breaking: Gunman opens fire at CA college

So what are the causes of abortion clinic bombings that need to be addressed?

Too much misogyny and religion?

That's odd, normally you guys blame foreign policy for terrorism abd drug policy for crime but you don't blame abortiob policy for clinic bombings

Joe's the biggest woman-hater this site has.

He glories in the deaths of babies. He calls them (including live infants who are born) "medical waste". There's no point in engaging him, he's a nut. MUST be a paid shill, right, Joey? Because NOBODY could actually believe something THAT FUCKING STUPID! Could they...?
The Germans provide a generous welfare system, but the German people take more pride in themselves than in gaming the system. Germany does not really have a universal health care system supported by the government. They have a private/public partnership and everyone pays into it or has private insurance. This was what Mitt Romney used as a model for the Massachusettes Romneycare plan. They could do that in Massachusettes because 98% of the population was already covered by insurance.

The German "system" may not shame welfare recipients, but you can't say that about the German people who understand the difference between being truly in need and wanting to sit on one's ass. German people, culturally, reject sitting on one's ass. If we had the German system here, we'd have a very small percentage of people working and struggling to support the majority who want to sit on their ass.

The problem is you think there are people out there "gaming" the system. Most of them would HAPPILY take a job that pays well.

Ask some. You will be told that $50.00 an hour is what they expect for taking out the trash and sweeping the floor.

It's the culture. We have a culture of gaming the system, preying on the weak and having every whim instantly satisfied. Other countries don't.

It's deeper than that. When some asswipe robs a liquor store that asswipe thinks he has a right to rob that liquor store. They want something, therefore they need it, they have a right to it and since that right is not satisfied, they have a right to rob the liquor store. Other countries like Germany, have a culture that understands the concept of working. They are proud to do a good job at whatever they do. It's not like that here. Our culture is one of gaming the system. We attack the problem from the other end. Punish wrongdoing when it occurs. The whole idea would be to have a people who aren't interested in wrongdoing.

Katz, the Germans have a more elaborate welfare system than we do, and they don't shame "Welfare people". The Post WWII German state was crafted by FDR's New Dealers, who were allowed to do what they wanted without Republicans getting in their way.

They have strong unions, strong workers rights. They were the first industrialized country to introduce both universal health care and social security. They also have a very progressive income tax, and you don't ever hear of a German CEO making 8 figures while his company is struggling.

More importantly, German companies and government see maintaining full employment over profitability as the key goal.

So if you really want to cite Germany as an ideal, maybe you should understand what you are idealizing.

The Germans provide a generous welfare system, but the German people take more pride in themselves than in gaming the system. Germany does not really have a universal health care system supported by the government. They have a private/public partnership and everyone pays into it or has private insurance. This was what Mitt Romney used as a model for the Massachusettes Romneycare plan. They could do that in Massachusettes because 98% of the population was already covered by insurance.

The German "system" may not shame welfare recipients, but you can't say that about the German people who understand the difference between being truly in need and wanting to sit on one's ass. German people, culturally, reject sitting on one's ass. If we had the German system here, we'd have a very small percentage of people working and struggling to support the majority who want to sit on their ass.

and who's on their welfare system????
Too much misogyny and religion?

That's odd, normally you guys blame foreign policy for terrorism abd drug policy for crime but you don't blame abortiob policy for clinic bombings

No, because what I blame for clinic bombings is asshole ministers telling misfits that if they blow up the clinic or shoot the abortion doctor, their Magic Friend in the Sky will reward them.

If they weren't saying that shit, we wouldn't have Clinic bombings.
But Islam isn't responsible for terrorism but Christianity is for clinic bombings?

It's deeper than that. When some asswipe robs a liquor store that asswipe thinks he has a right to rob that liquor store. They want something, therefore they need it, they have a right to it and since that right is not satisfied, they have a right to rob the liquor store. Other countries like Germany, have a culture that understands the concept of working. They are proud to do a good job at whatever they do. It's not like that here. Our culture is one of gaming the system. We attack the problem from the other end. Punish wrongdoing when it occurs. The whole idea would be to have a people who aren't interested in wrongdoing.

Katz, the Germans have a more elaborate welfare system than we do, and they don't shame "Welfare people". The Post WWII German state was crafted by FDR's New Dealers, who were allowed to do what they wanted without Republicans getting in their way.

They have strong unions, strong workers rights. They were the first industrialized country to introduce both universal health care and social security. They also have a very progressive income tax, and you don't ever hear of a German CEO making 8 figures while his company is struggling.

More importantly, German companies and government see maintaining full employment over profitability as the key goal.

So if you really want to cite Germany as an ideal, maybe you should understand what you are idealizing.

Bwahahahaha! are you trying to imply Germans are American liberal? I am a German/pollock and I can not even work for a german transplant company those guys are jerks. The only reason they hired me for the position was because they thought I was a pure German American by my last name.
Katz, the Germans have a more elaborate welfare system than we do, and they don't shame "Welfare people". The Post WWII German state was crafted by FDR's New Dealers, who were allowed to do what they wanted without Republicans getting in their way.

They have strong unions, strong workers rights. They were the first industrialized country to introduce both universal health care and social security. They also have a very progressive income tax, and you don't ever hear of a German CEO making 8 figures while his company is struggling.

More importantly, German companies and government see maintaining full employment over profitability as the key goal.

So if you really want to cite Germany as an ideal, maybe you should understand what you are idealizing.

The Germans provide a generous welfare system, but the German people take more pride in themselves than in gaming the system. Germany does not really have a universal health care system supported by the government. They have a private/public partnership and everyone pays into it or has private insurance. This was what Mitt Romney used as a model for the Massachusettes Romneycare plan. They could do that in Massachusettes because 98% of the population was already covered by insurance.

The German "system" may not shame welfare recipients, but you can't say that about the German people who understand the difference between being truly in need and wanting to sit on one's ass. German people, culturally, reject sitting on one's ass. If we had the German system here, we'd have a very small percentage of people working and struggling to support the majority who want to sit on their ass.

and who's on their welfare system????

German UE as of april 5.4%
If locking people up and executing them deterred crime, why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

Why did we have 16000 murders last year and the Germany only had 600? They don't execute anyone and they don't lock all that many people up. Oh, yeah, and they treat drug addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

What they don't do is let every asshole who wants a gun have one

I pretty much just told you what the problem is,you chose to ignore it. When some asswipe robs a liquor store he's back on the streets in two years,thats the problem.
You lock the shitheads up until they're old and gray and would have to make their getaway with a walker.

It's only a problem because we didn't spend those two years getting him ready to be a productive citizen when he got out.

In fact, what we usually do is lock up the guy who robbed a liquor store with a serial rapist, who sodomized him on a regular basis, he goes to the weight room to pump himself up, and he comes out a lot worse after two years than he was when he went in.

Again, or problem is not that we lock up too few people, it's that we lock up too many.

Can you read? Lock his ass up for 25 years. And if he doesnt want to be somebodies bitch in prison dont rob liquor stores.
It's really that simple. These crooks know they wont do hard time,thats why they continue to be criminals.
I would bet gun crimes would drop substantially within five years.
I might even be open to a two strikes type deal.
Maybe 5 years mandatory for the first offense if you didnt fire the weapon.
Katz, the Germans have a more elaborate welfare system than we do, and they don't shame "Welfare people". The Post WWII German state was crafted by FDR's New Dealers, who were allowed to do what they wanted without Republicans getting in their way.

They have strong unions, strong workers rights. They were the first industrialized country to introduce both universal health care and social security. They also have a very progressive income tax, and you don't ever hear of a German CEO making 8 figures while his company is struggling.

More importantly, German companies and government see maintaining full employment over profitability as the key goal.

So if you really want to cite Germany as an ideal, maybe you should understand what you are idealizing.

The Germans provide a generous welfare system, but the German people take more pride in themselves than in gaming the system. Germany does not really have a universal health care system supported by the government. They have a private/public partnership and everyone pays into it or has private insurance. This was what Mitt Romney used as a model for the Massachusettes Romneycare plan. They could do that in Massachusettes because 98% of the population was already covered by insurance.

The German "system" may not shame welfare recipients, but you can't say that about the German people who understand the difference between being truly in need and wanting to sit on one's ass. German people, culturally, reject sitting on one's ass. If we had the German system here, we'd have a very small percentage of people working and struggling to support the majority who want to sit on their ass.

and who's on their welfare system????

People who really need it. Maybe they have a guy living on welfare with 22 children out of 13 different women, but I've never heard of it.
Police: 6 People Dead in Weekend Chicago Shootings - ABC News

Ambulance Drives Into Shootout During Violent Overnight « CBS Chicago

Chicago's Weekend Shooting Tally: 10 Dead, 44 Injured

There is a mass shooting every weekend in Chicago, but because the bodies fall 1 or 2 at a time, it's not all that horrible or newsworthy.

Or do gangbangers shooting up a city not fit your agenda?

The problem in Chicago has to do with a South American drug lord using the city as his distribution center. The killings there have to do with drugs and gangs. Unfortunately, sometimes an innocent person becomes a victim, but mostly the Chicago situation is like a mafia organization operating in the city: criminals killing criminals.

This is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT thing than a mass murderer walking into a mall, cinema, restaurant, school, etc., and mowing down innocent people. Totally different!! You folks need to stop using gang and criminal warfare as a reason to excuse and overlook what is happening to innocent people in America. Get a conscience instead clinging to your irrational adoration of gun owernership.

You want to know the real difference? Way more people die in gang and drug related killings.In fact it's not even close.
So if saving lives is the idea I would think you would tackle that issue.
Like an automatic 25 year sentence if you use a gun in the commission of a crime.
If you kill someone while committing a crime with a gun? Death sentence.

That would clean up the streets in short order.

That is pretty much my point. I don't advocate the death penalty, but gang and drug related killings should be severaly punished; the way to get rid of the problem of so many homicides in Chicago is to get rid of the drug lord, get rid of the drug problem, which the gangs are involved in.

The way to get rid of so much other gun violence in the US is to have stricter gun control laws, as other modern, Western, developed countries have.
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"I am a German/pollock"??



I bet he's a Pisces. Working for scale.
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You want to know the real difference? Way more people die in gang and drug related killings.In fact it's not even close.
So if saving lives is the idea I would think you would tackle that issue.
Like an automatic 25 year sentence if you use a gun in the commission of a crime.
If you kill someone while committing a crime with a gun? Death sentence.

That would clean up the streets in short order.

If locking people up and executing them deterred crime, why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?

Why did we have 16000 murders last year and the Germany only had 600? They don't execute anyone and they don't lock all that many people up. Oh, yeah, and they treat drug addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

What they don't do is let every asshole who wants a gun have one
take away murders that are gang related Joe.....and its a whole different far as Murders go Joe.....we have a Gang problem.....they are the real Gun nuts....not the guy down the Street who happens to own a few.....eliminate the gangs and we are a pretty safe Country Statistically....

If the asswipe didn't want to be locked up with a serial rapist who would sodomize him on a regular basis he wouldn't rob the liquor store. The asswipe obviously doesn't mind being locked up with a serial rapist. He had a choice, and OUR choice is not to excuse robbing liquor stores.

Or we can find out why he was robbing a liquor store.

Maybe he robbed it because he couldn't get a job and he was hungry.

Maybe he robbed it because he's addicted and can't get rehab like a rich drug addict like Rush Limbaugh.

The problem is, you Wingnuts want to treat the effects without addressing the causes.

so the guys hungry goes into a Liquor store and robs it using a Gun and scares the fuck out of the Clerk.....fuck him.....25 years minimum.....he can eat in prison...
Oh please rehab is free. Just show up, not only rehab, but food stamps and cash grants as well. Maybe he was hungry? I would give you that one if we did not have the greatest number of obese homeless in the world. You see any starving beggars on the road? They are all fat.

Spare me that untrue platitudes.

This young man decided to shoot a bunch of people, not because he needed rehab or because his gut wasn't filled to the point of vomiting, he did it because mommy and daddy got a divorce. He has a RIGHT to mommy and daddy not getting a divorce. His civil rights were violated. Just shoot a bunch of random people to show how unfair it all is.
The problem in Chicago has to do with a South American drug lord using the city as his distribution center. The killings there have to do with drugs and gangs. Unfortunately, sometimes an innocent person becomes a victim, but mostly the Chicago situation is like a mafia organization operating in the city: criminals killing criminals.

This is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT thing than a mass murderer walking into a mall, cinema, restaurant, school, etc., and mowing down innocent people. Totally different!! You folks need to stop using gang and criminal warfare as a reason to excuse and overlook what is happening to innocent people in America. Get a conscience instead clinging to your irrational adoration of gun owernership.

You want to know the real difference? Way more people die in gang and drug related killings.In fact it's not even close.
So if saving lives is the idea I would think you would tackle that issue.
Like an automatic 25 year sentence if you use a gun in the commission of a crime.
If you kill someone while committing a crime with a gun? Death sentence.

That would clean up the streets in short order.

That is pretty much my point. I don't advocate the death penalty, but gang and drug related killings should be severaly punished; the way to get rid of the problem of so many homicides in Chicago is to get rid of the drug lord, get rid of the drug problem, which the gangs are involved in.

The way to get rid of so much other gun violence in the US is to have stricter gun control laws, as other modern, Western, developed countries have.

You want to punish drug and gang violence,what about armed robbery?
You want to stop drug dealing,but liberals have a weak past when it comes to enforcing drug laws.
You may slow down gun violence with a gun ban,but the UK has shown that other violent crime increases when you do. And that leaves the innocent unprotected.
Not acceptable...

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