Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

Factual evidence says she did. And she also lied to Congress which is another crime. She also conspired with teh obummer Admin to disseminate the tax records of the various right wing groups to their left wing opponents which is a HUGE felony. So no, she IS a criminal and she needs to spend the rest of her days in prison.

As i've heard a lot lately from your side, Why can't you post any of this so-called evidence? All you have in inuendo, that's already been investigated, and all your new hope is based on a political witch hunt from republicans after getting control of the government.

So tell me...
Why did the IRS apologize if they hadnt done anything wrong?

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election
The real scam goes ignored by both parties because they both want to benefit from the scam.

Which is absolutely true, but government bureaucrats who abuse their power need to be dealt with by the legal system. She violated a whole host of laws and the canon of ethics. She's a scum who needs to be in prison. koskinen too needs to be indicted.

Baloney. She was in charge of verifying those groups applying for tax-free status masquerading as social welfare organisations. They were overwhelmed with applications after CU and there were no guidelines for the verification selection process. Targeting the supposed welfare organizations by political sounding names is what she did. What host of laws do you think she broke?
Factual evidence says she did. And she also lied to Congress which is another crime. She also conspired with teh obummer Admin to disseminate the tax records of the various right wing groups to their left wing opponents which is a HUGE felony. So no, she IS a criminal and she needs to spend the rest of her days in prison.

As i've heard a lot lately from your side, Why can't you post any of this so-called evidence? All you have in inuendo, that's already been investigated, and all your new hope is based on a political witch hunt from republicans after getting control of the government.


You mean swept under the rug by Eric Holder?

Yes this was all part of Obamas fiendish plot to use the tax office in a super red district to target groups looking for tax exempt status for an organization that cant even campaign against Obama!
They admitted they were wrong.
People admit it's wrong for a gentleman not to give up his seat on the subway for a lady. But there's a difference between wrong, and criminal. They were wrong, but they didn't break any laws.

The part you seem to be a
The real scam goes ignored by both parties because they both want to benefit from the scam.

Which is absolutely true, but government bureaucrats who abuse their power need to be dealt with by the legal system. She violated a whole host of laws and the canon of ethics. She's a scum who needs to be in prison. koskinen too needs to be indicted.

Baloney. She was in charge of verifying those groups applying for tax-free status masquerading as social welfare organisations. They were overwhelmed with applications after CU and there were no guidelines for the verification selection process. Targeting the supposed welfare organizations by political sounding names is what she did. What host of laws do you think she broke?

They apologized because they were guilty.

^^ and he thinks it's also preposterous to think team Obama didn't wire tap Trump

Liberals a gullible one born every minute if they can survive the coat hanger...

Factual evidence says she did. And she also lied to Congress which is another crime. She also conspired with teh obummer Admin to disseminate the tax records of the various right wing groups to their left wing opponents which is a HUGE felony. So no, she IS a criminal and she needs to spend the rest of her days in prison.

As i've heard a lot lately from your side, Why can't you post any of this so-called evidence? All you have in inuendo, that's already been investigated, and all your new hope is based on a political witch hunt from republicans after getting control of the government.

It's out there clown boy. It has been posted here, go find it. I'm not your servant so waste your own time.
If you want to real example of a government targeting a political group see the Texas voter ID law. Even the courts can see the GOP was targeting potential Democratic voters.
Yes this was all part of Obamas fiendish plot to use the tax office in a super red district to target groups looking for tax exempt status for an organization that cant even campaign against Obama!

Isn't the point that tax exempt is granted to non-political groups.
Draining the swamp......One criminal at a time! This is another step in making America great again!

I hope they do. She needs to pay for her crimes.

Lois committed no crimes. No right-wing group was denied a tax-free status as a result of her actions. She was correct in questioning whether these groups qualified for the status. Political groups don't qualify.

Factual evidence says she did. And she also lied to Congress which is another crime. She also conspired with teh obummer Admin to disseminate the tax records of the various right wing groups to their left wing opponents which is a HUGE felony. So no, she IS a criminal and she needs to spend the rest of her days in prison.

Bullshit. Being incompetent and doing your job badly was not illegal the last time I looked. There was never any evidence that she lied before Congress or that her targeting of right-wing groups was done at the behest of the Obama Administration.

This was just another FOX News phony scandal.

You've been proven wrong a whole lot lately dear, may i suggest you just keep quiet lest you be made fool of again.
As i've heard a lot lately from your side, Why can't you post any of this so-called evidence? All you have in inuendo, that's already been investigated, and all your new hope is based on a political witch hunt from republicans after getting control of the government.

It's out there clown boy. It has been posted here, go find it. I'm not your servant so waste your own time.

I'm sure it's all over right wing blogs, and spam sites. So I can understand why you can't post any legitimate sources for our claims.

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