BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

These are the exact kind of beasts that God instructed Israel to wipe from the face of the earth. People don't want to hear that, but this is what you're evil looks like. Allowing them to live among us, even in prison, infects the entire culture. One rotten apple spoils the whole bushel
When any group puts itself into a category of intense evil, then the heat of the shells against them should be more intense. Their choice.
Some people can't be redeemed in this life. Only brute force will keep this kind of evil at bay
The inbreds we call "Palestinian" these days teach their children from earliest age that Jews are apes and pigs and that their highest duty in life is to kill them.

One might as well saunter up to a badger in the wild and try to cuddle it for all the good any overtures of peace and friendship would ever have on them.
Shouldn't the Pope be addressing his speech to the perpetrators of genocidal antisemitism instead of it's targets?
uh. . . . He is addressing this speech and his prayers to everyone. The folks in St. Peter's Basilica are as likely to be meet discrimination from one side, as they are the other. I had already previously posted links, as to what had triggered this conflict. Christians were caught up in that too.

Jews spitting on the ground beside Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land sparks outrage​

The inbreds we call "Palestinian" these days teach their children from earliest age that Jews are apes and pigs and that their highest duty in life is to kill them.

One might as well saunter up to a badger in the wild and try to cuddle it for all the good any overtures of peace and friendship would ever have on them.

Hamas would accept Saudi peace plan, spokesman says / Group would stop attacks on Israelis if occupation ends​

uh. . . . He is addressing this speech and his prayers to everyone
And that's the problem.

Liberals can't stop with the moral equivalency.

The Muslims who murdered, raped and kidnapped are NOT the moral equivalent of the posters Israel's going in and dealing with this evil

It's as simple as this.

Hamas = bad guys
Israel = good guys

Hamas would accept Saudi peace plan, spokesman says / Group would stop attacks on Israelis if occupation ends​

Israel will never agree. After what Hamas has done, there will be blood. The Barbaric actions of Hamas needs to be settled on the battlefield.
If they both do the same types of things, why are one group of folks the "good guys," and the other group, "the bad guys?"

Where is the IDF raping and torturing women and children??

The IDF are the Good Guys in my opinion. Hamas can burn in hell for what they have just done.

Whether you agree or not is up to you. Doesnt matter.

Hamas would accept Saudi peace plan, spokesman says / Group would stop attacks on Israelis if occupation ends​

You SERIOUSLY need to get up to speed on this.
Those we call Palestinian" these days are little more than Nazis speaking Arabic.

I would suggest you read "Jihad and Jew Hatred" by Matthias Kuntzel, which details how the Nazi ideology was introduced to them through the Muftibof Jerusalem's collaboration with Nazis. He was promised the extermination of Middle Eastern Jews after the European ones were finished off.
If they both do the same types of things, why are one group of folks the "good guys," and the other group, "the bad guys?"

they do the same things?

Did the Americans do the same thing, when we carpet bombed Germany?

Did Israel target and murder 260 festival goers? Kidnap the girls. Rape and murder a girl and parade her dead body as a trophy?

Why are we debating this?
Gaza was NOT occupied. West Bank, yes! Hamas is not in charge of the West Bank anyway!

Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State​

Israel's 1967 Borders: What's The Big Fuss?​

they do the same things?

Did the Americans do the same thing, when we carpet bombed Germany?

Did Israel target and murder 260 festival goers? Kidnap the girls. Rape and murder a girl and parade her dead body as a trophy?

Why are we debating this?
Why is that funny?

Some of you people are showing your true colors.

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