Breaking Hate

A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?
I think we need civiled discourse and not give all the attention to the extremists. Unfortunately that not how our country currently operates. Big problem in the political world as well
How does one have civil discourse with someone that doesnt see you as an equal?
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
To answer that question I suppose one would first have to determine the basis for the hate. Some of the racial hate may be economic class intolerance, the situation where folks that go out busting their ass day-after-day and year-after-year feel there are those not pulling their weight and get along by gaming the welfare system. These folks are the type that may even, "have friends who are black", friends respected for being on the same economic class level.

The folks that scare me are the plain rotten people, which come in all colors. Example I have for this is listening to Johnny Cash live at Folsom prison. When he sings of killing a man just to watch him die, a cheer can be heard coming up from the inmates, I find that as scary shit.

Solutions? I have no hope for the 2nd group. On the matter of economic class hatred, I have no specific solutions. Generally for both black and white in this situation the welfare system needs to be de-politicized and bipartisan attempts experimented with. Schools must be a place of learning and those discipline problems in the way of that education must be removed. Those that set out to destroy must be put to work repairing.
I think we need civiled discourse and not give all the attention to the extremists. Unfortunately that not how our country currently operates. Big problem in the political world as well
How does one have civil discourse with someone that doesnt see you as an equal?
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
So explain how teaching self reliance and how to thrive is perpetuating hate? That doesnt even make sense.

That is not what you are teaching, but you tell yourself what ever you need to, just know that you are worse than those that you hate.
You just invalidated yourself. You cant tell me what I am or am not teaching. You have no clue what I do.
KOSH is a moron. He just looks for any reason to call people far left drones. He’s a broken record incapable of getting beyond the surface of anything. Don’t waste your time with him.
Sorta like how leftists like you look for any reason to call anyone who is white and disagrees with you as "racist"?
yes, Kosh is exactly that obnoxious

Says the far left drone that supports racism and racists!

Just another feather in your cap to prove you are not the "moderate" you try to portray!
I think we need civiled discourse and not give all the attention to the extremists. Unfortunately that not how our country currently operates. Big problem in the political world as well
How does one have civil discourse with someone that doesnt see you as an equal?
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .

And "white" privilege is a far left religious narrative.
How does one have civil discourse with someone that doesnt see you as an equal?
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general
A special program on msnbc on breaking hatred in America, featuring a former white supremacist who's made it his life mission to reform current white supremacists.

Powerful program.

How do you guys think racial hatred in this country can best be broken?

Love your enemies.

/ end thread.
Like MLK jr. Right? How did that work out for him?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Analysis | How Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination changed America 50 years ago and still affects us today
People use MLK as an example but it wasnt until the ideology of violent resistance became the most popular option with Blacks that whites really signed civil rights into legislation. To be specific. Malcolm X was the catalyst to Blacks gaining civil rights. MLK was very frustrated his methods were not working at the time.

As always you are wrong!
Let's stop racial hatred. Stop making race an issue, get over. It's like insomnia, the more you focus on IT the less you can sleep. To get over IT, stop making IT an issue, amazing what how sound you might sleep. Try it.
So pretend it doesnt exist, just accept it?

It is one thing to say it exists, it is another to perpetuate that hate..
Not saying that. Just Transend. Hate is just as much a part of the human equation as love. So you must hate something. Licorice, accordion music, your weird Uncle that gave you a weird look at a thanksgiving dinner years ago. You can't make revulsion and negative feeling go away, because...they aren't nice. Hate and love can both be misplaced. And you can't make "hate" go away anymore than you can any other human emotion. Is isn't possible. And it isn't necessary.
Let's stop racial hatred. Stop making race an issue, get over. It's like insomnia, the more you focus on IT the less you can sleep. To get over IT, stop making IT an issue, amazing what how sound you might sleep. Try it.
So pretend it doesnt exist, just accept it?

Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?

You have thoroughly proven you're not an equal in my eyes. :1peleas::fu:
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general
A couple of things but that wouldnt get rid of the hate. Matter of fact it would make the hate worse.
Well you wouldn’t be talking to those people.

You can’t waste a majority of your time talking to a minority of people that probably won’t change their ways.

Or you can focus a minority of your time with the majority of people who want to work with you to find solutions. The choice is yours but there is an obvious pathway to progress
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
I don’t care too much about people who have superiority complexes. I’ve come across plenty in my day and I do my best to not engage with those types.
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general

Die and give him all the money and assets, fuck that piece of shit motherfucker!

He's one of the biggest turds to ever walk the planet.

He deserves the misery he has coming.
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general
A couple of things but that wouldnt get rid of the hate. Matter of fact it would make the hate worse.
Why do you want to make hate worse? That seems like it will just complicate things for everybody, yourself included. No?
Let's stop racial hatred. Stop making race an issue, get over. It's like insomnia, the more you focus on IT the less you can sleep. To get over IT, stop making IT an issue, amazing what how sound you might sleep. Try it.
So pretend it doesnt exist, just accept it?

It is one thing to say it exists, it is another to perpetuate that hate..
Not saying that. Just Transend. Hate is just as much a part of the human equation as love. So you must hate something. Licorice, accordion music, your weird Uncle that gave you a weird look at a thanksgiving dinner years ago. You can't make revulsion and negative feeling go away, because...they aren't nice. Hate and love can both be misplaced. And you can't make "hate" go away anymore than you can the another human emotion. Is isn't possible. And it isn't necessary.

Yes you can, just like if you love someone, you can make that go away.

But when your actions are the ones that are causing people to dislike you, then you claim it is only them. That is the biggest part of the problem.

When one acts like a thug, then demands respect for acting that way. What is one supposed to do?

Then they are told hate those that do not accept the thug way of life.
Arent those the people that are doing the hating? I mean those are the ones that dont consider Blacks as equals right? How is talking to someone that is not a racist going to do anything to break the hate?
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
I don’t care too much about people who have superiority complexes. I’ve come across plenty in my day and I do my best to not engage with those types.
So the way i see it is that hate is caused by fear. In the case of white people that fear causes them to believe all sorts of nonsense. I see that politicians like Drumpf play on those fears. Those people are the real problem. I think honestly they feel inferior not superior. I think thats just a front. Does it make sense to you that you would hold someone back thats inferior? You would only do that to your equal or superior to make sure you win.
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general

Die and give him all the money and assets, fuck that piece of shit motherfucker!

He's one of the biggest turds to ever walk the planet.

He deserves the misery he has coming.
He has been civil and respectful to me in our conversations, and he knows I’m white. I see him spit back with some ugly stuff at the emotional haters that attack him, I don’t really blame him for that.

We have completely different viewpoints but I find that interesting and I enjoy learning about how and why he thinks they way he does. Why are you so angry?
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general

Die and give him all the money and assets, fuck that piece of shit motherfucker!

He's one of the biggest turds to ever walk the planet.

He deserves the misery he has coming.
He has been civil and respectful to me in our conversations, and he knows I’m white. I see him spit back with some ugly stuff at the emotional haters that attack him, I don’t really blame him for that.

We have completely different viewpoints but I find that interesting and I enjoy learning about how and why he thinks they way he does. Why are you so angry?
Because he pissed me off, saying an elderly woman deserved to have her home invaded, pistol-whipped, then lighter fluid thrown on her and set on fire by 5 xxxxxx. He thinks that's cool, because she was white.

She's dead now, and he's a diarrhea turd.

Deleted racial slur.
Last edited by a moderator:
I think education and communication fosters understanding which breaks the hate over time. People who are already on the extremes aren’t gonna change so it’s not worth wasting your time, the hope is they die out and their offspring are smarter than they were. But there are a ton of people who sit in the middle. You have blacks that don’t trust whites or feel cheated by the past... you also have whites that don’t recognize or relate with the struggles that modern day blacks feel so they go through life oblivious. Some may even do or say offensive things and not even realize it. It’s these two groups that have hope of coming together if they can reach an understanding and find productive solutions.
I dont see much that is helpful in explaining to whites that they have white privilege if thats what you are talking about. For starters most whites will deny it flat out and its a waste of time IMO. Their indirect support of racism is an issue yes but my concern are people with the ideology of white racists like Drumpf that are in a position to cause real harm to Black people. Also those cowards that walk into churches to kill people .
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
I don’t care too much about people who have superiority complexes. I’ve come across plenty in my day and I do my best to not engage with those types.
So the way i see it is that hate is caused by fear. In the case of white people that fear causes them to believe all sorts of nonsense. I see that politicians like Drumpf play on those fears. Those people are the real problem. I think honestly they feel inferior not superior. I think thats just a front. Does it make sense to you that you would hold someone back thats inferior? You would only do that to your equal or superior to make sure you win.
I think that’s a good observation and true in many cases. I think fear is a common and driving factor in all cases, but I imagine many factors contribute to people hating strangers. Insecurities, feeling threatened, social conditioning, cultural differences etc
Well what point are you trying to get across by telling whites that they have privelege? What exactly are you wanting them to do?
Exactly. I know they arent going to do anything about it so why would I discuss it? Breaking hate would imply I need to speak with the people doing the hating. So we are back to my original question of how do you speak to someone that doesnt view you as an equal?
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general

Die and give him all the money and assets, fuck that piece of shit motherfucker!

He's one of the biggest turds to ever walk the planet.

He deserves the misery he has coming.
He has been civil and respectful to me in our conversations, and he knows I’m white. I see him spit back with some ugly stuff at the emotional haters that attack him, I don’t really blame him for that.

We have completely different viewpoints but I find that interesting and I enjoy learning about how and why he thinks they way he does. Why are you so angry?
Because he pissed me off, saying an elderly woman deserved to have her home invaded, pistol-whipped, then lighter fluid thrown on her and set on fire by 5 niggas. He thinks that's cool, because she was white.

She's dead now, and he's a diarrhea turd.
Yeah that’s some ugly stuff. Did you provoke him?

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