BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

They still can fly out, however they don't need to do so. Israel will destroy Gaza in a few days, ending the threat.. Most of those "Americans" are dual citizens of Israel.

A few days is way too optimistic. The hostages are going to be a bargaining tool. Gilad Shalit was held by Hamas for five years.

I just reviewed lists of all the Israeli newspapers, television and radio stations and didn't find a 'Hebrew Media" in any of them. I rate that linked post as FAKE NEWS as did most of those responding to it on X. The Middle East Observer however is strongly anti-Israel, exclusively pro Palestinian and Hamas.
I just reviewed lists of all the Israeli newspapers, television and radio stations and didn't find a 'Hebrew Media" in any of them. I rate that linked post as FAKE NEWS as did most of those responding to it on X.
The Pro Arab Revisionist history in real time is unleashed
This isn't going to drag on for years, or even months. Israel is facing a deadline. They will go house to house in a now dead Gaza. Resistance will be met with deadly force. Nobody will get in or out until Israel gets it's civilians back
I hope with all my heart you are correct. I believe those forced into war should use massive and overwhelming force to destroy the enemy who attacked them. It is the most humane way to deal with it.
What about the 100 they already have? Most are women and children, even babies.
Several of the supposedly "conservative "men" here see no difference between kidnapping an 18 year old girl and an adult "man" How times have changed!

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