Breaking Hate

All whites or racist whites? and how do you want them to face their fears?
Specifically racist whites at first. By seeking counseling. They have some serious issues that require professional intervention.
Ha, I agree, but neither you or I or anybody else is going to make them see a counselor. So practically speaking what is it that you’d like to see happen to make our country and race relations better?
I dont see a way for them (race relations) to get better until whites accept the reality that they have fears they need to deal with. You and I can talk all day but that wont change the white racists that cause the issue.
I’m not hearing the practical solutions though. You want whites to accept that they are scared of blacks. Certainly not all whites, but the ones that have prejudice. Ok, how do you want them accept it? How does it happen to a degree that satisfies you?
Its not about me. Its about whites dealing with their fears. Once they deal with them then they can have a constructive conversation.

Thats because there really is no practical solution which was why I was questioning your solution of talking. What do you think talking will do if one or more parties have no respect for the other?

I ain't skeered of nothin'. Not no 1 big xxxxx, not no 2 big crackers. I will win! :fu:

Deleted racist slur.
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A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
Round up all known white racists and put a bullet in their heads would be my first choice but like radical Islamic terrorists that would just produce more of them. It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught
You wanna put a bullet in this guy's head too?

Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.

Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Ooh, look out for the internet tough guy, challenging the white man from the safety of his computer. :lol:
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
It can't be.

It can only be defeated.

Sure, some may recover. But most won't.
Round up all known white racists and put a bullet in their heads would be my first choice but like radical Islamic terrorists that would just produce more of them. It would require some type of family intervention and education as racial hatred is taught
You wanna put a bullet in this guy's head too?

Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.

Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.

I didnt say it already existed. Thats why I used the word "start". White people started a psychological war long the heads of less intelligent whites that they knew were prone to drastic fear responses.
Hate is just another emotion. I hate trolls. I really do. I hate vaginitis, and that itch we all get, too in much the same way. But we manage to get past it. Hate isn't the boogie man here. It's the root cause that we need to examine. To bad we cant prescribe Monistat for everything.
You want whites to accept that they are scared of blacks. ?

He's certainly got you as living proof, doesn't he?.
Slade seems to be one of the few white people that are not afraid.

and that's why he is sniveling in such deference.

It's because he's NOT afraid.

Just make sure you hive him an "attaboy", o.k.?
I didnt take anything said as sniveling. Looks to me like Slade is more manly than all of you put together.
You wanna put a bullet in this guy's head too?

Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.

Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Ooh, look out for the internet tough guy, challenging the white man from the safety of his computer. :lol:

So says the lice head that would blush red and white while averting his eyes in my prescience. :laugh:

Saying I would make it worth his while is not a challenge. Its a promise to make it worth his while.

You have a vivid imagination, boy.
You wanna put a bullet in this guy's head too?

Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.

Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.

I didnt say it already existed. Thats why I used the word "start". White people started a psychological war long the heads of less intelligent whites that they knew were prone to drastic fear responses.

So Blacks then bear no responsibility for any degree of jitteriness on either side? Places exist in America where Blacks and Whites co-exist in peace. As a concession I will offer up words of truth describing how even living in peace as some of us do, it is a peace--sometimes--with reservations. That is where cultural differences enter, in the space between comfort zones. I listen to metal and classic rock. My Black neighbor, highly sophisticated, switches between rap and classical. We meet in peace in the middle with classical and jazz. But the reservation remains. Ideology put that reservation in our heads and conditioned it into our behaviors. Trust me; it's an all of us against them thing. Really.
Not at all. They sound like someone that will be by my side if the lice head pussies that hate me ever get brave enough to declare actual war on Blacks. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.
Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.
I didnt say it already existed. Thats why I used the word "start". White people started a psychological war long the heads of less intelligent whites that they knew were prone to drastic fear responses.

So Blacks then bear no responsibility for any degree of jitteriness on either side? Places exist in America where Blacks and Whites co-exist in peace. As a concession I will offer up words of truth describing how even living in peace as some of us do, it is a peace--sometimes--with reservations. That is where cultural differences enter, in the space between comfort zones. I listen to metal and classic rock. My Black neighbor, highly sophisticated, switches between rap and classical. We meet in peace in the middle with classical and jazz. But the reservation remains. Ideology put that reservation in our heads and conditioned it into our behaviors. Trust me; it's an all of us against them thing. Really.
Bingo. Blacks never had any responsibility for what racists whites put into the heads of the dumber racists whites. They were just the frequent marketed boogeymen in the warped nightmares of whites in general. We know the us against them mentality is only present because of the white race. They are the ones that made up the races and dubbed whites as the best due to some inferiority complex.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
You raise the newest generation to stop believing in the racist bullshit and then wait for everyone else to die.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
You raise the newest generation to stop believing in the racist bullshit and then wait for everyone else to die.
How do you do that when white racists have sworn to keep their bloodline pure? You think someone like Odium is going to go along with such a plan?
The "war" on Blacks has already been fought. Blacks lost it by fighting against themselves, in their own minds-- for the American Left. Want to start a new war? This time for real against evil whitey? Sorry, Charlie. You will lose that one too. It is not about race; is about cultural difference. You have been lied to. Hatred for whitey is no different than sticking the muzzle against your own head. Next time blacks lose the "war" against them by fighting against each other for their ideological master-pied piper, who knows what the cost will be.
Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.
I didnt say it already existed. Thats why I used the word "start". White people started a psychological war long the heads of less intelligent whites that they knew were prone to drastic fear responses.

So Blacks then bear no responsibility for any degree of jitteriness on either side? Places exist in America where Blacks and Whites co-exist in peace. As a concession I will offer up words of truth describing how even living in peace as some of us do, it is a peace--sometimes--with reservations. That is where cultural differences enter, in the space between comfort zones. I listen to metal and classic rock. My Black neighbor, highly sophisticated, switches between rap and classical. We meet in peace in the middle with classical and jazz. But the reservation remains. Ideology put that reservation in our heads and conditioned it into our behaviors. Trust me; it's an all of us against them thing. Really.
Bingo. Blacks never had any responsibility for what racists whites put into the heads of the dumber racists whites. They were just the frequent marketed boogeymen in the warped nightmares of whites in general. We know the us against them mentality is only present because of the white race. They are the ones that made up the races and dubbed whites as the best due to some inferiority complex.

Not precisely, although you jumped right onto that bandwagon. I am speaking to political philosophy and ideology, perhaps first given intellectual teeth by a handful of Europeans, however, proliferated in hybridized forms by men of all colors. The cancer is in the idea and doctrine, not in the color of the flesh. Feel me?
He has been civil and respectful to me in our conversations, and he knows I’m white

That's because you are lying on your back and peeing on your belly for him because he is black and you have been conditioned to show deference to him because of it.
Oh really? Is that what you think I’m doing? Ive challenged much of what he’s said. You sound like a complete idiot
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Well its like I told the other lice head. Theres nothing between us but the internet and opportunity. If you want to start a war I'm willing to make it worth your while.

Start a war? Do you comprehend as you read? The only "race" war is in your head and mine. Exists nowhere else. I am merely pointing out who started that internalized psychological war by planting seeds of hatred there and watering them. Ideology, not nuclear warheads, is the most powerful weapon of our Age. You've been nuked by a root philosophy--the mushroom cloud is like a computer virus multiplying in your skull. Not attacked by whitey.
I didnt say it already existed. Thats why I used the word "start". White people started a psychological war long the heads of less intelligent whites that they knew were prone to drastic fear responses.

So Blacks then bear no responsibility for any degree of jitteriness on either side? Places exist in America where Blacks and Whites co-exist in peace. As a concession I will offer up words of truth describing how even living in peace as some of us do, it is a peace--sometimes--with reservations. That is where cultural differences enter, in the space between comfort zones. I listen to metal and classic rock. My Black neighbor, highly sophisticated, switches between rap and classical. We meet in peace in the middle with classical and jazz. But the reservation remains. Ideology put that reservation in our heads and conditioned it into our behaviors. Trust me; it's an all of us against them thing. Really.
Bingo. Blacks never had any responsibility for what racists whites put into the heads of the dumber racists whites. They were just the frequent marketed boogeymen in the warped nightmares of whites in general. We know the us against them mentality is only present because of the white race. They are the ones that made up the races and dubbed whites as the best due to some inferiority complex.

Not precisely, although you jumped right onto that bandwagon. I am speaking to political philosophy and ideology, perhaps first given intellectual teeth by a handful of Europeans, however, proliferated in hybridized forms by men of all colors. The cancer is in the idea and doctrine, not in the color of the flesh. Feel me?
Whites never had a political system they didnt get from another culture so no I dont feel you.
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
Hi Marc,your country was founded on HATRED...When the Pilgrim Fathers came to America on the Mayflower...IT WAS NOT BECAUSE THE WERE BEING PERSICUTED infact quite the opposite,they sailed to America for only one thing,to continue their HATRED,PERSICUTION AND RACISM towards others that did not agree with their cult...The English and Europeans had moved on from the draconian Middle Ages of Witch Burning and all.

You see the Legacy of these unspeakables in your history,against,Native Americans,Black people and the Chinese...All of you folk were merely a COMODITY OF THE ANGLO-PURITAN WHITES and their Greed in the Triangle of Trade...I read a book at least 40 years ago,it was Titled "THE GREAT WHITE LIE" a brilliant Exposae on the White Christo-Puritan Conservative justification for Violence,Slavery,Dispossion of Person and Land plus so much more.

Mainly Bianco Americans in general Enjoy Violence and Dispossesion sic and top of their tree is HATRED....the White Supremacist(well that is a contradiction in terms) are really much like the Pilgrim Fathers,SO LITTLE HAS CHANGED at all Marc,with the endorsement of that Fool in the White House,what real chance do you have in America...Out of 360 Million people is Trump the best you could Muster!!!!!!!Shit what a pack of Idiots...America Needs a STATESMAN.....not a whore for Big Business but Social Issues as well,methinks you have a snowballs chance in hell for change at present...steve

Some of you will think this post is Funny and therin Marc is the problem of this issue Sreggin Etihw
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Well what’s your goal... what are you trying to achieve?
Trying to get whites to face their fears.
All whites or racist whites? and how do you want them to face their fears?

I don't have any fears. I'm average-sized, but I beat the shit out of a 6'5" nigga when I was 16

I ain't skeered. Asslips need one right between his apathetic, piece of shit racist eyes, too.

I probably will not be the deliverer, but someone probably will. That Karma's a motherfucker, punk.

Karma is really ingrained into the world.

God delivered that boy to me to beat the shit out of that night, and he damn well deserved it. He stole me twice, then I got him, and yes, I thrashed him, almost killed him. I punted his face like Martin Gramatica.

I drug his ass down to the water and stuck his head under water to drown him, then realized I didn't want to be a murderer, so I had to haul his big ass back up the bank to land.
And you are bragging about this, why?

Because fuck you, that's why. Remember that the next time you try bullying somebody, bitch.
What are you talking about? I’ve never bullied anybody in my life, I don’t think I’ve ever been that pathetic and insecure. Not sure what you think you’re proving talking about beating somebody up on a message board

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