BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Not funny, but I get your point.

The leftists have minorities they care about and minorities they don’t give a flying f about. I guarantee you that if some White Supremacist group launched 5000 rockets into Nigeria, killing 1000 blacks, and torturing thousands more, Biden would not be holding a party with live music that same evening.

It was a global warming joke, not a Holocaust joke.
The entire premise for the founding of our nation is that we are endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator, and to assume the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us.

Those words are in our Declaration of Independence. A ”secular” nation would not reference God in its own declaration for independence and statehood.

So that would end your thread, full stop.
Your fundamental problem is that your claims are based on the science of non-existing entities, and your chrestomathy text, the bible, habitually projects violence while its self-glossing nature cultivates stupidity. You're claim above would mean that the Founders were schizophrenic, because the Constitution's only reference to god is exclusionary, and Congress itself voted out the word 'god' for oath taking.

If there's anything superior to reify about xianity is that its contradictions and antagonisms secrete atheism more copiously than any other religion.

Post #149
Israel reporting over 1,000 dead.

Talk about pulling on the tiger's tail.
Beware of the bigger picture involved, otherwise Iran has been allied with Russia, and there is no telling what the overall implications of that story line is or what's all involved in this move Hamas has now blazingly made if proxied through Iran.

It could be a ploy to draw American support away from Ukraine, and bogg it down in the middle east trying to help it's long held Allie Israel in the region.
I'm pretty sure they intend to kill the hostages anyway unless somebody coughs up a huge amount of cash to ransom them.
That would only encourage more.

Biden needs to pressure Iran to in turn pressure the savages: If ONE hostage is killed, we will bomb one of your refineries.

And they should claw back the $6 billion immediately. What’s the delay? The Party of Omar is afraid we’ll offend the Iranian terrorist regime?

Fucking animals.

The sad thing is, is that the dog looked to me that he was approaching the terrorist in a tail wagging friendly way, and they just shot him down because they are some cold hearted POS. That dog being killed like that, let alone the rest of it, would turn me into a person that they wouldn't want to come across in the battle zone. They should be shown no mercy the same as they gave to that dog.
I’m afraid the useless EU just announced their priorities. While there is a war in their own back yard they complain is too expensive to wage without US financing, they still have cash for the Islamic terrorists.

The European Union reversed an earlier announcement from a commissioner on Monday who said the bloc planned on suspending humanitarian aid payments to Palestinian-controlled territories after Hamas launched a full-scale terrorist attack on Israel over the weekend.

“There will be no suspension of payments” at the moment, the Commission said in a statement reported by The Associated Press.
The sad thing is, is that the dog looked to me that he was approaching the terrorist in a tail wagging friendly way, and they just shot him down because they are some cold hearted POS. That dog being killed like that, let alone the rest of it, would turn me into a person that they wouldn't want to come across in the battle zone. They should be shown no mercy the same as they gave to that dog.

The people who did this terrorist attack are evil.

When you are screaming, “GOD IS GOOD!” after raping, toturing, and murdering a young innocent girl…you are fucked in the head.

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