BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Freedom fighters! They rape and torture and kill this German tourist attending the music fesitval. Then parade her around in the back of a truck.

Fucking savages.

They have that dumb but evil look on their faces, so they are brainwashed killer's that need to be wiped from the face of this earth, otherwise it would be worthless to think that there is any hope to reach people like these. What's even more taxing, is that finding out where it all originated from should be a top priority.
The people who did this terrorist attack are evil.

When you are screaming, “GOD IS GOOD!” after raping, toturing, and murdering a young innocent girl…you are fucked in the head.
They best realize that God doesn't know them, nor would he ever be on their side in any way, and of course not because they are pure evil. 👍

They've proven that.
I’m afraid the useless EU just announced their priorities. While there is a war in their own back yard they complain is too expensive to wage without US financing, they still have cash for the Islamic terrorists.

The European Union reversed an earlier announcement from a commissioner on Monday who said the bloc planned on suspending humanitarian aid payments to Palestinian-controlled territories after Hamas launched a full-scale terrorist attack on Israel over the weekend.

“There will be no suspension of payments” at the moment, the Commission said in a statement reported by The Associated Press.
Remember when Trump called out Merkel for destroying Germany? France and others are in the same boat. This is what happens when you don't choose immigrants who share your values but want to virtue signal to others. China is laughing at how easy it is. You'd think America would be more selective in their immigration policy even as S and Central Americans share far more with America than many of the immigrants the E.U just happily allowed in regardless of need or cultural fit. I believe in choosing the best and brightest based on need and character. A nation MUST have a culture that new immigrants embrace, not the other way around.
That would only encourage more.

Biden needs to pressure Iran to in turn pressure the savages: If ONE hostage is killed, we will bomb one of your refineries.

And they should claw back the $6 billion immediately. What’s the delay? The Party of Omar is afraid we’ll offend the Iranian terrorist regime?
Well unless we can prove Iran funded the Hamas attack we really can't justify bombing their refinery. I'm not saying it isn't justifiable. I just don't know if we can trace the money that fast.

And I'm afraid you're confusing what should happen and likely would happen with Trump in charge with the total timidity, fecklessness, and cluelessness of the current Administration. The only people they get militant with is us.

The fact that they made Qatar, the No. 2 funder of Hamas, the keeper of the Iranian cash flashed a huge signal that Hamas would be funded.
Wow, the Hawk. I saw that on TV just now, and I was shocked. The Israelis were taken by surprise several hours ago, and I was in the sewing room so I didn't know it.

What caused this, I wonder. :(

They weren't taken by surprise. The problem is that they are out numbered and need help. They let it happen to gain it.
They weren't taken by surprise. The problem is that they are out numbered and need help. They let it happen to gain it.
Please link me to the site that convinced you Israel's leader, who is the soul of truth, hastened his enemies to level buildings and kill hundreds of innocent people, not to mention the criminal rape-murders of 300 or more Israeli women and even men. The killers acted like animals from how they arranged the dead people for the television screen of their performance coup. :cranky:

While I'm here, I'd like to see the "Squad" publicly whipped and sent back to the country of thier origin after lobotomies were performed on them to not share the information with enemies who said they'd like to wipe America off the face of the map as soon as they wiped Israel off the face of their mutual ancestral lands of thousands of years ago. Iran has proved itself to be the neighbor from hell for Israel.
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Well unless we can prove Iran funded the Hamas attack we really can't justify bombing their refinery. I'm not saying it isn't justifiable. I just don't know if we can trace the money that fast.

And I'm afraid you're confusing what should happen and likely would happen with Trump in charge with the total timidity, fecklessness, and cluelessness of the current Administration. The only people they get militant with is us.

The fact that they made Qatar, the No. 2 funder of Hamas, the keeper of the Iranian cash flashed a huge signal that Hamas would be funded.
Iran has always funded and armed hamas.
You’ve been reported for making a sacrilegious post and attributing it to me.

There’s no depth to which nasty shit lefitists won’t go when talking to a Jew, and on the day after a Holocaust-type event.

And now you’re going on ignore, you POS.
One of the worst antisemites taunts you by calling you "princess".

900 dead as of today. Shot in cars, shot in their homes. Babies, mothers, little kids, elderly. It's good to know where people like you stand. It won't ever be forgotten. The civilians Israel have killed, died because they were used by Hamas, PIJ, Hizballah as shields in their unholy war to genocide Jews. YOU seem to be helping their PR.

It's good to know where people like you stand.

People like me? I only seek to understand, why conflict exists. Over 70% of the folks in the Gaza strip don't even like Hamas, and don't want them to represent them, politically, yet we have all the neo-cons that have been daily and yearly, over the decades, propagandized by government and corporate media, lumped them all into one group together... . .

Just like the left views nearly all folks that like Trump, just the same.

I am only seeking to understand WHY, they have lashed out. You? I am sure you don't even give a damn. You probably only believe that they attacked because they hate "da joos," right? You don't have any desire to understand anything deeper.

Did you even watch and view post #6

While although Iran gives the most weapons and logistics to Hamas, Qatar and Turkey give some of the most financial support, and they are two of the US's biggest allies in the region.

Seems to me, we could have completely ended Hamas decades ago, if the CIA really wanted to, so? Ask yourselves, what gives?




Why does Qatar support Hamas?​

The rationale behind the tiny Gulf nation’s former friendliness to Israel may explain its current ties to Islamists as well​

Turkey Remains the Main Supporter of Hamas Hostility​

by Ioannis E. Kotoulas
Special to IPT News
May 17, 2021

The US is allies with Turkey and Qatar, the leader of Hamas currently lives in Qatar, but, other than Iran, the principle backers of Hamas, are Turkey and Qatar. Some came from Syria and Sudan, but they have their own problems now.

The NWO/Great Reset propaganda? Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. If you want problems to end, you don't make allies with the folks who are funding your problems. Just like Bush and Obama made terror groups, this is a well worn path.

Your bullshit propaganda means nothing. You live in bizzarro land, divorced from facts.

But? Trust me, I have great sympathy for the victims of this conflict, on all sides.

What the Hell Just Happened #Israel​
Take these idiotic cult fantasies to another thread
It’s all connected. They rigged and stole the election to install a pathetic meatbag with dementia, that way they could watch the world burn. It’s not a coincidence that war kicked off with Russia and Gaza and soon to be Iran. These evil fucks want to destroy the world, and they get to do that with a bought and paid for White House.
I'm not sure if I'm quite with you on that. Being a reasonable fellow, though, I'm willing to compromise.

How about dropping them off half way there, instead?
I like to compromise, too. So instead of tossing them off the roof of a 20-story building, like they do in Muslim countries, let’s just push them out of a window from the 10th floor.
It’s all connected. They rigged and stole the election to install a pathetic meatbag with dementia, that way they could watch the world burn. It’s not a coincidence that war kicked off with Russia and Gaza and soon to be Iran. These evil fucks want to destroy the world, and they get to do that with a bought and paid for White House.
I am not interested in these freakish cult fantasies.

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