BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Not the same. Being shot is one thing. This is a whole other level.

They will rape little girls until they bleed out and die. But that's on par with, you know, full grown men being shot.

I hope to God the men on this forum who have intimated such a thing are not fathers.
The use of JDAM bombs by Israeli F-16 aircraft in the Gaza Strip. The Israel Defense Forces declared the Gaza Strip a closed military zone and began striking Hamas units and the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip. The video shows a US-made Israeli F-16I aircraft preparing for takeoff, with JDAMs mounted on the aircraft. After being dropped, the bomb opens its wings and flies towards the target. According to the latest data, the Israeli Army hit 10 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, including the Hamas intelligence headquarters. The UN said that more than twenty thousand residents of the Gaza Strip were forced to leave their homes.

The Israel Defense Forces began to carry out general mobilization and form armored strike groups. The video shows the transfer of military equipment, Israeli M113 armored personnel carriers, 155-mm M109A5 self-propelled guns, American-made HMMWV armored vehicles and Israeli-made Merkava Mark 4 tanks. According to the latest data, the evacuation of the population from the northern regions of Israel bordering Lebanon has begun. The Israeli leadership also turned to the United States for help.

The sub humans hate Jews more than they love their own children, though.
Unfortunately that is true. I can't imagine the mentality that would make a mother or father proud that their offspring strapped high explosives onto his or her body and sacrificed himself/herself to blow up as many Jewish moms, dads, children, old folks as possible.

I wonder if any Americans are depraved enough to encourage their child to do that?
This isn't a pretty little social experiment. It is war. It is where women and children are taken and will be raped over and over and over until they die and/or are killed.

Get that? No?

That's why.

Board, please note that Vastator somehow thinks women and children being raped over and over until they die is...idk...funny. That's how he responded to my post.

To another poster he said "chivalry is dead"
Unfortunately that is true. I can't imagine the mentality that would make a mother or father proud that their offspring strapped high explosives onto his or her body and sacrificed himself/herself to blow up as many Jewish moms, dads, children, old folks as possible.

I wonder if any Americans are depraved enough to encourage their child to do that?
There were 600 Pro Arab/ Palestinian Marchers in NYC today proclaiming Israel the Bad Actor in the ME
Unfortunately that is true. I can't imagine the mentality that would make a mother or father proud that their offspring strapped high explosives onto his or her body and sacrificed himself/herself to blow up as many Jewish moms, dads, children, old folks as possible.

I wonder if any Americans are depraved enough to encourage their child to do that?

A couple of factors seldom talked about are these:

"Palestinians" are incredibly inbred. Their primitive, patriarchal society is built along the level of clan, with intermarriage between close family members. Inbreeding leads to mental impairment, both in terms of IQ as well as emotional stability.

Secondly, when the Mufti of Jerusalem aligned with the Nazis before and during ww2, much of the Nazi ideology fused with the Islamic to create a hybrid form of genocidal antisemitism. If fact, if there is ANYTHING that differentiates this newly created people called "Palestinian" from any other Arab, this is it.

BTW --the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Al Husseini, worked to exterminate Jews in the Balkans. Do you know the real name of the Egyptian who changed his name to Yasser Arafat? It is al Husseini.
Classic example of leftwing press. Note the headline: it is Israel's war with Hamas and not the other way around. No criticism of Hamas as the aggressor whatsoever.
Because Israel formally declaring war is big news.

Every single major news outlet is reporting it as a terrorist attack by abterorist organization.

Does every single event have to turn into a right wing circle jerk? Every single thread. This board has become all but worthless.
Play deadly games, win deadly prizes

ment its fighter jets hit two high-rise buildings in Gaza, alleging they housed Hamas “military infrastructure”.

It was not immediately clear if one of those buildings the air force was referring to was the Palestine Tower.
The use of JDAM bombs by Israeli F-16 aircraft in the Gaza Strip. The Israel Defense Forces declared the Gaza Strip a closed military zone and began striking Hamas units and the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip. The video shows a US-made Israeli F-16I aircraft preparing for takeoff, with JDAMs mounted on the aircraft. After being dropped, the bomb opens its wings and flies towards the target. According to the latest data, the Israeli Army hit 10 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, including the Hamas intelligence headquarters. The UN said that more than twenty thousand residents of the Gaza Strip were forced to leave their homes.

Hopefully all the civilians in Gaza will leave their homes and Israel will level it so that Jihadists cannot use it for their evil purposes. Israel has done what it can to warn the people of impending attacks so that they can get out of the way. If Hamas and any other jihadist groups do not insist the people leave, any civilian deaths will be on their head, not Israels.
Because Israel formally declaring war is big news.

Every single major news outlet is reporting it as a terrorist attack by abterorist organization.

Does every single event have to turn into a right wing circle jerk? Every single thread. This board has become all but worthless.
Do you not see how silly this post is? Amazing.
Sadly a true reality in that situation... Praying that there might be a break in the fighting for hostage negotiations to take place. The Israeli's need to go into GAZA and finish it. No fighters should be left in that rat hole. Then Marshall law should be implemented just like what was done in Germany after world war two. A total reeducation program needs to be implemented in that place. Enough of the barbaric bull shite, enough already.
Who is Marshall Law? Was he the guy on Gunsmoke?

Get a fucking education! The word is "martial".

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