Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI began an investigation into the IRS controversy in May 2013.[30] In October 2015, the DOJ announced it was closing the investigation and would not seek criminal charges.[1] The determination came after an investigation of almost two years, in which the DOJ and FBI interviewed more than 100 witnesses and reviewed more than a million pages of IRS documents.[1]

In a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, announcing the case closure, Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Peter J. Kadzik wrote that while "our investigation uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment, and institutional inertia...Not a single IRS employee reported any allegation, concern or suspicion that the handling of tax-exempt applications—or any other IRS function—was motivated by political bias, discriminatory intent, or corruption."[1]Kadzik wrote "We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution."[31] Kadzik stated that the investigation specifically absolved Lerner of criminal liability, and determined that Lerner was in fact the first official to recognize a problem and try and correct it.
And that proves she is a republican? Whats the damn point dude?
I am still waiting for proof that Lois is a Democrat. Come on, shit for brains, prove me wrong
So you think the Washington post isn't credible?
Goddamn dude, you are all over the map :lol:
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.
From my Washington post link :

Sure, Lerner was a registered Democrat. And she also expressed an interest in working for a nonprofit advocacy group founded by President Obama’s allies, saying in a January 2013 e-mail to another IRS official: “Oh — maybe I can get the DC office job.”

But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
Draining the swamp......One criminal at a time! This is another step in making America great again!

Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

The house GOP cannot file criminal charges, dope.:laugh2:

Yeah they can, contempt of Congress

You run with that, dope. :laugh2:

It's hilarious that as the noose is tightening around Trump folks, these BS "news" stories about Obama or Clinton people facing criminal charges are being propagated.

You guys really are unabashed fools.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.
From my Washington post link :

Sure, Lerner was a registered Democrat. And she also expressed an interest in working for a nonprofit advocacy group founded by President Obama’s allies, saying in a January 2013 e-mail to another IRS official: “Oh — maybe I can get the DC office job.”

But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.

It seems you have the same problem.
See below.
But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
poor Lois, she,s had one foot in a cell for ever , it was breaking news over a year ago .....

Where is bummerben pencil dick? Did his head explode? Maybe he lost his nerve, maybe he is having a snowflake attack. Where ever Bummerben pencil dick is he is still wrong. Lois Lerner is a registered democrat and an Obama supporter. Of course when you prove Bummerben pencil dick wrong he runs away like a little girl. Here is the link proving Bummerben pencil dick wrong.
Does Lois Lerner have a problem with conservatives?
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.
From my Washington post link :

Sure, Lerner was a registered Democrat. And she also expressed an interest in working for a nonprofit advocacy group founded by President Obama’s allies, saying in a January 2013 e-mail to another IRS official: “Oh — maybe I can get the DC office job.”

But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.

It seems you have the same problem.
See below.
But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I wasn't arguing about that at all, ya ignorant asswipe.
Contempt of Congress and Lying to Congress are the only judicial options open to the House.

They can, however, forward information to DOJ seeking it acts to prosecute based upon the provided information.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.
From my Washington post link :

Sure, Lerner was a registered Democrat. And she also expressed an interest in working for a nonprofit advocacy group founded by President Obama’s allies, saying in a January 2013 e-mail to another IRS official: “Oh — maybe I can get the DC office job.”

But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.

It seems you have the same problem.
See below.
But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I wasn't arguing about that at all, ya ignorant asswipe.

That's right. You were arguing a point that really has no point. So what if she were a Dem? It's been investigated and concluded to not have been a crime. The argument was moot from the beginning.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.
From my Washington post link :

Sure, Lerner was a registered Democrat. And she also expressed an interest in working for a nonprofit advocacy group founded by President Obama’s allies, saying in a January 2013 e-mail to another IRS official: “Oh — maybe I can get the DC office job.”

But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I guess the dumbfuck Brummel cant read and find it. Which makes sense, as none of his shit makes sense.

It seems you have the same problem.
See below.
But all of that evidence is circumstantial. None of it proves conclusively that Lerner directed a campaign specifically to target conservative nonprofit groups and hinder them, as Republicans have suggested.
I wasn't arguing about that at all, ya ignorant asswipe.

That's right. You were arguing a point that really has no point. So what if she were a Dem? It's been investigated and concluded to not have been a crime. The argument was moot from the beginning.
Brummel called her a repub and I proved him wrong.
Its so stupid to argue about it, yet, here you are. Nice :thup:

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