Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

Liar liar pants on fire. And stop trying to make this about Biden. If you have something on him charge him. But you don't. This is about Trump's illegal activities.

Bombshell Whistleblower Complaint About Trump’s Ukraine Conduct Released
The devastating document accuses the White House of covering up President Donald Trump’s Ukraine conduct, and says top officials were “deeply disturbed.”

alleges a nefarious attempt by the White House to cover up the exchange.

whistleblower wrote that White House officials alerted him of the call and were “deeply disturbed” by what had transpired. The complainant, a U.S. intelligence official, further accused senior White House officials of a cover-up, saying they “intervened to lock down all records of the phone call.”

Trump used the phone call with the Ukrainian leader “to advance his personal interests,” the whistleblower wrote, citing “multiple White House officials with direct knowledge of the call.”

The president, the complaint said, “is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph W. Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General (William P.) Barr appears to be involved as well.”

Schiff’s committee also released a letter from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

That letter, dated Aug. 26, describes the complaint as “credible” and of “urgent concern” and notifies Maguire that the law requires him to pass along the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days.

The Trump administration, under bipartisan pressure, provided the then-classified complaint Wednesday to congressional intelligence committees, who had for days been urging Maguire to comply with the law and release it. Maguire had initially refused, and Schiff first heard about the complaint earlier this month after the inspector general for the intelligence community told him Maguire was sitting on it.

Soon after reports of that call were revealed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump would begin. Those calls continued to grow after the documents were made public, and as of Wednesday evening, a majority of the House supported the decision to open the inquiry.

Don't bring up Hillary or Biden. This is Trump we are talking about.
No, this is about investigations into the DNC's Trump-Russia hoax and into Biden's allegedly corrupt dealings with the corrupt leader of the last Ukrainian government, and the fact that Democrats feel so threatened by these investigations shows that they believe all the allegations by the Trump administration are true.

Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Yep, they obviously don't want Biden's corruption exposed. He will probably take a lot of other big name Dims down with him.

Nothing we can do about Trump and Barr exposing Biden. So go ahead and expose him. For what? You got nothing. But we got a big something on Trump now.
Whistling past the graveyard.
Hmmm, no, there is no tangible connection between the javelins and investigating Biden. They are discussed in totally separate parts of the phone call.
Everything that came after the word "favor" was the Quo of Quid Pro Quo.
The discussion of missiles came before the word "favor," dumbass.
Yes Zelensky expressed his desire for missiles and immediately after Tramp expressed his desire for a favor. QUID PRO QUO!
You are pathetic. Previously you said the quid pro quo came after Trump asked for a favor.
I said no such thing, you LIAR! I said what the favors were came after Tramp asked for a favor.

"Everything that came after the word "favor" was the Quo of Quid Pro Quo."
B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.

You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.
Oh brother.
Why else would the Democrats be so panicked over the news of these investigations? Clearly, you fear Biden is corrupt and the Trump-Russia hoax that began with hack, allegedly by Russia, of the DNC server.
Who's panicked? We now have enough to impeach. That is all.
lol Scary, scary, scary. Where can I find the Articles of Impeachment?

Trump abused his office to advance his personal interests and White House officials covered up his misconduct, according to a bombshell whistleblower complaint.

You can try to say you aren't worried about this but you would be lying.

And you can try to deny this is what he was caught doing but you'd be lying.

And you can try to make this about Biden but that would just be deflection and projection.

It's funny as fuck that Trump just got caught doing exactly what he accused Obama of doing to him when he was running for president. Trump suggested, without proof, that Obama was spying on him. Well now we have proof Trump tried to pressure a foreign government, like a mafia boss would do, into digging up/making up dirt on his political rival.

You can't suggest Trump didn't know what he was doing was wrong. This is a guy who thinks he is above the law. Narcissistic. This is how guys like this get caught. They can't help themselves. He doesn't realize as president everyone is watching his every move. Not so easy to break the law like it was when he was a hotel mogul.
There is nothing in the transcript of the phone call that supports any of you accusations. The President simply asks Zelensky to cooperate with the US Justice Department's investigation into Crowdstrike and Biden's unsettling confession that he strongarmed the Ukrainian government into firing the chief prosecutor who was investigating his son's firm. The US frequently asks foreign governments to cooperate with Justice Department investigations. The only reason you guys are so panicked about this is that you suspect Biden is corrupt and the illegal collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration to promulgate the Trump-Russia hoax will be exposed.
Shut the fuck up! LOL
Nothing we can do about Trump and Barr exposing Biden. So go ahead and expose him. For what? You got nothing. But we got a big something on Trump now.

"We have something big now". Don't tell me, walls are closing in, it's beginning of the end...

Based on what? You think it's just enough to say Trump is guilty and he's just guilty?

You're relying on the claim from so called "whistleblower", as his claim is credible? According to you lefties, if anyone claim to hear something about Trump, it must be truth. The complaint is not even filed by "whistleblower" or someone who has direct knowledge of the call. The claim is about someone allegedly heard something from someone else about president's phone call.

OK, here is the transcript of the call, what's your concern about it?
Oh, you actually didn't hear the call, you just are lawyering up, hiring Clinton lawyers, so what's the formal base for your "whistle blower" claim?

It seems that anyone who wants to file complain against Trump, for any reason, to Democrats and leftist media is automatically a credible and must be believed. Just as we saw with Kavanaugh, any women that makes claim about something that "happened" thirty plus years ago must be believed.

Bottom line, according to Democrats, it is a crime if Trump ask questions about crimes that may have been committed by Biden, and ANY allegations against Trump, or any other Republican means they're automatically guilty.

Seriously, all this case proves is you guys will defend ANYTHING a Republican does and what hypocrites you are. Stop it please.

I don't even care if Trump is impeached. Just throw this on the pile of reasons Trump is going to be a one term president.

Will you guys still claim he's one of the greatest presidents of all time if he is only a 1 term president? Of course you will. You'll claim the "deep state" ran him out.

You'll never admit he is the most corrupt and has surrounded him with bad people. Fuck off really you Trump supporters. I really can't stand you. This guy at the dog park yesterday tried to soft shoe how it all depends on yada yada yada. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and said "trump just got caught doing exactly what he said Obama was doing to him when he was a candidate.

Trump cried the FBI was spying on him. That must mean Barr is spying on Biden.
You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Biden was the one that held money for ransom to stop a prosecutor from looking into a company paying his son 83,000 a month.
Have you noticed how the so called money paid to Hunter keeps changing depending who the liar is? I've seen it as low as $50,000 per month to$187,000 per month. That tells me these LIARS have no idea what he made so they just make up shit like all CON$ervoFascists do.
I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.

All these people talk of deep state well trump would not be president if the so called deep state didn't want him there in the first place.
Not giving what?
fk I hate trying to translate your incoherent posts. You at the pub already?

Not giving enough $$. He is tired of the US footing the bill for everything. We have a $23trn deficit while Germany runs at a surplus. He stated he wanted the Ukrainian administration to work with Barr. I am pretty sure the AG would not be an accomplice in a high crime.
I can understand that.

Reopening an investigation into a private company whose corrupt owner fled the country five years ago would not be a high crime, but it might be kind of ??? hard to understand why Trump would want to investigate that particular company, unless, of course, the real reason is the one Trump stated--to look into Biden and his son.

Well.... he said openly, in that transcript why he was concerned.

He said very specifically, "Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution (implying of his son) so if you can look into it, it sounds horrible to me".

That's directly from the transcript.... and that sounds very reasonable to me. It doesn't sound like a bribery attempt to me, and honestly it sounds like he's just trying to deal with corruption.

That's something all Americans should be in favor of.

Now again, I'm going based on what was released. If there is more, then my assessment may change.
Read this:
"There was no pressure from anyone from the United States" to close the case against Zlochevskiy, Vitaliy Kasko, who was a deputy prosecutor-general under Shokin and is now first deputy prosecutor-general, told Bloomberg News in May. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015," he added.

Activists say the case had been sabotaged by Shokin himself. As an example, they say two months before Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board, British authorities had requested information from Shokin's office as part of an investigation into alleged money laundering by Zlochevskiy. Shokin ignored them.

Kaleniuk and AntAC published a detailed timeline of events surrounding the Burisma case, an outline of evidence suggesting that three consecutive chief prosecutors of Ukraine -- first Shokin’s predecessor, then Shokin, and then his successor -- worked to bury it.

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

yeah, we know, pay no attention to the holding of funds for a firing. nope, that ain't pressure. not in your fairly land that's for sure. how's peter?
Why is it wrong when Obama did it, but okay when Trump just did it?
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
John Solomon says exactly opposite. Has documented proof that Biden Personally had Ukraine prosecutor fired and will present it all on Hannity tonight.....but will bobo shed a tear when they indict Biden?....ROTFLMFAO!
Picture the 2020 presidential debate between Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee. The challenger turns to the president and charges: “You asked the Ukrainian president to investigate your opponent’s son’s shady business dealings.”

He adds, “you released the transcript of your phone call last year with him in which you said, ‘there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.’

“And then you said, and I quote, ‘Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution. So if you can look into it, it sounds horrible to me.’”

Finally, arriving at his rhetorical crescendo, the nominee declares victoriously, “Horrible? What’s horrible wasn’t me as vice presidentusing the threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees that Ukraine needed to stay solvent to get the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating my son’s client fired. No, what’s horrible is a president of the United States using the power of his office to dig up foreign dirt on a political opponent.”

It doesn’t quite work, does it? In fact, it would, if you will, trump Joe Biden’s long history of verbal blunders as the gaffe of all gaffes of the entirety of his four-and-a-half decades in Washington.

Democrats — from high-ranking party operatives to rank-and-file primary voters — know this, which is why the transcript released by the Trump White House on Wednesday dooms Biden’s 2020 chances, not Trump’s.

At The Root Of Trump-Zelensky: Hunter Biden

First of all, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky made it very clear in this July 25 phone call that he was already going to be having his new government investigate Hunter Biden’s client firm, the private Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma; he was not the least bit vague with Trump.

“Since we have won the absolute majority in our parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person,” Zelensky told the president. “He or she will look into the situation specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty, so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case.”

Zelensky then asked, “if you have any additional information that you can provide to μs, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country.”

Indeed, as Zelensky told the assembled press as he met with Trump at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, “nobody pushed me,” that there was no pressure imposed on him from Trump.

But secondly and more importantly, it will give much more attention to what is at the root of the Trump-Zelensky conversation — Hunter Biden’s continual self-destructive shenanigans and his father’s susceptibility to his son’s wishes.

A New Yorker article in July originally entitled “Father and Son” by investigative staff writer Adam Entous manages to be sympathetic while delivering tremendously damaging information about the son’s money-making and the father’s judgment.

On Hunter’s dealings with a suspect Chinese private equity fund in 2012, Entous writes, “When I asked members of Biden’s staff whether they discussed their concerns with the vice president, several of them said that they had been too intimidated to do so. ‘Everyone who works for him has been screamed at,’ a former adviser told me. Others said that they were wary of hurting his feelings. One business associate told me that Biden, during difficult conversations about his family, ‘got deeply melancholy, which, to me, is more painful than if someone yelled and screamed at me. It’s like you’ve hurt him terribly. That was always my fear, that I would be really touching a very fragile part of him.’”

If Joe Biden was that sensitive to candid counsel when he was in his late 60s, how will he be as a 78-year-old president 16 months from now?

In late 2015, according to Entous, “Amos Hochstein, the Obama administration’s special envoy for energy policy, raised the matter” with the then-vice president about Hunter’s relationship with Burisma, “but did not go so far as to recommend that Hunter leave the board. As Hunter recalled, his father discussed Burisma with him just once: ‘Dad said, “I hope you know what you are doing,” and I said, “I do.””

President Jimmy Carter’s scolding of his out-of-control brother Billy’s embarrassing antics working for the government of Libya was tougher than that. In the heat of his 1980 re-election campaign Carter admitted: “I am deeply concerned that Billy has received funds from Libya and that he may be under obligation to Libya.”’

‘I’ll Do Whatever You Want Me To Do’

Entous also offers that “Hunter saw himself as a provider for the Biden family; he even helped to pay off [his late brother] Beau’s law-school debts.” Just how much license did Hunter believe that gave him in generating money?

When the already-married Hunter and Beau’s widow embarked on a relationship, according to Entous, he appealed to his father for a public statement of approval.

“I said, ‘Dad, Dad, you have to.’ He said, ‘Hunter, I don’t know if I should. But I’ll do whatever you want me to do.’” Entous writes, “A former Biden aide confirmed that Biden agreed to issue a statement because of concerns about Hunter’s well-being.”

“Joe to Hunter: I’ll do whatever you want me to do” might well be the Biden presidential campaign’s epitaph.

Entous also tells of “the Chinese energy tycoon Ye Jianming, who was trying to make connections in Washington among prominent Democrats and Republicans” giving Hunter “a 2.8-carat diamond … estimated to be worth $80,000 … Hunter told me that two associates accompanied him to his first meeting with Ye, in Miami, and that they surprised him by giving Ye a magnum of rare vintage Scotch worth thousands of dollars.” In February of last year, the Chinese detained Ye “reportedly as part of an anti-corruption investigation, and the deal with Hunter fell through.”

Amidst all this, and Hunter’s lingering alcohol and drug difficulties, it’s hard to see how Joe Biden’s soft spot for his son, while understandable, won’t negatively affect his judgment as an extremely elderly president. “Hunter said that, in his talks with his father,” Entous discloses, “I’m saying sorry to him, and he says, ‘I’m the one who’s sorry,’ and we have an ongoing debate about who should be more sorry. And we both realize that the only true antidote to any of this is winning.” (Emphasis added.)

Joe Biden as president is the antidote? Disclosure of the Ukraine transcript will more than anything else shine the spotlight on the ongoing fiasco of first son-wannabe Hunter Biden. Chances are most Americans won’t agree with Hunter that his father winning the presidency is the recovery therapy he needs.

Issues & Insights ^ | September 25, 2019
Funny how this has not been reported anywhere else. The Gateway Pundit? Are you shitting me?
If you'd stay out of homosexual bath houses and read the whole thread you'd see plenty of links to the transcript from different sources.
No there isn't You u are either a shameless liar or your psychotic. Which is it. And your boy Rudy has no credibility. He said that there were no Islamic Terror in this country until Obama cane along.
Nothing we can do about Trump and Barr exposing Biden. So go ahead and expose him. For what? You got nothing. But we got a big something on Trump now.

"We have something big now". Don't tell me, walls are closing in, it's beginning of the end...

Based on what? You think it's just enough to say Trump is guilty and he's just guilty?

You're relying on the claim from so called "whistleblower", as his claim is credible? According to you lefties, if anyone claim to hear something about Trump, it must be truth. The complaint is not even filed by "whistleblower" or someone who has direct knowledge of the call. The claim is about someone allegedly heard something from someone else about president's phone call.

OK, here is the transcript of the call, what's your concern about it?
Oh, you actually didn't hear the call, you just are lawyering up, hiring Clinton lawyers, so what's the formal base for your "whistle blower" claim?

It seems that anyone who wants to file complain against Trump, for any reason, to Democrats and leftist media is automatically a credible and must be believed. Just as we saw with Kavanaugh, any women that makes claim about something that "happened" thirty plus years ago must be believed.

Bottom line, according to Democrats, it is a crime if Trump ask questions about crimes that may have been committed by Biden, and ANY allegations against Trump, or any other Republican means they're automatically guilty.

Seriously, all this case proves is you guys will defend ANYTHING a Republican does and what hypocrites you are. Stop it please.

I don't even care if Trump is impeached. Just throw this on the pile of reasons Trump is going to be a one term president.

Will you guys still claim he's one of the greatest presidents of all time if he is only a 1 term president? Of course you will. You'll claim the "deep state" ran him out.

You'll never admit he is the most corrupt and has surrounded him with bad people. Fuck off really you Trump supporters. I really can't stand you. This guy at the dog park yesterday tried to soft shoe how it all depends on yada yada yada. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and said "trump just got caught doing exactly what he said Obama was doing to him when he was a candidate.

Trump cried the FBI was spying on him. That must mean Barr is spying on Biden.
If Trump, or anyone else does impeachable offense, then impeach him.

But you lefties hate Trump so much that you're looking in everything he does as illegitimate, and you're so desperate to prove it, and in absence of ANY evidence you're having pathetic meltdowns and fabricating things. Keep doing what you're doing, it's working so well for you.
You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

Shep is just an ambulance chaser.
Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.

All these people talk of deep state well trump would not be president if the so called deep state didn't want him there in the first place.
I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

Shep is just an ambulance chaser.
No, he's a leftwing activist.
I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Shep is a liberal. He's probably a Democrat. You're a leftwing douchebag. Are you claiming to be a Republican?

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