Breaking Hate

I honestly thought he was joking. Does that really make sense to you?

You know that's what Jesus said, don't you? It's from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,"

Yes, I do believe that the only way to truly end racism and hate is for people's hearts to completely change. And the only way to do that is being transformed by God.
You do know thats probably the most frequently recited passage that slave owners read to the enslaved right? At this point I'm pretty sure thats why white slavers made laws against reading and host of other things but gave Blacks a pacifist religion. The funny thing is that whites have long been violent but are only quick to preach forgiveness when someone else wants to get violent.
You are using the past and present together. We are not the whites of old, and not all whites have been violent,
So, you were taught to hate white people...
geez, there's a shocker

We learn what we live and live what we learn...
but, eventually, there should come a time,
whether or not, we choose to live differently
no comprende,so your last 3 sentences mean?????You were taught to be a Racist and live that way!!!

But you can change if you wanted to...… that your Drift Keepit if so ARE YOU AND/OR DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE?

No comprende,so your last 3 sentences mean?????You were taught to be a Racist and live that way!!!

But you can change if you wanted to...… that your Drift Keepit if so ARE YOU AND/OR DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE?
AIclepias said racial hatred is taught...
since he has such hatred for the white race,
that means, he was taught to hate and blame the white race.

He does not have to hate and blame, he choose to

Am I going to change?...not on racial issues
Do I want to change?...should I?

I believe in accountability and moving forward,
not staying stuck in the past and blaming white people,
for why someone's life hasn't moved forward

I don't have a problem with
skin color or ethnicity...we all have red blood
But Keep not everyone has your mobility of mind,it was to less educated that Marc made his plea...and you must admit there are many White Racists in America,even to your President that he supported White Supremisits sic, even after they disgustingly said Trumps Daughter was tarnished because she was impregnated by a Jew...Shit what sort of Man would allow this sort of Shit-Speak against his family.

Have a Gooday Keepit...and Soon Forward to Equality and No Racism

But Keep not everyone has your mobility of mind,it was to less educated that Marc made his plea..
Steve...what you stated doesn't even make sense to me
and you must admit there are many White Racists in America,
Why wouldn't I?
Surely, you'll admit, there are many black racists, as well
even to your President that he supported White Supremisits sic, even after they disgustingly said Trumps Daughter was tarnished because she was impregnated by a Jew...Shit what sort of Man would allow this sort of Shit-Speak against his family.
Who would allow what someone else is saying,
to live rent free in their head, as if, them saying it, makes it so?

Silencing hatred doesn't make it go away

If people are entitled to choose who they'll love,
then people are entitled to choose who they'll hate.

Hi Keepit,re mobility of mind,I was meaning that you are flexible in your thought process(a compliment)

Trump did not call out the foul mouth WS who degraded his daughter and was Anti-Semitic towards his son it law and grand children

All Racism and Hate should be Stamped Out...Here in Aus/Paradise we have Anti Racial Vilification Laws and the person who muttered this shit,would have been sent to prison...Allowing Hate,Racism and Anti-Semitism...Destroys the Harmony of any Society and in that I have to disagree with cannot Stop Haters in their minds but you can stamp it out as we have to a certain degree

Hi Keepit,re mobility of mind,I was meaning that you are flexible in your thought process(a compliment)
Steve, when I stated....
Steve...what you stated doesn't even make sense to me
It was in response to....
But Keep not everyone has your mobility of mind,it was to less educated that Marc made his plea
It wasn't the first part of your statement,
that didn't make sense to was the second half.

MarcALT asked....
How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

2 things didn't make sense to me...

One, why you were speaking for MarcALT,
and, secondly, if hatred is the result of ignorance,
what makes you think you can reach ignorant people?

Do you know what is worse than,
a person who openly hates and offers no apology?

A person who redefines their hatred,
and offers no apology.

Gay people want to force others to accept homosexuality,
because of their own intolerance, for those who don't

Their intolerance is dressed up as,
personal freedom,
while intolerance towards homosexuality,
has to wear discrimination

Men are vilified for treating women like sex objects,
while, these same women, who use that to their advantage,
to get what they want, are somehow the victim

Black posters here, will point to discrimination,
by pointing out the number of blacks incarcerated,
when compared to their representation of the population,
but, don't want to measure crimes committed by blacks,
against their representation of the population

White privilege:
Having an advantage to succeed,
because of the color of your skin,
as long as you work hard, to pay off student loans,
so you can go to college, if you can't afford to go to college,
and get good test scores which are higher

Black privilege:
Having an advantage to succeed,
for free, with lower test scores and less experience,
because of the color of your skin.

Benefitting from a privilege because of other blacks,
who fought for them to have, what they didn't.
Or, squandering the privilege,
others fought for but, didn't enjoy themselves,
and blaming white people instead of taking responsibility
Trump did not call out the foul mouth WS who degraded his daughter and was Anti-Semitic towards his son it law and grand children
All Racism and Hate should be Stamped Out
Yeah, well...that's not gonna happen until
Jesus comes back and establishes His Kingdom
Here in Aus/Paradise we have Anti Racial Vilification Laws and the person who muttered this shit,would have been sent to prison.
Well, that's ridiculous!
If I say homosexuality is perverse,
should I sit in jail?
Allowing Hate,Racism and Anti-Semitism...Destroys the Harmony of any Society
Lol...come on Steve

Silencing one side of hate,
to allow only the other side of hate....really
you cannot Stop Haters in their minds but you can stamp it out as we have to a certain degree
No Steve, you can not stamp out hate to any degree,
by silencing it....
It's not a matter of changing minds,
it's a matter of changing hearts.

Hatred exists in many forms

Silencing some types of hatred
and masquerading the rest,
doesn't help to achieve harmony,
it contributes to animosity and greater hatred
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
What I See
Is That The Vast, VAST Majority Of Americans
(Except Blacks)
Bend Over Backwards In Compliance Not To Be Labeled A Racist
Blacks, On The Other Hand
Enjoy The Luxury Of Demanding Proof The Other Isn't A Racist
Before Declaring Out Of Hand
"You Just Don't Recognize Your Racism
So You Can Keep Licking My Black Asshole Forever..."
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

Only by understanding where we come from and Who created us. That's it. That's the only way.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

Well, we just stop doing it.
So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?

Considering the views you hold on white privilege, it is safe to say you don't see white people as equals. So I guess they should speak to you the way you speak to them. Whether or not they should care what you say is debatable.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

Well, we just stop doing it.
Good one!

Here he is....

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

It takes everyone on all sides to admit their 'perception' of the OTHER side might be flawed. Make a concerted effort to see the value in someone different than yourself. Stop poisoning the minds of kids with adult biases and indoctrinations.

If the news media wanted to help with that they could cover something positive or stop editorializing racial events in a way that causes tension..... before actual facts come out
What I See
Is That The Vast, VAST Majority Of Americans
(Except Blacks)
Bend Over Backwards In Compliance Not To Be Labeled A Racist
Blacks, On The Other Hand
Enjoy The Luxury Of Demanding Proof The Other Isn't A Racist
Before Declaring Out Of Hand
"You Just Don't Recognize Your Racism
So You Can Keep Licking My Black Asshole Forever..."
Any commentary on the rise in white supremacists in America?
It takes everyone on all sides to admit their 'perception' of the OTHER side might be flawed. Make a concerted effort to see the value in someone different than yourself. Stop poisoning the minds of kids with adult biases and indoctrinations.

If the news media wanted to help with that they could cover something positive or stop editorializing racial events in a way that causes tension..... before actual facts come out
Do you consider it to be poisoning the minds of kids, when/if American schools soft peddle the history of slavery, racism, bigotry, and Jim Crow, or simply fail to cover it altogether?
It takes everyone on all sides to admit their 'perception' of the OTHER side might be flawed. Make a concerted effort to see the value in someone different than yourself. Stop poisoning the minds of kids with adult biases and indoctrinations.

If the news media wanted to help with that they could cover something positive or stop editorializing racial events in a way that causes tension..... before actual facts come out
Do you consider it to be poisoning the minds of kids, when/if American schools soft peddle the history of slavery, racism, bigotry, and Jim Crow, or simply fail to cover it altogether?

No, why shouldn't history be taught? But your question was how would you break Hate. Hate comes from more than one direction. Teachers and parents just need to be a little careful to add some context. We are not living in Jim Crow era any more
It takes everyone on all sides to admit their 'perception' of the OTHER side might be flawed. Make a concerted effort to see the value in someone different than yourself. Stop poisoning the minds of kids with adult biases and indoctrinations.

If the news media wanted to help with that they could cover something positive or stop editorializing racial events in a way that causes tension..... before actual facts come out
Do you consider it to be poisoning the minds of kids, when/if American schools soft peddle the history of slavery, racism, bigotry, and Jim Crow, or simply fail to cover it altogether?

Is it your contention that American schools are doing so?
I honestly thought he was joking. Does that really make sense to you?

You know that's what Jesus said, don't you? It's from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,"

Yes, I do believe that the only way to truly end racism and hate is for people's hearts to completely change. And the only way to do that is being transformed by God.
You do know thats probably the most frequently recited passage that slave owners read to the enslaved right? At this point I'm pretty sure thats why white slavers made laws against reading and host of other things but gave Blacks a pacifist religion. The funny thing is that whites have long been violent but are only quick to preach forgiveness when someone else wants to get violent.
You are using the past and present together. We are not the whites of old, and not all whites have been violent,
Of course I am using the past and present together. Nothing has changed with whites except the methods used to support racism and I disagree....whites as a race have always been violent. Pretending the rare few that arent violent are typical of the white race is a non starter for me.
I honestly thought he was joking. Does that really make sense to you?

You know that's what Jesus said, don't you? It's from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,"

Yes, I do believe that the only way to truly end racism and hate is for people's hearts to completely change. And the only way to do that is being transformed by God.
You do know thats probably the most frequently recited passage that slave owners read to the enslaved right? At this point I'm pretty sure thats why white slavers made laws against reading and host of other things but gave Blacks a pacifist religion. The funny thing is that whites have long been violent but are only quick to preach forgiveness when someone else wants to get violent.
You are using the past and present together. We are not the whites of old, and not all whites have been violent,
Of course I am using the past and present together. Nothing has changed with whites except the methods used to support racism and I disagree....whites as a race have always been violent. Pretending the rare few that arent violent are typical of the white race is a non starter for me.
Your perceptions are false
I honestly thought he was joking. Does that really make sense to you?

You know that's what Jesus said, don't you? It's from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,"

Yes, I do believe that the only way to truly end racism and hate is for people's hearts to completely change. And the only way to do that is being transformed by God.
You do know thats probably the most frequently recited passage that slave owners read to the enslaved right? At this point I'm pretty sure thats why white slavers made laws against reading and host of other things but gave Blacks a pacifist religion. The funny thing is that whites have long been violent but are only quick to preach forgiveness when someone else wants to get violent.
You are using the past and present together. We are not the whites of old, and not all whites have been violent,
Of course I am using the past and present together. Nothing has changed with whites except the methods used to support racism and I disagree....whites as a race have always been violent. Pretending the rare few that arent violent are typical of the white race is a non starter for me.
Your perceptions are false
Can you prove that or is this just your perception?
I honestly thought he was joking. Does that really make sense to you?

You know that's what Jesus said, don't you? It's from the sermon on the mount.

Matthew 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,"

Yes, I do believe that the only way to truly end racism and hate is for people's hearts to completely change. And the only way to do that is being transformed by God.
You do know thats probably the most frequently recited passage that slave owners read to the enslaved right? At this point I'm pretty sure thats why white slavers made laws against reading and host of other things but gave Blacks a pacifist religion. The funny thing is that whites have long been violent but are only quick to preach forgiveness when someone else wants to get violent.
You are using the past and present together. We are not the whites of old, and not all whites have been violent,
Of course I am using the past and present together. Nothing has changed with whites except the methods used to support racism and I disagree....whites as a race have always been violent. Pretending the rare few that arent violent are typical of the white race is a non starter for me.

Hello, Asclepias. Serious question...


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