt. Such a double standard and you pretty much said burn the bitch down in the quote given in post 65.
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.
Rioting implies violence. Always use the term peaceful protest if you don't want to be misunderstood. I don't think the police should get a free pass but the one thug dying in police custody is nothing when compared to all these animals rioting.
I believe that even though a person is in police custody, they should be free of harm or abuse until they have had their day in court before a jury. Arrest does NOT constitute automatic guilt. Many have been arrested, stood trial, found innocent, and released. A person should not have to fear cops upon arrest. Yet, we see cops gang up on an individual, handcuffed, and face down on the ground, and beat and kick the individual. We see police brutality almost everyday now that citizens are filming incidences with cell phones. If you have not had your day in court, then you are innocent until found guilty by a jury. Cops should never play judge, jury, and executioner.
The dead man did nothing wrong and feral white chimps laugh at him.

He was carrying a switchblade and was a career criminal.
This is kind like the Eric Garner crap. Neither of these morons were in any condition to be putting themselves at risk by inviting contact with the authorities.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

Sonny Clark Justice Translation: When there is controversy between a white official and a black thug, assume the white official is guilty until proven innocent.
Very silly, pathetic, and really doesn't merit a response. Is that the best you have?
See below.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

Sonny Clark Justice Translation: When there is controversy between a white official and a black thug, assume the white official is guilty until proven innocent.
Very silly, pathetic, and really doesn't merit a response. Is that the best you have?

Why thank you. I'm glad you approve.
See below.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
You libs call me dumb whenever I say you can't trust the government to confirm Obama is a citizen yet you claim they won't arrest a murderer when there is evidence of guilt. Such a double standard and you pretty much said burn the bitch down in the quote given in post 65.
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.
Rioting implies violence. Always use the term peaceful protest if you don't want to be misunderstood. I don't think the police should get a free pass but the one thug dying in police custody is nothing when compared to all these animals rioting.
I believe that even though a person is in police custody, they should be free of harm or abuse until they have had their day in court before a jury. Arrest does NOT constitute automatic guilt. Many have been arrested, stood trial, found innocent, and released. A person should not have to fear cops upon arrest. Yet, we see cops gang up on an individual, handcuffed, and face down on the ground, and beat and kick the individual. We see police brutality almost everyday now that citizens are filming incidences with cell phones. If you have not had your day in court, then you are innocent until found guilty by a jury. Cops should never play judge, jury, and executioner.
So you propose finding a police force that can get beaten, harassed, and physically harmed, yet never retaliate. I vote you start this new method of humanity and become the first police officer in Baltimore to operate this way. Police are just people too and whenever they continually have to fight for their lives against these animals they will fight back. That's just the way things work. When you find enough perfect people to use as police let me know.
that's all it takes.

Next case.
Nah, only for feral white chimps. If the police chased down a man without probable cause, and unlawfully and willfully hurt him, guess what, pokey?
He ran and when they stopped him he had an illegal switchblade on him.
Running while black is not probable cause, little buddy.
Cops can and do act LEGALLY on suspicion of wrong doing. The guy made eye contact and then fled sounds pretty suspicious to me. And guess what? They were right.
Nope, they were wrong. Eye contact is apropos of what? Then they hurt him, even if the arrest was good. The coppers are in a world of hurt.
He hurt himself by running and most likely reinjured his spine to the point it caused his own demise.
And now he wants to see the evidence. before it was "They're guilty burn this shit down!!" Now its, well lets look at the evidence.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

Wtch the Riot Live on TV!!! SEE HERE >>>>> Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air

The Mayor of Baltimore is preventing the police from engaging the violent looters so this should get interesting!! :party: Get out your popcorn. The Mayor doesn't want to hurt the black kids feelings so they're getting away with everything they want. Lets watch them undermine their own credibility by burning down their own city. Do black lives matter? Not as much as a free malt liquor!!!!

Cops pelted with thousands of rocks
CVS Pharmacy is being looted (For drugs no doubt)
Cars are set on fire.
7/11 being looted (For malt liquor no doubt)
Thick Black Smoke over Baltimore
Buildings burning
Most are locals from Baltimore (So much for the outside agitator excuse)

Live video Protesters throwing rocks bricks at cops in Baltimore during Freddie Gray demonstrations Hot Air



I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
You libs call me dumb whenever I say you can't trust the government to confirm Obama is a citizen yet you claim they won't arrest a murderer when there is evidence of guilt. Such a double standard and you pretty much said burn the bitch down in the quote given in post 65.
FYI --- I'm NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Democrat, Republican, Right Wing, Left Wing, or anything other than an American for America, period. I have never ever called you dumb, never. I am NOT claiming anyone is a murdered. I am saying that obvious bias is in play, and that a proper investigation should be done by an independent outside source. Yes, cops are murders, and they murder. I have given several examples of it on this forum. Should I repeat them for you? I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and have always said that, always. Again, I challenge you to show where I have ever said, "burn the bitch down", or ever implied it. I have said that they should continue to riot and protest. I have also said that I am totally against looting, violence, burning buildings and cars, and harming others. I have repeated it over and over during the past couple of days. Yet, someone always has reading comprehension problems and misquotes me, or either twist what I say around to mean something else. Please show where I have ever said anything differently, if you can. Thanks.

He's part of the RFJ Party (Rioting for justice). he thinks all social ills can be solved by burning, assaulting, and looting your way toward teaching em a lesson.
I have never ever said, "they're guilty burn the shit down". I have always said that rock solid hard concrete evidence should be presented in a court of law, than allow a jury to decide guilt or innocence. You have never ever heard me say anything else about evidence, or guilt.

See below.

I hope it doesn't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for the crimes they commit.
Yes, correct. I said that I hope the riots and protests don't stop until cops are arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. That's exactly what I said, and I meant every word, and stand by what I said. But, I never ever said anything about burning anything down. I have repeated for the past two days that I do NOT approve of violence, burning buildings and cars, looting, and harming others. I do not approve of it, nor do I condone such behavior. I do approve of protests and riots. I do condone protest and riots. But never have I said that I approve of or condone violence, burning, looting, or injuring others.

So again, where did I ever say, "burn it down"?
So YOU know what happened and won't be satisfied until your belief is upheld, GOT it.
Very funny......... silly also............ I'll be satisfied when justice, real justice is practiced in this country.

comical....define "justice"...and specifically who are these people you imagine will be "practicing" justice?
We do NOT have justice in America. In America, justice is just a nice sounding word, void of any real meaning. We have corrupt lawyers and D.A.'s, corrupt judges, circumstantial evidence cases sending innocent citizens to prison, some on death row, and rogue cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. Justice, real justice, is equal punishment for everyone, innocent until proven guilty by hard rock solid undeniable undisputable concrete evidence. Practicing real justice can be done if we use common sense and treat everyone equally.

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