Breaking Hate

Bingo. Blacks never had any responsibility for what racists whites put into the heads of the dumber racists whites. They were just the frequent marketed boogeymen in the warped nightmares of whites in general. We know the us against them mentality is only present because of the white race. They are the ones that made up the races and dubbed whites as the best due to some inferiority complex.

Not precisely, although you jumped right onto that bandwagon. I am speaking to political philosophy and ideology, perhaps first given intellectual teeth by a handful of Europeans, however, proliferated in hybridized forms by men of all colors. The cancer is in the idea and doctrine, not in the color of the flesh. Feel me?
Whites never had a political system they didnt get from another culture so no I dont feel you.

How very inflammatory of you. Now kindly, take off the flame-retardant coveralls and put down the slingshot; you don't need it. We--meaning humans all--can either stoke anger and hatred for each other inside one another's minds, or seek and proffer truth where and when we find it. Arrows in the dark . . .
Why are facts that destroy the white narrative inflammatory? Why cant you white boys just admit you didnt come up with it?

Who do you believe, did?
Not really important right now. Just know it wasnt whites that came up with politics. What you should be concentrating on is why do you actually believe that?
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A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
Round up all known white racists and put a bullet in their heads would be my first choice but like radical Islamic terrorists that would just produce more of them. It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught

Funny, instead of you rounding up all known racists and blowing them away, you just want to kill white people. Maybe you should look down the barrel of your own racism with as much enthusiasm...
You miss and contradict the point as USUAL....You are A TYPICAL of your countries RACISM
By laughing at them. Make fun of them. Let them know that no one takes them seriously.

I think Blazing Saddles did as much to ruin racial hatred as anything.
People have been doing that for decades now and it hasnt changed anything. Looks like the numbers are actually growing under Drumpf.

The only numbers "growing under Trump" are the defections from the Demo plantation.
Nope. The main numbers growing under Drumpf are the number of white racist supporters and retaliatory tariffs.
Hate is just another emotion. I hate trolls. I really do. I hate vaginitis, and that itch we all get, too in much the same way. But we manage to get past it. Hate isn't the boogie man here. It's the root cause that we need to examine. To bad we cant prescribe Monistat for everything.

Huh??? I didn't want that mouthful of coffee anyway!! Monistat? Is that like Brylcream???

Ha, I agree, but neither you or I or anybody else is going to make them see a counselor. So practically speaking what is it that you’d like to see happen to make our country and race relations better?
I dont see a way for them (race relations) to get better until whites accept the reality that they have fears they need to deal with. You and I can talk all day but that wont change the white racists that cause the issue.
I’m not hearing the practical solutions though. You want whites to accept that they are scared of blacks. Certainly not all whites, but the ones that have prejudice. Ok, how do you want them accept it? How does it happen to a degree that satisfies you?
Its not about me. Its about whites dealing with their fears. Once they deal with them then they can have a constructive conversation.

Thats because there really is no practical solution which was why I was questioning your solution of talking. What do you think talking will do if one or more parties have no respect for the other?
When you have civil discourse with an open mind you create bonds and realize that skin color doesn’t really matter, you’re just two people talking. You might even gain respect and understanding for one another.

Again I’ll say that the extremists have no shot of changing each others minds. Haters are gonna hate. Fuck them.

So apart from the fringe racist whites, how do the rest of us whites deal with the fears that you are speaking of?
Why don't you just blow him?
I see the concept of engaging in discussions and asking questions is foreign to you. You seem only interested in coming in here to talk shit. Whatever floats your boat man. You should probably hang in the flame zone
Ooh, look out for the internet tough guy, challenging the white man from the safety of his computer. :lol:
So says the lice head that would blush red and white while averting his eyes in my prescience. :laugh:

Saying I would make it worth his while is not a challenge. Its a promise to make it worth his while.

I'd smash your face right into the back of your empty skull, you piece of shit, then punt your face. Fuck you!

Smashing your solar plexus into your spine may happen before that.
See SJ? Now this is what you call your typical lice head challenge on the internet.

That doesn't change the way you're lower than whale shit.

You're even lower than ol' boy I beat the fuck out of back in the day.
And you think your words and actions make you any better than what you accuse him of being? Come on Mari look in the mirror, you’ve been acting like a complete Jackass this whole conversation. How is anybody supposed to take you seriously?
I think he is still pissed I made him look like a fool when he posted a list of "Black Confederates" getting medals from W. Virginia.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
You raise the newest generation to stop believing in the racist bullshit and then wait for everyone else to die.
When/how does this dying generation stop influencing the upcoming generation?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Round up all known white racists and put a bullet in their heads would be my first choice but like radical Islamic terrorists that would just produce more of them. It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught
You wanna put a bullet in this guy's head too?

Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.

Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.

What a Strange Individual U R...…...Very Strange Indeed
Ha, I agree, but neither you or I or anybody else is going to make them see a counselor. So practically speaking what is it that you’d like to see happen to make our country and race relations better?
I dont see a way for them (race relations) to get better until whites accept the reality that they have fears they need to deal with. You and I can talk all day but that wont change the white racists that cause the issue.
I’m not hearing the practical solutions though. You want whites to accept that they are scared of blacks. Certainly not all whites, but the ones that have prejudice. Ok, how do you want them accept it? How does it happen to a degree that satisfies you?
Its not about me. Its about whites dealing with their fears. Once they deal with them then they can have a constructive conversation.

Thats because there really is no practical solution which was why I was questioning your solution of talking. What do you think talking will do if one or more parties have no respect for the other?
When you have civil discourse with an open mind you create bonds and realize that skin color doesn’t really matter, you’re just two people talking. You might even gain respect and understanding for one another.

Again I’ll say that the extremists have no shot of changing each others minds. Haters are gonna hate. Fuck them.

So apart from the fringe racist whites, how do the rest of us whites deal with the fears that you are speaking of?
I've done the civil discourse thing and it doesn't do much to address the issues. Its impossible for me to find any way to respect white racists. Invariably they are too dumb to make me respect them.

I do say fuckem and mockem too. However, that does nothing to get rid of the hate.

I disagree its fringe racism. Thats another sticking point. If it was just fringe then it wouldnt be the elephant in the room. If it was just fringe it would be like people that claim to have been molested by aliens. I have no clue what its going to take for whites to address their fears besides being bred back into the human gene pool.
Sounds like we probably have different definitions about who is racist and who isn’t. Perhaps a conversation for another time once these dipshits pass out and stop dumbing down the conversation
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
You raise the newest generation to stop believing in the racist bullshit and then wait for everyone else to die.
When/how does this dying generation stop influencing the upcoming generation?

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Oh, you noticed that, did you?

Well, I guess we will just have to take children away from parents and teach them the right way.

You're down with that, right?
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
You raise the newest generation to stop believing in the racist bullshit and then wait for everyone else to die.
When/how does this dying generation stop influencing the upcoming generation?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
So do you know what you can do with your SM-N950U? Know any good proctologist? Let's end this troll fest right here and now. You remind me of that hate beast creature from star trek, you feed on hate,why would you want to end it? You, marcATL. I am talking to you.
Hate is just another emotion. I hate trolls. I really do. I hate vaginitis, and that itch we all get, too in much the same way. But we manage to get past it. Hate isn't the boogie man here. It's the root cause that we need to examine. To bad we cant prescribe Monistat for everything.

Huh??? I didn't want that mouthful of coffee anyway!! Monistat? Is that like Brylcream???

You made me laugh. No . A little dab will not do ya. Surprised at the reference, sorry for being so...indelicate. Times being what they are.
28 posts deleted. I'm missing an hour of sleep. 2 folks missing in action. Not bad for a single threat.

CUT THE sniping and the threats. Not gonna escalate personal exchanges like that on this board.
Nice work but you left a couple worthless posters here to dwell. What do pearl necklaces have to do with anything? this isn’t a Bill Clinton thread
Two folks out on ban now for threats and escalation of violence here in thread. Anymore takers?
As an observer of America WHITES RACISM IS A TOUCHY SUBJECT,they all know they are but pretend not to be BUT when poked about it see the manifestation of HATE AND VIOLENCE.

The Holy Grail of White Supremasists ...RACISM,HATE and VIOLENCE,which your Pearl Necklaced President Endorses...

Slade,Pearl Necklaces have a lot to do with your present President,even by his own admission
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28 posts deleted. I'm missing an hour of sleep. 2 folks missing in action. Not bad for a single threat.

CUT THE sniping and the threats. Not gonna escalate personal exchanges like that on this board.
Nice work but you left a couple worthless posters here to dwell. What do pearl necklaces have to do with anything? this isn’t a Bill Clinton thread

Hadn't deleted the posts and finished the paperwork yet. Take another look. About 3 whole pages worth of personal sniping and threats and no content posts are gone now.
28 posts deleted. I'm missing an hour of sleep. 2 folks missing in action. Not bad for a single threat.

CUT THE sniping and the threats. Not gonna escalate personal exchanges like that on this board.
Nice work but you left a couple worthless posters here to dwell. What do pearl necklaces have to do with anything? this isn’t a Bill Clinton thread

Hadn't deleted the posts and finished the paperwork yet. Take another look. About 3 whole pages worth of personal sniping and threats and no content posts are gone now.
I’m guilty of getting in the mud with a few of these guys, though I did try and give a serious conversation an honest shot. Apologies for the extra work I may have caused you and thanks for cleaning things up.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
XXXX - Mod Edit -- Do it without the threats of violence.

It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught
It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught
So, you were taught to hate white people...
geez, there's a shocker

We learn what we live and live what we learn...
but, eventually, there should come a time,
whether or not, we choose to live differently

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