Breaking: Hillary Abruptly Cancels $100,000 Per Person North Carolina Fundraiser For Unknown Reasons

Fifty days out and this happens? Where are all the calls for Bernie?

She's seriously ill and medically unfit. Look at her wobbling in this video...

She definitely fainted, that was not nothing less than flat out fainting!

Tell me, did you say that George H W Bush was seriously ill and medically unfit to be President, when it was shown that he had a condition and tendency to faint, like he did on Stage with world leaders, and when he supposedly "choked on a pretzel"... and here it is, lot's of fainting in between and nearly 30 years later and he is still kicking!

There seems to be a double standard here, male vs female.... did people say bush was frail, and ill and nimble and medically unfit to be president and all that garbage? Maybe for a nano second...but man oh man your hero sure is playing the female is frail, un-energetic bs and needs her sleep card.

While Donald Trump appears to have a heart condition/high cholesterol condition that forces him to be on Statins medication...

She's sickly and she's LYING about it. If she was open and transparent, she'd immediately own the issue. But she can't help herself. She always lies about everything. That's what she does....LIES.

Even if she did have some sort of medical condition, as long as it is not death threatening, why should she, no other man running has had to admit to any of their ills....and we have had some truly sick Presidents and Presidential candidates over the years.

(did you make Donald talk about why he is having to take Statins, his third prescription seems to finally be working in bringing down his high risk for heart disease cholesterol and high blood pressure)

It's bull crud that you all expect Hillary to do what Donald has not even done for himself. There is a double standard going on here, whether you see it or not...
Maybe its that week where Hillary is having those Head Tics, where she goes into those spasms as dozens of tics fly out of her hair
She's seriously ill and medically unfit. Look at her wobbling in this video...

She definitely fainted, that was not nothing less than flat out fainting!

Tell me, did you say that George H W Bush was seriously ill and medically unfit to be President, when it was shown that he had a condition and tendency to faint, like he did on Stage with world leaders, and when he supposedly "choked on a pretzel"... and here it is, lot's of fainting in between and nearly 30 years later and he is still kicking!

There seems to be a double standard here, male vs female.... did people say bush was frail, and ill and nimble and medically unfit to be president and all that garbage? Maybe for a nano second...but man oh man your hero sure is playing the female is frail, un-energetic bs and needs her sleep card.

While Donald Trump appears to have a heart condition/high cholesterol condition that forces him to be on Statins medication...

She's sickly and she's LYING about it. If she was open and transparent, she'd immediately own the issue. But she can't help herself. She always lies about everything. That's what she does....LIES.

Even if she did have some sort of medical condition, as long as it is not death threatening, why should she, no other man running has had to admit to any of their ills....and we have had some truly sick Presidents and Presidential candidates over the years.

(did you make Donald talk about why he is having to take Statins, his third prescription seems to finally be working in bringing down his high risk for heart disease cholesterol and high blood pressure)

It's bull crud that you all expect Hillary to do what Donald has not even done for himself. There is a double standard going on here, whether you see it or not...

When Donald starts fainting, cancelling events, and having seizures, you'll have a valid point.
Hillary Drops Out


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She must be seriously incapacitated to have to turn down “donations.”


Where is Hillary Clinton? Campaign ‘Postpones’ North Carolina Fundraiser - Breitbart

This is not at all surprising to me. Her health is a real issue and she can not risk being around a lot of people in an environment which could have loud noises and bright lights. I suspect she will be nearly invisible the few days before the debate in an effort to get plenty of rest and whatever treatment she is getting. I am hoping Wikileaks does another email drop the day of the debate just to add more stress and make it a topic for the debate.

So no other candidate EVER cancels campaign stops--REALLY?

Reports: Trump cancels Nevada, Colorado, Oregon events

A medical report regarding Trump's most recent colonoscopy found that Doctor's were very surprised to not find Sean Hannity.


you have to look at the context of the situation. It is very clear she has had at least a few if not several medical/health issues recently, so it is only natural to question her schedule and wonder why she would cancel a fund raiser. Being myopic is not a virtue.

No candidate is going to do campaign stops 1 day before a debate--unless they're just stupid. Hillary Clinton has plenty of money--more than double or triple that what Trump has--so it's a no brainer cancel this campaign stop rest up for the debate tomorrow night.

And I noticed to didn't come up with HEALTH conspiracies over fat man Trump canceling 3 campaign stops.
Republicans In Turmoil As Trump Abruptly Cancels Campaign Events In Three States

A few Points of fact- the debate is not tomorrow night, it's 6 days away.
Trump has not been hauled into a van with his toes dragging on the pavement, nor has he had numerous coughing fits, nor has he been subject to wearing sunglasses to,prevent seizures, nor has he had what looks like episodes of uncontrollable head bobbing. The bulldyke has obvious health issues, just a fact.
The debate should be very entertaining. I wonder if hiLIARy will wear her earpiece again?

As I have said so many times, once the lying scum Right sink their teeth into a lie, they never stop lying.

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