BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

One thing it does is free up the Israeli naval forces to prosecute their war aganst Hamas.
nope----it does not free up the Israeli navy to prosecute a war against
Hamas----Hamas is not some sort of sea creature. As to Iran----Iran would
have to OPENLY refuse to accept their DUPES---the sunni Hamas jerks.
"war against Hamas" is a fantasy-----are the HAMAS people identifiable
as such? do they have their own villages? language? felafel pubs?
Israel must show zero restraint. Full conquest and destruction and all enemies must be forced to leave and never come back. Full banishment.
Israel must show zero restraint. Full conquest and destruction and all enemies must be forced to leave and never come back. Full banishment.
A ground invasion is coming after the strikes weaken Hamas capabilities. People will have to leave their homes. This is going to be another refugee situation for awhile I imagine until Israel eliminates Hamas. They have no choice now.
nope----it does not free up the Israeli navy to prosecute a war against
Hamas----Hamas is not some sort of sea creature. As to Iran----Iran would
have to OPENLY refuse to accept their DUPES---the sunni Hamas jerks.
"war against Hamas" is a fantasy-----are the HAMAS people identifiable
as such? do they have their own villages? language? felafel pubs?
Our ships have the range to bombard Gaza. And since it is a carrier strike group, it can launch airstrikes against Hamas there.

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