BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

It really just makes me so freaking angry to see how utterly stupid Biden and minions are.

Blinken just blithely rattles on with that blank, expressionless and clueless stare as he makes a complete fool of himself.

Asked about the $6 billion given to the Iranian Mullocrats, he responded with this;

''Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism," Blinken said.

Take a bow, you freaking moron.

You aren't following.

And no, the money is not "fungible" in this case. Iran will be forced to spend it on humanity ventures they NEVER hold have spent a dime on. So no, it's no as if Iran took all the knew they "normally" spend on humanitarian across and funded Hamas.

Itan took money that they always use to fund terrorists and funded terrorists.

Blinken's mistake was not articulating this and forgetting that half this nation are reactionary morons who make up dumb shit to fill the gaps.

Can the cult just give it a rest for one day?
None of this would have happened if Biden hadn’t stolen the election.

And I am FURIOUS at Jews who voted for him.
I’m furious at the Never Trumper / Never GOPer Socially Liberal / Fiscally Conservative Turd Party types here at this very forum/ Board who enable the Democommies
It really just makes me so freaking angry to see how utterly stupid Biden and minions are.

Blinken just blithely rattles on with that blank, expressionless and clueless stare as he makes a complete fool of himself.

Asked about the $6 billion given to the Iranian Mullocrats, he responded with this;

''Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism," Blinken said.

Take a bow, you freaking moron.

Unfortunately these kinds of videos are too often edited in ways to promote a particular impression that may or may not be accurate when put into full context. Too often quotes on message boards, television, in the newspapers, on social media are also taken out of their full context and deliberately misused in the same way. It happens on message boards like this one a lot.

“To facilitate their release, the United States has committed to release five Iranian nationals currently held in the United States and to permit the transfer of approximately $6 billion in restricted Iranian funds held in (South Korea) to restricted accounts in Qatar, where the funds will be available only for humanitarian trade,” Blinken said.". . .

In the same article:
". . .Raisi was somewhat coy when pressed if the funds would be used for something other than humanitarian needs.

“Humanitarian means whatever the Iranian people needs, so this money will be budgeted for those needs and the needs of the Iranian people will be decided and determined by the Iranian government,” he told the broadcast network. . ."

To understand Raisi and his motivations:
Do you think Biden and the Democrats are so sympathetic to people they think are “oppressed,” and so indifferent to antisemitism emanating from Muslims, that they will permit Palestinian refugees into this country?
Being That those running Biden are Muslim sympathizers, I expect them to push for it.
None of this would have happened if Biden hadn’t stolen the election.

And I am FURIOUS at Jews who voted for him.
Oh I am sure of it.

Under the Trump doctrine--peace through strength--we had the closest thing to world peace I've ever experienced in my now very long lifetime. The war in Libya ended. North Korea stopped firing belligerent missiles over South Korea and Japan. China, Russia, and Iran all stopped saber rattling. They all knew Trump was good for his word--they attack the innocent and retribution would be swift and certain.

If Trump was President there would be no Russia/Ukraine war. If Trump was President Hamas would never have been so emboldened to conduct this unconscionable attack on Israel. China wouldn't be threatening Taiwan. And North Korea wouldn't again be terrorizing its neighbors with missile tests and wouldn't be shipping armaments to Russia.
This isn't a pretty little social experiment. It is war. It is where women and children are taken and will be raped over and over and over until they die and/or are killed.

Get that? No?

That's why.
Your misandry is showing... Might wanna cover up...

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