Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

Funny how this has not been reported anywhere else. The Gateway Pundit? Are you shitting me?
Their news is wishful thinking. Stay focused. They’re lying. Biden’s innocent trumps guilty. But they’ll try like hell to make this about the Biden’s.

Trump was slick running as the outsider. He’s the corrupt president now only he really is
Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Shep is a liberal. He's probably a Democrat. You're a leftwing douchebag. Are you claiming to be a Republican?
You’re giving us shep?
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
Then let's say he is, then if Biden won...he would have to be impeached the day he was elected.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
John Solomon says exactly opposite. Has documented proof that Biden Personally had Ukraine prosecutor fired and will present it all on Hannity tonight.....but will bobo shed a tear when they indict Biden?....ROTFLMFAO!
Nothing burger
Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Shep is a liberal. He's probably a Democrat. You're a leftwing douchebag. Are you claiming to be a Republican?
Probably? You don’t know?
I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Shep is a liberal. He's probably a Democrat. You're a leftwing douchebag. Are you claiming to be a Republican?
Probably? You don’t know?

I never know who is responding to who when 5 are listed but if they were referring to my comment on fox news one was with the daily standard. I can't remember if he was the owner or a reporter but did not condone what trump did.
I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

I hate a corrupt president too.

Or are Shep and I deep state Republicans? Globalists. RINOS.
Shep is a liberal. He's probably a Democrat. You're a leftwing douchebag. Are you claiming to be a Republican?
Probably? You don’t know?
No, I don't know how he registered. If he registered as a Republican, he's a RINO.
Funny how this has not been reported anywhere else. The Gateway Pundit? Are you shitting me?
Their news is wishful thinking. Stay focused. They’re lying. Biden’s innocent trumps guilty. But they’ll try like hell to make this about the Biden’s.

Trump was slick running as the outsider. He’s the corrupt president now only he really is
How do you know Biden is innocent?
B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.

You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Whether Hunter Biden is investigated...whether he’s guilty of something, or whether he traded on his father’s name, like Ivanka, Eric and TraitorTot do, it MAKES NO DIFFERENCE NOW.

It has nothing to do with Trump breaking the law, multiple times.
Trump broke the law not Biden. Stop deflecting and projecting. Busted.
Wrong. Biden is the one who got quid pro quo.
I love it that Trump tried to play dirty politics and got caught. He was going to try to fabricate some fake news about Biden and his son and he has been busted. This lie isn't going to stick. You can only hope Trump getting impeached in the House will help his chances of being re elected. I don't think so.
Biden is dirty. Stories about his corruption have been in the news for years. Trump did nothing wrong. You morons are trying to claim that no Democrat can ever be investigated because that would be an illegal campaign contribution. That is the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
Same thing you did to Hillary. Not gonna work this time because Trump is now proven to be 1000 times more corrupt and 1000 times bigger liar.

He doesn't pretend to be an outsider anymore. He has filled the government with cronies and fired anyone with half common sense.

You're done here sir.

Where is a proof that Trump has been corrupted. Three years in, and we're still waiting for it.
He’s been corrupt his entire life.
You know this how?

I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Whether Hunter Biden is investigated...whether he’s guilty of something, or whether he traded on his father’s name, like Ivanka, Eric and TraitorTot do, it MAKES NO DIFFERENCE NOW.

It has nothing to do with Trump breaking the law, multiple times.
Trump didn't break any laws, and Biden did.
I read and I pay attention.

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

Shep is just an ambulance chaser.
Would you like to take this opportunity to make a fool out of yourself again, and claim Biden’s on tape trying to help his son?

Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

Shep is just an ambulance chaser.
Would you like to take this opportunity to make a fool out of yourself again, and claim Biden’s on tape trying to help his son?

How would saying that make you look foolish?
Did you pay attention today when fox news said there was nothing to the biden ukraine allegations today when they had that panel on?

I don't spend much time watching Fox. Their panels are generally opinion people, btw.

Well some of the people on FOX today and I said some have not been to kind to the president but agree maybe Joe Biden's son should be investigated.
Shep Smith and the people he chooses to interview.

Smith is a notorious Trump hater. He was hooting about "Russia! Russia! Russia!" for three years.

Shep is just an ambulance chaser.
Would you like to take this opportunity to make a fool out of yourself again, and claim Biden’s on tape trying to help his son?


And how about you use the time to pull you head out of your ass.

Biden is as slimy as they come.
Holy shit Dem senators sent a letter to the prosecutor in Ukraine last year

Asking them to... wait for it... investigate Trump. Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No you liar, they asked him not to block Mueller's probe of MANAFORT!!!
But you knew that already!

Once upon a time.....

In an EdTheShitHead fairy tale......
And the "Crowdstrike" thing is Trump ( through Ghouliani among others) attempting to exonerate Russia regarding the 2016 hacking).

And of note Ghouliani had been pressuring Zelensky for months on that and on opening a bogus investigation of Biden.

So the fact that Zelensky mentions Ghouliani AFTER the crowdstrike nonsense ...which was a response to Zelensky saying he wanted to buy more missiles (but prior to Trump mentioning Biden), means nothing. In fact Zelensky knew Ghouliani was going to come up in the call because he had been all over Ukraine for months

Ghouliani had been pressuring Ukraine about BOTH of those things simultaneously.

In fact Trump's entire foreign policy regarding Ukraine for MONTHS has been hinged on these two issues

THAT is what alarmed the whistle blower so greatly and why the ICIG found it "credible and urgent"
No hacking, not fking possible, the internet bandwidth won’t allow that much data to traverse the network! I’ve told you stupid fks this over and over, fk learn something
So you buy the Kremlin line...and not that of our intel services.

I buy logic, it isn't logical nor physically possibly based on throughput in the network. Sorry, that facts don't actually back your shit story. I work in the industry, back when that all happened there weren't many 100 Gig services deployed yet, they're getting there, next is 400 gig, and even at 400 gig, it wouldn't have had the bandwidth to traverse that size file. just scientifically impossible.
BULLSHIT you Russia lover. Go back to Russia you traitor.
And the "Crowdstrike" thing is Trump ( through Ghouliani among others) attempting to exonerate Russia regarding the 2016 hacking).

And of note Ghouliani had been pressuring Zelensky for months on that and on opening a bogus investigation of Biden.

So the fact that Zelensky mentions Ghouliani AFTER the crowdstrike nonsense ...which was a response to Zelensky saying he wanted to buy more missiles (but prior to Trump mentioning Biden), means nothing. In fact Zelensky knew Ghouliani was going to come up in the call because he had been all over Ukraine for months

Ghouliani had been pressuring Ukraine about BOTH of those things simultaneously.

In fact Trump's entire foreign policy regarding Ukraine for MONTHS has been hinged on these two issues

THAT is what alarmed the whistle blower so greatly and why the ICIG found it "credible and urgent"
No hacking, not fking possible, the internet bandwidth won’t allow that much data to traverse the network! I’ve told you stupid fks this over and over, fk learn something
So you buy the Kremlin line...and not that of our intel services.

I buy logic, it isn't logical nor physically possibly based on throughput in the network. Sorry, that facts don't actually back your shit story. I work in the industry, back when that all happened there weren't many 100 Gig services deployed yet, they're getting there, next is 400 gig, and even at 400 gig, it wouldn't have had the bandwidth to traverse that size file. just scientifically impossible.
BULLSHIT you Russia lover. Go back to Russia you traitor.

You can't go there...that is for sure.
Holy shit Dem senators sent a letter to the prosecutor in Ukraine last year

Asking them to... wait for it... investigate Trump. Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No you liar, they asked him not to block Mueller's probe of MANAFORT!!!
But you knew that already!

Once upon a time.....

In an EdTheShitHead fairy tale......
Ukraine cut off cooperation with Mueller to curry favor with Trump
Holy shit Dem senators sent a letter to the prosecutor in Ukraine last year

Asking them to... wait for it... investigate Trump. Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No you liar, they asked him not to block Mueller's probe of MANAFORT!!!
But you knew that already!

Once upon a time.....

In an EdTheShitHead fairy tale......
Ukraine cut off cooperation with Mueller to curry favor with Trump

New York Times....

Holy shit Dem senators sent a letter to the prosecutor in Ukraine last year

Asking them to... wait for it... investigate Trump. Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No you liar, they asked him not to block Mueller's probe of MANAFORT!!!
But you knew that already!

Once upon a time.....

In an EdTheShitHead fairy tale......
Ukraine cut off cooperation with Mueller to curry favor with Trump

New York Times....

Truth hurts, doesn't it.

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