Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.

Biden is not a political opponent yet. He is just running to become one. Otherwise, I agree that the conversation looks iffy. There was no Quid Pro Quo but optics are poor. That being said the data coming out on the Bidens is disturbing and reeks of nepotism.

Correct, Biden is not political opponent, since not one vote was cast in Democrats primaries.

I don't see reason why Joe and Hunter Biden shouldn't be investigated about their "business dealings" in Ukraine and China, just as everyone around Trump, his family, his businesses were being investigated.

Didn't democrats scream about Trump's international businesses? Reeeee, Trump proposed tower in Moscow. Democrats wanted every document related to Moscow tower that was never built, including financials and tax returns, but Joe Biden can on the record, demand firing of prosecutor in foreign country that is investigating firm where his son, who has no experience in energy field, is board member, Biden can also fly his son on AF2, introduce him to highest level of Chinese government, receive billion of dollars in private equity, which is unheard of for such a small firm with no experience, and nobody, nobody should be asking any questions?
This whole business about elections is a diversion because the quid pro quo claim turned out to be a scam.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
I love it that Trump tried to play dirty politics and got caught. He was going to try to fabricate some fake news about Biden and his son and he has been busted. This lie isn't going to stick. You can only hope Trump getting impeached in the House will help his chances of being re elected. I don't think so.
Biden is dirty. Stories about his corruption have been in the news for years. Trump did nothing wrong. You morons are trying to claim that no Democrat can ever be investigated because that would be an illegal campaign contribution. That is the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
I love it that Trump tried to play dirty politics and got caught. He was going to try to fabricate some fake news about Biden and his son and he has been busted. This lie isn't going to stick. You can only hope Trump getting impeached in the House will help his chances of being re elected. I don't think so.

This circus isn't helping Dims. The voters think the Dims are douchebags.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Yep, they obviously don't want Biden's corruption exposed. He will probably take a lot of other big name Dims down with him.
I haven't got a magnifying glass on me.

Go to the Twitter link and click. It will enlarge.

Did you also notice that page 5 is missing from that Twitter post?

And additionally, if Trump would take a Sharpie to a NWS weather map of Dorian and then coerce a NOAA official to cover his fat ass, what makes you think a document can't be altered. You're not holding a piece of paper in your hand, stupid dipshit, you're looking at an internet image.
Yet you will believe fourth hand info from a person that WAS NEVER THERE AND HAD NO ACCESS to the information... Now that is a fucking dip shit.....
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Yep, they obviously don't want Biden's corruption exposed. He will probably take a lot of other big name Dims down with him.
I'm starting to believe Biden will drop out of the race before too long and Pocahontas will be the nominee.
Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor removed?

An action supported by virtually the entire international community? The EU...the G7...the International Monetary Fund?
It didn't happen until Biden demanded it. Furthermore, the EU and the G7 are run by a bunch of commies.
Yea but that was long after the investigation into his son's company was over. So what? The guy was corrupt.
He was about to commence an actual investigation when he was terminated. He even said so himself, you fucking moron.
Commence what investigation? They already investigated the Biden's and found no wrong doing. Quit lying.

What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.

Trump has offered no evidence Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine, but claims a Republican would get the electric chair for doing the same thing

There's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical in his interactions with Ukraine as vice president.

Shokin was widely accused of turning a blind eye to corruption, and was pushed out in March 2016. Prior to this, he oversaw investigations into the Ukrainian gas company Hunter worked for, Burisma Holdings.

But the probe into Burisma was dormant by the time Shokin was ousted and his successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Biden or his son.

Trump has pushed the baseless narrative that Biden corruptly used his office to help his son amid scrutiny over a whistleblower complaint from a member of the intelligence community. The complaint reportedly focuses on a conversation Trump had with a foreign leader and is centered around Ukraine.

Using obnoxiously large bold-faced fonts doesn't transmogriphy your nonsense into a compelling argument.

Just sayin'.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.

Trump has offered no evidence Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine, but claims a Republican would get the electric chair for doing the same thing

There's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical in his interactions with Ukraine as vice president.

Shokin was widely accused of turning a blind eye to corruption, and was pushed out in March 2016. Prior to this, he oversaw investigations into the Ukrainian gas company Hunter worked for, Burisma Holdings.

But the probe into Burisma was dormant by the time Shokin was ousted and his successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Biden or his son.

Trump has pushed the baseless narrative that Biden corruptly used his office to help his son amid scrutiny over a whistleblower complaint from a member of the intelligence community. The complaint reportedly focuses on a conversation Trump had with a foreign leader and is centered around Ukraine.

Using obnoxiously large bold-faced fonts doesn't transmogriphy your nonsense into a compelling argument.

Just sayin'.

He forgot to underline it.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.

Trump has offered no evidence Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine, but claims a Republican would get the electric chair for doing the same thing

There's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical in his interactions with Ukraine as vice president.

Shokin was widely accused of turning a blind eye to corruption, and was pushed out in March 2016. Prior to this, he oversaw investigations into the Ukrainian gas company Hunter worked for, Burisma Holdings.

But the probe into Burisma was dormant by the time Shokin was ousted and his successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Biden or his son.

Trump has pushed the baseless narrative that Biden corruptly used his office to help his son amid scrutiny over a whistleblower complaint from a member of the intelligence community. The complaint reportedly focuses on a conversation Trump had with a foreign leader and is centered around Ukraine.

Using obnoxiously large bold-faced fonts doesn't transmogriphy your nonsense into a compelling argument.

Just sayin'.

He forgot to underline it.

And to use a glaring bright color!
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.

Trump has offered no evidence Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine, but claims a Republican would get the electric chair for doing the same thing

There's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal or unethical in his interactions with Ukraine as vice president.

Shokin was widely accused of turning a blind eye to corruption, and was pushed out in March 2016. Prior to this, he oversaw investigations into the Ukrainian gas company Hunter worked for, Burisma Holdings.

But the probe into Burisma was dormant by the time Shokin was ousted and his successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Biden or his son.

Trump has pushed the baseless narrative that Biden corruptly used his office to help his son amid scrutiny over a whistleblower complaint from a member of the intelligence community. The complaint reportedly focuses on a conversation Trump had with a foreign leader and is centered around Ukraine.

Using obnoxiously large bold-faced fonts doesn't transmogriphy your nonsense into a compelling argument.

Just sayin'.

He forgot to underline it.

And to use a glaring bright color!

That way he'll win every argument. :21:
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
I love it that Trump tried to play dirty politics and got caught. He was going to try to fabricate some fake news about Biden and his son and he has been busted. This lie isn't going to stick. You can only hope Trump getting impeached in the House will help his chances of being re elected. I don't think so.
Biden is dirty. Stories about his corruption have been in the news for years. Trump did nothing wrong. You morons are trying to claim that no Democrat can ever be investigated because that would be an illegal campaign contribution. That is the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
Same thing you did to Hillary. Not gonna work this time because Trump is now proven to be 1000 times more corrupt and 1000 times bigger liar.

He doesn't pretend to be an outsider anymore. He has filled the government with cronies and fired anyone with half common sense.

You're done here sir.
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
I love it that Trump tried to play dirty politics and got caught. He was going to try to fabricate some fake news about Biden and his son and he has been busted. This lie isn't going to stick. You can only hope Trump getting impeached in the House will help his chances of being re elected. I don't think so.

This circus isn't helping Dims. The voters think the Dims are douchebags.
You hope that's true. And that will be your narrative.

It sure ain't helping Trump either. That's why he's shitting his pants.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Who's panicked? We now have enough to impeach. That is all.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Yep, they obviously don't want Biden's corruption exposed. He will probably take a lot of other big name Dims down with him.

Nothing we can do about Trump and Barr exposing Biden. So go ahead and expose him. For what? You got nothing. But we got a big something on Trump now.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Who's panicked? We now have enough to impeach. That is all.
lol Scary, scary, scary. Where can I find the Articles of Impeachment?
Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Who's panicked? We now have enough to impeach. That is all.
lol Scary, scary, scary. Where can I find the Articles of Impeachment?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.

B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.

You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.

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