Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

Laugh all you want starskie and hutch the tea party beat hillary and exposed Obama and the left for the evil greedy power hungry monsters they are.
It will take extensive forensic analysis before prosecutors can determine whether probable cause exists to charge former IRS supervisor Lois Lerner with a crime, according to Julie Rendleman, a former prosecutor appearing on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum."


gonna be waiting for a few more years ... IDIOTS.

The Tea Party In response to the actions of a stupid lib named Lois!

One could argue that Lois Lerner did us a big favor. She woke up America! She with her stupid actions exposed the corrupt IRS for all to see.
dumbass TP'rs can react until hell freezes over, they got nothing but a crowd of dumbasses being dumbasses

The Tea Party put Mr. Trump in the White House and the Tea Party will be able to see he gets a second term. Call us whatever you want #7...we kicked Obama's ass big time and we are still swinging away. That chump chose the wrong people to mess with.
Draining the swamp......One criminal at a time! This is another step in making America great again!

For some reason I went to the link and read some of the comments, and even readers of the Gateway Pundit don't believe this will happen.

Let that sink in for a moment ....

... even readers of the Gateway Pundit are smarter than Steve_McGarrett.


my cat is smarter than stevie, at least he covers it up after he takes a crap.
Oh no! White right wingers were profiled by a gov law enforcement agency! They had to fill out more paperwork to get tax free status!!!!Worst injustice ever!
I am, you are not. You are an Alt Right wannabee pretend Republican. There was no crime. Get over it, Sassy
What would you say if you learned that the IRS under Trump was burying BLM groups and other liberal groups under piles of paperwork only to deny them status in the end and shut them down?
Jake won't answer he always has nothing to say when cornered with logic and tough questions.
Oh no! White right wingers were profiled by a gov law enforcement agency! They had to fill out more paperwork to get tax free status!!!!Worst injustice ever!

Before an election.. God you love to play stupid don't you?


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