BREAKING: HERE IT IS: Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story

No he is not a private citizen like you and I are private citizens. His piece of shit asshole father was an infuential Senator, VP and now President.

He has been involved in all kinds of influence peddling to foreign governments with kickbacks to "the Big Guy" to make his family filthy rich.

This Laptop was the smoking gun to his corruption.

He is not in jail only because his father appointed all the big shots in the Justice Department.
Do you work for the Democrat Party or do you give this low level shilling for free?

Either way, no one is buying it
You didn’t address the fact that unemployment is all time low at 3.7%, GDP is growing, inflation has waned, gas prices are below $3 in many places.

All you did was insult. Not nice.
You didn’t address the fact that unemployment is all time low at 3.7%, GDP is growing, inflation has waned, gas prices are below $3 in many places.

All you did was insult. Not nice.

Yes, people are working 2-4 jobs just to make ends meet. Does that make you proud of Biden? That's why unemployment is low.
[Rhetorical] Are conservatives truly this dishonest, stupid, and desperate to believe that ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden will turn voters against the President.

You have to be kidding. 3/4 of you TDS trump morons to this day believe much of the tripe you were fed by the MSM about Trump.
Ha ha. The only reason this is a big deal to you is because: Gas prices are down, employment is strong, inflation is waning, housing strength is holding up. You’re left with caravans, war on Christmas, and Biden dick pics. Too funny.

President Biden’s finances are 100% filed and public. He has no income from anywhere to be worried about. The GOP leader however still hasn’t released his taxes.
And now they have to defend a failed President who is LITERALLY demanding that we suspend the Constitution for him.

It sure is a good thing that they don't have any shame. They'd jump out a freakin' window.
And now they have to defend a failed President who is LITERALLY demanding that we suspend the Constitution for him.

It sure is a good thing that they don't have any shame. They'd jump out a freakin' window.

I voted for him twice and I'm not defending that comment. I'm done with him.

But of course, that doesn't fit in your tiny paradigm, so I'm ignored. We know, Mac.
That damn Trump giving away all that money really fucked things up

All of it. Public health, Fauci panic got the ball rolling.

It's very strange seeing everyone around you panic and you're like....okay. What?

Work in a school for 25+ years and be exposed to impetigo, Fifth Disease, lice, Hand Foot Mouth disease, not to mention all the usual nasties: flu, strep, pneumonia, norovirus, and see how badly a regular airborne respiratory virus will scare you. It scared me not at all. But too many of my fellow teachers were brainwashed easily enough.

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