Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.
Rightard... nothing is proven while the evidence of such is "forthcoming"

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you morons that even simple logic as this eludes you so easily?
Obviously you have a problem with admitting that Trump was right.
There is a process that is ongoing that pugknockers and Sheep Shaggers like yourself aren't privvy to. Hiding behind the sensitive nature of this investigation so you can distort the truth isn't helping your position and I'm growing tired of it.

Trump said his phones in Trump Towers were wiretapped by Obama.

You're nuts to think he was right.
Actually he said he had been wiretapped by Obama. Could have been his servers. Could have been his phones. That's what they're in the process of finding out.
And he said his "phones" were wiretapped. And you said he was right.
Do you know how digital phones are tapped?

QAM data transmissions are captured in bulk. there is not a physical tap on any one line. Burst identifiers are what identify the data strings and are how the data is recompiled into analog voice coming from the phone. This is also how the tap occurs using the burst identifiers.
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

In the strict denotative meaning I believe that you may be correct, not in the connotative meaning though...[/QUOTE]

You can't infer more than what he said unless you're asserting that Trump has some sort of disability that makes it difficult for him to express himself clearly.
The national review can go suck a root. This is purely opinion, not fact. Nobody gives a horses ass what liberal journalists think anyway.
All anyone has at this point is opinions. Don't be such a fucking tard
Apparently not, dickhead.
Nunes has more than an opinion, fucknuts.
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.
Explain how the unmasking took place without surveillance?
Trump said his phones in Trump Towers were wiretapped by Obama.

You're nuts to think he was right.
Actually he said he had been wiretapped by Obama. Could have been his servers. Could have been his phones. That's what they're in the process of finding out.

It could have only been his phones, since Trumps server, actually just being used by Trump, wasn't located in Trump Tower.
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

In the strict denotative meaning I believe that you may be correct, not in the connotative meaning though...

You can't infer more than what he said unless you're asserting that Trump has some sort of disability that makes it difficult for him to express himself clearly.[/QUOTE]
Actually you're a literalist with blinders on the size of Manhattan.
I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed. Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.

Gotta hand it to you trumpfluffing crybabies -- you don't care how stupid you look defending the obvious trump team collusion with the ruskies by whimpering that the real crime is exposing it. That's even worse than insisting the conman hairclown himself, isn't a liar and a thief. Or is that the reason you're doing it -- there's still enough wiggle room in admitting this apparent act of treason to pretend you still have some pride? If he claims he's being blackmailed, will you forgive him for that too?
Only an Obama fluffer thinks that all of the leaks that surfaced the first weeks of the Trump presidency was just by accident. Somebody had to have ordered the intel agencies to spy on their political enemy and newly elected president. It's been well known by everyone that Obama has been spying on everyone. Foreign leaders, journalists, or anyone who got in his way. This is why so many were too afraid to go against him, because they didn't want their private lives splashed all over the headlines in the media. Well the problem here is Obama went too far and did it to a sitting president, and he his going to be hounded by this for years until they get to the bottom of it. There has to be a limit to what a president can get away with and Obama has definitely stepped over that limit. My hope is that he is convicted of espionage, and criminal conspiracies, and his Secret Service privileges revoked. He should have to pay for his own security.

Boldly whimpered. Too bad it's been repeatedly proven false by those not sucking the hairclown's dick.
Also your hopes and predictions expose silly nonsense that could only be believed by a complete idiot. Is it possible you could have even more idiotic beliefs?
Trump said his phones in Trump Towers were wiretapped by Obama.

You're nuts to think he was right.
Actually he said he had been wiretapped by Obama. Could have been his servers. Could have been his phones. That's what they're in the process of finding out.

It could have only been his phones, since Trumps server, actually just being used by Trump, wasn't located in Trump Tower.
It could have been just his cellphone while they were in Trump Towers.
This is how dishonest liberal assholes on this forum hide from the truth. Even if they are 100% wrong and all the facts spelled out in detail, they'll still look for a way to deny it. Wiretapping is that way for now.
Billy_Bob: Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

Faun: Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Billy_Bob: Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team

You claimed Trump was the target of an "illegal investigation."

Where's your evidence? Saying, wait and see tomorrow, is not evidence and only serves to prove you have no evidence to back your claim.

Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
Gotta hand it to you trumpfluffing crybabies -- you don't care how stupid you look defending the obvious trump team collusion with the ruskies by whimpering that the real crime is exposing it. That's even worse than insisting the conman hairclown himself, isn't a liar and a thief. Or is that the reason you're doing it -- there's still enough wiggle room in admitting this apparent act of treason to pretend you still have some pride? If he claims he's being blackmailed, will you forgive him for that too?
Only an Obama fluffer thinks that all of the leaks that surfaced the first weeks of the Trump presidency was just by accident. Somebody had to have ordered the intel agencies to spy on their political enemy and newly elected president. It's been well known by everyone that Obama has been spying on everyone. Foreign leaders, journalists, or anyone who got in his way. This is why so many were too afraid to go against him, because they didn't want their private lives splashed all over the headlines in the media. Well the problem here is Obama went too far and did it to a sitting president, and he his going to be hounded by this for years until they get to the bottom of it. There has to be a limit to what a president can get away with and Obama has definitely stepped over that limit. My hope is that he is convicted of espionage, and criminal conspiracies, and his Secret Service privileges revoked. He should have to pay for his own security.

Boldly whimpered. Too bad it's been repeatedly proven false by those not sucking the hairclown's dick.
Also your hopes and predictions expose silly nonsense that could only be believed by a complete idiot. Is it possible you could have even more idiotic beliefs?
How does one go about boldly whimpering?
Aren't those conflicting terms?
Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
I guess you never heard of a cop term "Probable Cause".
It's a great way of solving crimes. Refusing to follow leads is what James Comey is good at doing, not everyone else.
Do you know how digital phones are tapped?

QAM data transmissions are captured in bulk. there is not a physical tap on any one line. Burst identifiers are what identify the data strings and are how the data is recompiled into analog voice coming from the phone. This is also how the tap occurs using the burst identifiers.

You have to know which switches the phone data travels through,would be from the local telephone switch. If you're taping the Russian embassy, it would be in DC, if you were taping Trump Tower it would be in New York. Since it was a FISA authorized interception, that means it was in DC, where the foreign party was located.
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

In the strict denotative meaning I believe that you may be correct, not in the connotative meaning though...

You can't infer more than what he said unless you're asserting that Trump has some sort of disability that makes it difficult for him to express himself clearly.
Actually you're a literalist with blinders on the size of Manhattan.[/QUOTE]

You're too quick to jump to conjecture and nonsense.
The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in fundraising emails.

Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
I guess you never heard of a cop term "Probable Cause".
It's a great way of solving crimes. Refusing to follow leads is what James Comey is good at doing, not everyone else.
I have heard the term, "moron," and it perfectly describes an individual who never personally examined the evidence thinks reverse targeting was employees when the person who is actually reviewing the evidence says he doesn't know if reverse targeting was used.


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