BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Those we call Palestinian" these days are little more than Nazis speaking Arabic.
I have no interest in dehumanizing others for an agenda.
I would suggest you read "Jihad and Jew Hatred" by Matthias Kuntzel
I am sure there is some good research there, but there is, of course, two sides to every story.

Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State​

Israel's 1967 Borders: What's The Big Fuss?​

Now show us the regional map and try to find israel

I have no interest in dehumanizing others for an agenda.

I am sure there is some good research there, but there is, of course, two sides to every story.
What possible other side of the story could there be to arriving at a peaceful music festival to murder 260 innocent young people? Or killing a young woman, stripping her battered body naked, and then parading it around?
What possible other side of the story could there be is arriving at a peaceful music festival to murder 260 innocent young people? Or killing a young woman, stripping her battered body naked, and then parading it around?
Sometimes the "two sides" are, RIGHT and WRONG. Dems have overwhelmingly sided up with evil. Is anyone really surprised?

Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State​

Israel's 1967 Borders: What's The Big Fuss?​

What does any of that have to do with what I posted?
Some of you people are showing your true colors.
And what is that? An ability to see nuance, cause and effect, and immunity to war propaganda of the STATE?

Yes, HAMAS is a vicious terrorist organization, and what is going on is a terrible tragedy, but it is not representative of all Muslims or Palestinians, nor the Muslim religion.

Nor is Israel guilt free in all this. Its continual oppression, occupation and colonization of the folks that occupied that land before 1950 are bound to incur some blow-back if there are not equitable concessions, which there haven't been.

I have been posting information about this incident, which folks either have not been reading, or just don't want to acknowledge. That's fine. Everyone is entitle to their PoV, and their epistemological world view. whatevas

Nothing justifies this, but this didn't not come out of the blue. And HAMAS is not the only one that acts like animals.

I.C.C. Rules It Has Jurisdiction to Examine Possible Israel War Crimes​

The International Criminal Court on Friday said it has the authority to investigate alleged crimes in the occupied territories, in a ruling condemned by Israel and praised by Palestinians.

You folks sure like to shoot the messenger, just because I am aware of all the facts. You think I have a dog in the game, I don't.
I am only an advocate of freedom, liberty and justice. AND TRUTH.

I am not a salivating war dog, that wants to see people that are different than me, massacred, because of the actions of some desperate young men behaving like terrorists. Find the guilty? Sure. Punish the guilty? Sure.

Commit genocide?

A man in Australia was arrested for carrying an Israeli flag while there were hundreds with Palestinian flags out protesting in front of an area lit up in blue and white in solidarity with Israel. Huh? What is going on?
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What does any of that have to do with what I posted?
Well, what you posted had nothing to do with what I posted, so, meh.

"2002-04-28 04:00:00 PDT Gaza City -- In a startling move, the militant Islamic movement Hamas has accepted the terms of the Saudi peace proposal and is willing to stop attacks on Israel if it returns to pre-1967 borders, a Hamas spokesman told The Chronicle. . . . "

I thought if I helped clarify the post, and assisted you in getting your head out your ass, we could understand one another?

Typical liberal nonsense

Israel must listen to her gut instincts

Crush this terror thread.
16% of the world population report to the Pope. He likely feels he supports a brokered peace rather than a war that could spread worldwide considering that Iran and Russia have both sponsored aggressive wars in recent years against neighboring countries. He cannot in good conscience ignore the war, nor the ignominies being performed on unarmed people and their children. One of the Hamas invaders murdered a small child while the parents watched helplessly.

I'm not a Catholic, but I have a deep regard for them the year I brought some food to the Sisters of the Poor nuns to distribute in the dead of winter in then-small town hungry people in Casper, Wyoming. Good works are what God is always pleased to be done by believers in him. Their faith begets a lot of caring for the down and out in a community that has troubled people in it for any reason. The Pope accounts to God for very effective good neighbors that most Catholics are. The Pope's reports were on point. Hamas went against every humanitarian and Godly precept known to mankind. It's up to the governments of the world to pitch in and comfort bereaved persons in the Middle East who died at the hands of rapists and murderous thugs the organization Hamas has produced to achieve revenge for something their victims did not do.
Well, what you posted had nothing to do with what I posted, so, meh.

"2002-04-28 04:00:00 PDT Gaza City -- In a startling move, the militant Islamic movement Hamas has accepted the terms of the Saudi peace proposal and is willing to stop attacks on Israel if it returns to pre-1967 borders, a Hamas spokesman told The Chronicle. . . . "

I thought if I helped clarify the post, and assisted you in getting your head out your ass, we could understand one another?

My post was accurate. Your post had nothing to do with my post.
Israel will never agree. After what Hamas has done, there will be blood. The Barbaric actions of Hamas needs to be settled on the battlefield.
Yeah, now there is blood. Did you see the date on that article? :dunno:

I don't think you understand. Folks are calling them sub-human animals, like they and the Palestinians haven't done everything in their power to find a peaceful solution. . . I am just posting reminders, they have, at one point, indicated a willingness to recognize Israel, and renounce all violence.

That peace plane was on the table 20 years ago, BEFORE Israel started settlements in the West Bank and moved the Capital to Jerusalem.

There was never any good faith negotiations, just an intent to conquer, subjugate, and oppress. .. . . and as we have continually been reminded from the left, an, apartheid state.

So yeah, like you said, now we get blow back and. . . .

there will be blood.
16% of the world population report to the Pope. He likely feels he supports a brokered peace rather than a war that could spread worldwide considering that Iran and Russia have both sponsored aggressive wars in recent years against neighboring countries. He cannot in good conscience ignore the war, nor the ignominies being performed on unarmed people and their children. One of the Hamas invaders murdered a small child while the parents watched helplessly.

I'm not a Catholic, but I have a deep regard for them the year I brought some food to the Sisters of the Poor nuns to distribute in the dead of winter in then-small town hungry people in Casper, Wyoming. Good works are what God is always pleased to be done by believers in him. Their faith begets a lot of caring for the down and out in a community that has troubled people in it for any reason. The Pope accounts to God for very effective good neighbors that most Catholics are. The Pope's reports were on point. Hamas went against every humanitarian and Godly precept known to mankind. It's up to the governments of the world to pitch in and comfort bereaved persons in the Middle East who died at the hands of rapists and murderous thugs the organization Hamas has produced to achieve revenge for something their victims did not do.
No amount of rationalization puts the Israeli response on an equal footing with the murderers.

Compromising with evil IS evil
Now show us the regional map and try to find israel

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You totally lost the plot Death Angle.

If a butt load of illegal Hispanic immigrants invaded your home town, and the government housed them in YOUR back yard and you bitched about it, and the local Mayor showed you this map and said look, see how much territory Westerners have?


You can handle some illegals in the bedroom across the hall from yours, what the hell are you bitching about? You have no right to keep them out?! :dunno:
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They've proven themselves to be evil, so brute force it shall be then.
I cannot envision Israelis being as brutal as Hamas' rape and murder show.
And the Book of Deuteronomy has a little message for Godly folk, Chapter 32, v. 35 says: "35To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste."

I have a hunch Iran is going to receive a huge kick in the poserior for funding Hamas/Isis. Biden's response today was to shut down before lunch and not to be seen nor heard. It's his choice.

I'm very unhappy about the Muslims going after people they have hated on for 5,000 years.

Time for vespers. Good evening, all. I'm praying that God will intervene in the behalf of the people who wee brutalized, raped, murdered, and had their eyes see such horrific things being done to their loved ones. :icon_cry: I'm praying for justice to the bereaved, and for the world to work toward peace on earth, not vulgar torture, injury, and deceit. Good night.

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